Is Mephistopheles great for beginners?

So like…Is Mephistopheles great for beginners?let’s say if you didn’t open up your third eye yet would it still be okay to call upon him? Is he very patient like Lucifuge? I have that about Evoking him for awhile ever since I bought the book Of Mephisto I got the version that came with the amulet and it looks really bad ass but I thought I should work with Satan 1st because I think he’s calling me so and I was thinking about doing Belial next because no think I saw him when I was a kid

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Mephistopheles is a figure of Goethe.

Try Mephistophiel from Dr. Johannes Faust :wink:
But I wouldn’t make a pact with him.
The work is named: ‘Magia naturalis et innaturalis’.

Mephistophiel in his appearance of an
old man is friendliest to humans.
I could send you a picture of him and his sigil
if you don’t find the book in its english translation.

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Here he is. I remembered, I published him though.

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By conventional wisdom? Fuckno :stuck_out_tongue:

He and Bune are kind of the cliche poster boy demons for sticking shady shit in the fine print and taking days or weeks to haggle with over terms.

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@Lukjanof thanks!

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@Dusk So is Mephisto not good to work w/?

Depends on what you want in a demon.

Mephisto’s thorough, specific, and exacting. That has its pros and cons as far as the magician is concerned.


@Dusk so like what would happen if I just want him to reach me every thing he knows?

He could teach you a lot . Give it a spin and let us know how it goes.


@Dusk K. Cool! I’ll give an update when I get to him.

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His Sigillum is in my last contribution on
the recommended page. Don’t miss it.
And tell us about your experiences, please.
Once Mephistophiel was in my hospital room
at night climbing at a lamp but talked little.

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Mephistophiel is the most notorious demon any magician has ever worked with. If you’re going to work with a demon, it seems like your best choice, and the most difficult based on the availability of information, so taking those two things together: the most ambitious option. I’m not under the impression this site has very good information on him. I don’t own the Mephistopheles grimoire that’s sold on this site, but they seem to think he’s simply a literary version of Lucifuge. Faust was a real person, and Mephistophiel/Mephistopheles was part of the Urfaust legend and not an invention of Goethe, Marlowe, etc. If you’re interested in Mephistopheles, I’d recommend looking at all the medieval sources and, yes, reading the literature on Faust.


Faust learned astral travel from Mephistophiel and had a pact with him, I think for 24 years and died through Mephistophiel (according to the legend) after circa ten years.

Once in hospital I saw Mephistophiel climbing up a lamp but he refused to talk much with me.

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Wow! Thanks for all the information @Dawnbringer! I have the complete edition that comes with the amulet. I read the book but never performed any of the Rituals because I thought they were just too advanced for me

This site does seem to have adapted their Lucifuge sigil from one of the less-popular Mephisto sigils, but besides that I don’t think I’d completely equate Lucifuge and Mephistopheles. Most of the other sources out there use Rofocale as the name of Lucifuge Rofocale. A lot of information on this site in general doesn’t match what most other sources say about demonology. I guess that works if you’re doing chaos magick though.