Is summoning a demon something very scary?

Which is good…

I’m looser

I won’t, deny or accept that you are a loser… But…

“Do or do not there is no try”


I understand you! Thank you for the clarification.

“you’re not a, coward you just, think you are”…


I am trying to change… Thank you :sparkling_heart:

Yeah, summoning a demon can be downright terrifying.
There is a gradual method of getting to know a demon, trace out its symbol, put it under your pillow etc. Demons don’t really want to scare us, or be too much for us. Sometimes people say, what, I went through all the steps and nothing happened. There is the mental preparation as well as the physical, Practice meditation and yoga. Practice something like Libre Samekah and knowing yourself.
Of course there is the “I know I need to do this.” and “I have done divination and I know this will work out for me.” From the very first I always compared what would happen if I summoned a demon, to what would happen if I did not, and when I went to look at those outcomes, through divination, it was very clear what I needed to do.

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Yes don’t stress… You’ll get, it right just keep up the daily work… Discipline

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Thank you very much for this information! The preparation is very important and practice

stress is controlled me, too, and I try to avoid it

But your energy cheers me up… IDK why​:joy::joy:
And if Lucifer appears as a dragon UT will be in your minds eye darn it​:joy::joy:like an imagination… But a vivid one so chill out… It’ll be just like the fantasies you have, in your head not a real actual dragon unless he decides to get physical lol

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The first time I summoned Lilith I was scared and the only way I thought I could overcome that fear was to ask Lilith for a guardian demon, I am still a little fearful but afterwards I feel empowered by demons.

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Lucifer chills with me as a Jokester

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I have never summoned Lilith… What was, your experience like… Like how she appears… I have this low-key adoration for her but we’ve never crossed paths

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I have never seen her strangely enough.

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Lilith is Amazing Mother, Lover, And the Bestest Friend you can have

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Yes not to worry…fear is something implanted and it can, be removed and replaced with better virtues… From a, channelling of Baal by someone I heard “it is in war that man understands his true power”

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How does she appear like, to you?

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Or harnessed*

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Summoning Lilith brings tenderness and psychological comfort?

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