Is Sitri a creep?

@Cakesandcandles Each person have their own reasons to use magick. Each demon have more than one power. I use sitri not for sex but to make my neighbors leave or be quiet. That’s one of his other powers.

There’s tons of people here male and female that are into astral life with demons/spirits which isn’t my taste as they have different purpose . To me I find silly as magick to me is about practical usage to better one’s life not to escape real life into astral life. I call that escaping physical living.

However, they have freedom to use magick however they want. I don’t find that productive but hey, everyone in life isn’t always productive. Some are just trap in drama or stagnant in one phase of life. There are even adults who play video games day in and day out to kill time. They work hard to make ends meet and all they do is play games in their free time and not do anything else for the rest of their life. Who are we to judge? that’s how they want to live their life. so be it. Live and let live.

What is silly to one may be important to another. Everyone is in different journey and something may be selfish and baneful. Maybe they need to learn lessons the hard way. Maybe they need to be selfish in order to set things in motion in the future so that they will learn some soul growth later or even get hurt by others to set things in motion for soul growth. Even if they hurt others. that other person will learn from the hurt. Maybe get revenge so the caster learn lesson. :man_shrugging: we don’t know what the end game will be.

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well… what kind of sigil did you buy? where did you “hide” it? did you empower it when you received it.
it might be something totally different such as negative energy, and spirits lingering.

i read everything but dont get your question huney :slight_smile: say it again, even in pm

Thanks for reply. I bought it one year ago, 5 sigils of Prince Sitri. I didn’t empower it. It was hidden in orange colord glass box.

This is a perfect description of how I have seen and experienced viscerally raw and uninhibited sex with women.

When I read the description of Prince Sitri’s habits, what you describe is exactly what I envisioned. The number of times I’ve heard a woman express humiliating and degrading fantasies during sex would surprise many people, and upon hearing these confessions in the heat of passion, what else could any self respecting man do besides laugh with a satisfied snarl as he fulfills them, taunting her at every step?

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Find out for yourself .

That was exactly the human image of Sitri i had since i heard of him… and i dont think i have developped astral senses.
I am in love… he is so handsome

Yes, Sitri will make a man’s lust fuel him to expose many things connecting sex and money. How much he has, how much he is willing to spend on you, how embarrassed he is about what he has in his mind, pants and bank account and how much he is willing to share his resources with you can all be revealed quickly. Using this info to decide your next move is key and you may want to ruminate over what is revealed before acting further.

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While I’ve noticed other non-physical entities can and have been excellent helpers when it’s come to stimulating the more spiritual qualities of love between two people, Sitri has decidedly taken a more sexual bent on creating the rapport and connection which resultantly can develop. This has been most valuable to me, personally. And though I agree there is a somewhat overtly mischievous nature to Sitri’s personality, it is not a malevolence, nor does this trait extend toward the operator or their target. The mischief is, in my opinion, the fun of a cat playing with a mouse before eating it-- only let’s make it a sexual analogy in terms of what it means to be hunted and devoured through lust.

As for being a leopard in symbolic relation of his chosen form, then one may in my opinion try to think about using their own senses, drives and instincts to spot opportunities to similarly “prey” upon the object of one’s desire. Sitri, to me then, is an incubus spirit first and foremost: able to help one enact the ways and tricks of the incubus in their own lives as much as bringing specific people to you and helping to plant those very thoughts which sway the will over time into alignment.

How I’ve seen him act to achieve success is twofold: first is in reliably creating a sexualized aura for myself which then becomes highly useful as a tool to create and enhance emotional intimacy and sexual rapport in general with a target. But moreover, he seems adept at making your target bold by consequence of your figurative proddings; hence what I feel is the “showing themselves naked” part of his description, perhaps due to causing things to stick in their mind. I mean I’ve literally even heard that before: “I’ve been finding myself stuck thinking about X you said, lately…” And sure enough it, in short, wound up manifesting as being invited over to have sex, which flared up into a relationship.

Long story short-- despite some of the worries raised about him in this thread from those who have not worked with him as much, I personally consider Sitri a good friend that I have replied upon in certain binds. He had even spontaneously appeared to me in partial physical manifestation as being a black, floating, cat-like humanoid head back when I was merely first looking at his sigil in a book however intently. He has since proven himself among the most eager of them all in my experience. And quite pleasant. In saying so, I rarely mind paying back the spirits with heartfelt recommendations as such. And with that being said, I’d not be surprised if you also came to find the right reasons to agree with this perception as well however many days, weeks or months in the future, when looking back on a day like today.

Good luck. :smiley:


Everyone will have different views , take it at face value