Is occult a religion?What should occultists identify themselves as?

I think as an individual that occult is much more than a religion and that if someone asks me about religion or spirituality I should say that I am Pagan unless they are some religious extremist.In that case I say that I am an Agnostic Atheist or Anti-Theist.I mostly posted this to see people’s opinions…

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I like to identify as Pagan or Atheist,depending on who asks…I posted this mostly to see other people’s opinions on this

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I live in Canada. I have worn my BALG shirt with the seal of Belial on it and no one even batted an eye.

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no Satanism is that edgy atheistic goth emo trend that western teens adapt so they can rebel against society the occult is just the occult hidden knowledge you can call yourself spiritual or open minded maybe a shaman mage wizard or witch I wouldn’t say magician because that implies Penn and Teller style of stage magic


Thats nice…I could wear a Belial shirt around but no one would recognize it.If on the other hand I was to wear a shirt with symbol of Iblis or maybe even Lucifer they would see it and…well I don’t think I would not be writing this.I lost a good friend just because he found out about the occult and me.We tried to keep friendship but he just continued talking about me going to hell lol

I worship many gods so I call myself pagan or panotheistic

You identify as what you want. I personally practice chaos magic, and I use sigils and any system that catches my fancy at the time. Hermetics, voodoo, Greek shit, astrology, tarot, keys of Solomon, etc, hell I’ll even use stuff from Wicca if the situation calls for it. I dont care to let people know I practice magic for various reasons, so I don’t really identify as anything other than maybe (loosely) a Pagan, though my lifestyle doesn’t really reflect that of a Pagan.
If you are the type to share with people like that, you could identify with whatever system you use the most. Or just go with “magician, witch, practitioner, occultist” etc.


I practice chaos Magick shamanism and hoodoo voodoo I use sigil work and commute with the demonic spirits of the infernal realms call it dark Magick witchcraft black Magick Satanism whatever

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Bricaud wrote that occultism is based both on heart, like religion, and mind, like science. He assigned religion to the negative polarity; instead, for Rendhell the cosmic religion (final and perfect stage in religions evolution) is neuter (infinite, Mercury), science is positive (Sun) and art negative (Moon). Magic is composed of these elements: create in order to destroy, destroy in order to create, and the synthesis of the two.

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I was asked by a coworker what I am, in that case I usually just go with agnostic “I believe in a higher power but not like the bible”


Yeah but Satanism is like 666…666 only has power that people gave to the number over around 2000 years.Real number that demons are connected to is 9.) demon kings in Goetia,9 demonic Gatekeepers,9 gods in egypt,9 gates and so on and so forth.666 is just something that writer of Bible pulled out of his a$$.Satanism is like that.If you call yourself Satanist most people won’t know what it truly means.

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dont forget 7 7 planets 7 days in a week 7 earth realms etc and Crowley 777

They didn’t batted an eye because they probably didn’t know what BALG means and who is King Belial and what that cool design on your shirt meant, if they knew then you would definitely have got lots of bad and mean looks, and even some lectures that the devil has deceived you and you need to repent, and even some classic “you’ll burn in hell” :rofl:


666 means nothing

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Naw, I’ve worn it to the local Salvation Army charity and they didn’t care, even though I could tell they knew what it meant.

Yes I know that 666 means nothing but people instantly give it value because some guy from 2000 years ago wrote it in his book when he was probably high on drugs.People just give it meaning.Satanism doesn’t really mean much but people give it meaning…

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Some researched it and the 666 was actually supposed to be a reference to Nero Ceasar so that’s pretty far off from Satan lol though he was one evil dude. :rofl:

Satanism does have meaning, it is (in sort) a belief in self. LaVey liked to say he was an Itheist. Everything is inside and comes from you, no God or Demon exists but from your own mind.


Is science a religion? Is art a religion?

Then why would the occult be a religion?


yeah I’ve heard that as well 666 is actually just the name for Crowley as he was the beast the drug fiend :joy:

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science is anti religion