Is magick "fake"?

And some people will always be shitty in Magick as some are in Math. That doesn’t mean Math doesn’t work.


Lol well I never said magick is fake or doesn’t work?

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No, you’ve just simply questioned,
wether some people can really harness the powers they claim.

To be quite honest,
that’s a very difficult topic for itself,
and could easily fill a complete own Topic.

So i suggest we leave it where it is,
for now.

Unless Goku really wants to discuss,
but i don’t think so.



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I have no problem discussing it man. There are a lot who are TOO MUCH INTO COSPLAY. Claiming bullshit and fueling their non existent EGO , To GET LIKES. Ever wondered with so many Demonic Sex, Romantic demonic dinner and even Demonic child going around, nobody even knows the Demonic Hierarchy, something almost Every Black MAGE is Extremely interested in.

What’s the relationship between demons and Lwas? Between Dakinis And demons? As all 3 are Planetary based spirits, There have to be some interaction, relation.

Even Hookers who Blows on street without even looking at the face can extract more Info that this.
A 5 word’s info about the stock market can make few millions within 6 months.

At the same time there are some narcissist types who think all that is real In their magical career IS REAL, And beyond that is all bullshit. Mumbo Jumbo. Those who belittle other’s magicak claim but won’t question E.A ( Their Crush ) when he many times have said that He tried to master to physically materialize his astral body as was taught to him in his soul travel path-working and got success for QUITE a FEW MOMENTS.

What ur Opinion ???


Finally somebody said it.


you seem to have a really interesting breed of Hookers over there!!!



You should start transforming them into Succuby,
and sending them out to the rest of the world.^^





Oh no not questioning anything it’s just starting out everyone goes through false happenings until they improve and keep their ego under control. A healthy ego is better than no ego or an inflated ego.

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At least no ego they are well grounded albeit push-over slaves for everyone. Inflated egos are great to see crushed when they are clearly outmatched by someone who has raw skill and not a lot of fluff BS talk. Seeing groupies crushed when their ego-maniac lord is smashed is fucking hilarious.

Now i can only go by “muggle” standards in the workplace (when i was working in my field) but i loved seeing the new flashy fools lose their ego will when i could rattle off and demonstrate effortlessly the the work we were supposed to be doing. Those people were also bad leaders and put their work onto others. Sadly, they had this shit charm and when your corporation you work for is bought up by younger businessmen; the old dog gets the dog house and these punks get the corner office.

Bullshit! Still, they’re idiots and settle for inferior materials and deals line from China and SE Africa. And their production teams are laughable. Ah, i miss those days in that office.

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Constructive response

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@Yberion Berioth To be fair you didnt change genes that express physical features. Ie change the dudes hair color, nose shape, or feet length (teehee). I do know gene expression can be turned off and on with certain actions understress or with different diets. For example you activate new genes that are dormant when you take up a new skill.


Thank you for your educated reply.

Indeed, the gene is very young,
has just been built,
and hasn’t dealt with those transformations fully right now.

It’s currently learning,
how to reduce a massively overweight body,
a case of Obecity,
back down to the apropriate size,
the holder of the Gene actually wants to have.

That is a strong physical Change,
but it’s work on Progress,
and can’t be confirmed as of yet.



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None the less i am interested in it and will be trying it out. Along with the video merkaba meditation you provided.

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i feel this might hold value to you.

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Us NWO agents are contractually obligated to play Devil’s advocate every now and then.

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I knew it.

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I knew someone in therapy who was terrified od zozo.

Magick is what you make of it.

If you dont believe in it, it doesnt happen to you or around you. Curses bounce away. But so do charms (good luck spells, etc)

If you do believe in it. It is f-ing everywhere. Like holy hell. Ghosts have haunted me since I was 4. Animals flock to me and love me without even doing anything. But also bad stuff worse than ghosts. Example, our creek behind our house apparently was an ancient location that the “king of wendigos frequented” and my boyfriend heard (summer solstice 2013) war drums, native American chanting, and laughter. And then saw the f*ker spying at him from a tree. Prowling. I have been avoiding go out past dark for the last 2 weeks and will continue to through summer. We hear sounds in the field like humans imitating coyotes.

So like I said. It’s what you make of it. Others dont feel or hear that when they’re over.

Other example real quick. My whole family is convinced the family farm has fairies. As my great aunt knew a dude who’s only name was “Blackie” no last name or anything. Only one photo of him. Plain clothes but extremely handsome. But even though they remember his name they dont remember a single thing about him. And after that my aunt literally only spoke in rhymes and such. Her favorite thing to say was “see you later alligator, after a while crocodile.” And when she was on her death bed she was asked about it. Previously completely comatose. But at the word fairies she raised her brow then furrowed it like she was listening. After she died I had sent my boyfriend a braided lock of hair with a red ribbon around it. Told him it was so he could have a part of me with him. But it’s actually a safety device. If a fairy drags you in to their realm you need a part of you in this one to return.

I had it in an envelope and he had the envelope sealed and wrapped in a scarf I knitted him. A month after her death I get a dream that I was kidnapped (ultra realistic) to be their servant and sing for them and basically be the fairy queens hand maiden. After what felt like hours of struggling I forced myself to wake up.

Immediately called him and asked him to check it. The drawer it was in was closed. But when he opened it the envelope was pulled out of the scarf, flipped over, and the hair lock was pulled halfway out.

So. Like I said. What you make of it. I for one believe it is.


I was talking philosophy with my brother yesterday. We were on numbers existing and I was saying he agrees with Plato.
He said, “Not even God can make one plus one equal three.”
That’s exactly how Plato saw things but he’s my brother so I had to try to mess with him. There was a wide ceramic ashtray and a few butts on the table. One of the butts was already sitting next to the lip of the ashtray in just such a way that he couldn’t see it.

He explained his point for a few seconds and I grabbed all the butts except the pre-hidden one and set them on the table. When he finished talking I held one of them up and said, “There’s one cigarette butt,” and dropped it in the ashtray.
He’s my brother too, so he knew I was about to fuck with him. He grinned and watched my hands very closely as I dropped the second butt in the ashtray, “there’s one more.”

As soon as I waved my palm over the ashtray and said, “AlaKazam!”
My brother was like, “No see you had to alakazam that shit. One plus one is still two. You had to mess with it.”

He was right, but I never had to show the third cigarette butt. My bro watched my hands and didn’t see me do anything, but he knew the third butt was there without seeing it. It’s probably still in that same spot.

I can’t remember how I was going to make that seem thread-related but I think it is probably.