Is summoning a demon something very scary?

that’s what I am talking about, What’s the solution?

Yes correct, I have a good time here because I am trying to learn something.

This is what happens to me now, Fear before practice.


Fear??? Control an entity??? No, dear, you can’t control them. You could only welcome them into your life as brothers. And where I come from there is this popular saying “One who is afraid of bears should not walk around the woods”.

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@sadangel To my understanding fear is something we all need, to some degree, if there’s no fear, the body might not go into the fight or flight mode which is completely natural mechanism and much needed too, l guess.
I think you’re not doing yourself any favor by saying “l can’t do magic/lm too scared for this”. Don’t forget that by assuming that those words are true to you, you’re already kind of programming your mind into a certain mindset and similar to a statement “I’m a loser and a piece of work, I will never achieve anything “, you will not develop and progress until you’ve got rid of this destructive idea that’s consuming your potential and feeding off of your energy.

Now, let me tell you, fear used to be my best friend, l can say, it would devour me day by day and l would regress into a miserable state. It would constantly stop me from pursuing my goals, ld think why on earth would l want more from life if I’m already sh*t scared of if the way it is, don’t need no more of that.
I’m slowly letting go of that fear because l know that if l don’t embrace what’s hidden out there, I’ll be stuck in this horrible same fucking spot that l hate. I’m not a fan of vicious circles.

Now, don’t get me wrong, lm not asking you to jump right into an invocation with an attitude of “hey, lm fearless, come get me big boys!” Not at all, that would be foolish.
You might want to ask yourself what it is that you’re so afraid of, that you might see a demon? You’ve probably seen many in movies. Nothing happened l guess.
Perhaps the feelings you’re experiencing are aimed at you facing your own fears. Bear in mind that some spirits might want to test you to see your reaction and to check what you’re made of. They might not want to work with someone who will hide under the blanket every time they come forward.

A little of fear is normal while reaching out to those entities for we’re dealing with something we cannot fully comprehend. Just think of the overwhelming fear as a huge,huge obstacle that’s stopping you from pursuing your dreams. Also, you might not want to think of pacts of any kind at the moment, just focus on making contact and be comfortable enough to actually feel good about it. You don’t want to think about going into a ritual as another fearful and scary experience, that would be sheer torture.

Remember that the spirits are there to help you shake off your weaknesses, any bondages that limit you or stand in your way.

I wish you best and l hope you’ll gradually overcome your fears and get into the right mindset to actually be able to enjoy this whole path. Much love bro!

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Yeap! Thank you.

I have already told spirits that I am very afraid, I told her that I am not strong-hearted. She knows that very well. Fear is a very good thing, It keeps me safe! Personally, I have no problem in saying that I am weak and cowardly and that I am unable to cope. I am and I will remain so all my life. Fear is important to me because it is part of me and it protects me.

I want to control my feelings, especially my fear.

I’m a bit confused, you’re saying you are okay with your sense of fear yet you want to control it. And that this fear protects you. That’s absolutely fine, a bit puzzling though.
From your posts l conclude that you want to summon a spirit of your choosing, yet you’re scared of the very thought of them appearing before you ,to the point of passing out and lapsing into coma…
I remember l was talking to Lucifer, just my regular monologue and l asked him
more or less “if you manifest for me, please do it in a shape or form that would not scare the living hell out of me”. The moment l said those words l kind of thought to myself ,now wait a minute, this is wrong. So l carried on saying to appear in any shape or form he likes or feels it’s OK for me because l don’t want my fear to control me.

Have you thought of working with angels to start with? That might be something for you if you’re too scared to approach the other realm at the moment. So many people here have worked with angels and the comments prove that they are just as happy as with working with demons. Just an idea.

I hope you’ll find your answers and will get what you’re looking for !

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You will have more fear to conjure the essence of a person then a daemon.


Very true, I agree. We also have a tendency to leave it to the last minute — where it’s too late. Look at us now, the world as a whole; from leaving things too late.

But OP, fear no more! I was very scared when slowly entering the LHP… Once you wash all that fear ; results and presence are dear. That’s something to be grateful of.

Messing with things that I am not aware of is something I would consider to be fearful of because it’s uncharted territory and I’m unsure when I’m getting myself into.

Fear is a byproduct of uncertainty… associate the feeling with excitement and thrill, it’s a better exchange.

Be keen and put your whole heart into it and it’ll show what you are capable of. Just take each step slowly and learn along the way.

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There is nothing to be afraid of. There is good and evil in our world. To be indifferent to evil is what we’ve been taught for centuries. Not to respond. To obey. Not to discover and master the power of evil for your own protection. Why? Because “the devil will come and get you and steal your soul😈”. Nice try. But we’re not 5 yo.

However, I think that while doing whatever ritual or summoning - anyone should feel comfortable and eager to get knowledge and help from the entity he/she works with. If you still feel fear then you could work with angels I guess. Good luck.

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Thank you very much, madam. I will keep my principles and decisions.

Yes, knowledge is a necessary and important thing. For me, knowledge is the light that will enable me to know the way in the dark world.

Do angels differ from demons? What is the difference between them?

I think angels are less powerful than demons, I also think that the angelic is very beautiful. Is it totally true?

Then you are very wrong, my friend. Angels are just as powerful as demons, some even more so, and have been called upon to constrain and repel demons for centuries within ceremonial magick.


Yeah it is and anyone that tells you differently is lying. Build up to it though. Don’t just jump right in at the deep end


Yeah it’s either scary or else it damned well should be. No one’s in more danger in this game than the professedly fearless. On top of that the focus of the magician mustn’t waver or succumb to fear.

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Well, it depends on the demon, but they are all scary to varying degrees, that’s my opinion. If I invoke Marbas it’s uncomfortable at first and mellows out, one of the demon kings and it’s a whole different ballgame. So I know what you are saying lol. You have your first experience really with one, to base your future experiences on, and some can be quite intense to put it lightly. If I were to suddenly wake up to one at the foot of my bed, ya it would scare the crap out of me.

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