Is Santa Muerte’s energy normally Hot?

Santa Muerte has 3 main aspects, or robes as we call them. She has a white robe, a black robe, and a red robe. There are other coloured robes associated with her, like green, purple, etc, but they are minor and aren’t considered to be traditional.

I do know that her red robe is hot. Hot temper, hot and fast action, and hot energy. I don’t usually work with the red robe, but yep, she’s quick to anger - so be careful. Can’t say for the purple robe, I’ve never worked with it.

She won’t have felt left out for that sort of thing. I find that on occasion she will demand answers from me, but once a situation has been explained, she usually calms down. So yes she can get rather irate, but she is quick to cool down and forgive once she has been given a truthful answer/explanation. If you let her down, and break a promise, she will cause you problems. She did that to me once, but when I told her I broke that promise because I genuinely was exhausted, she forgave me. I also set some ground rules and told her she doesn’t have to create problems if she’s not happy. She can just talk to me and we’ll work it out. And that’s what she does with me now. She’s fabulous, really. I miss her when I have to take a hiatus.