I didn’t suggest for a moment that you did want to hurt someone. Strange brain you have there my friend. Of course what i should have added is there is no need for force with money. Force however is to hurt someone.
I didn’t suggest for a moment that you did want to hurt someone. Strange brain you have there my friend. Of course what i should have added is there is no need for force with money. Force however is to hurt someone.
sorry I interpreted that wrong… in all those years we ‘gave’ him over 500k… I think he don’t deserve more money from us…
A short while ago someone on this forum had a friend dealing with a vodun/ voodoo type cure. I gave step by step instructions on dealing with hexes and curses in general.
Click on links. Same info on both links but first is little more info.
I don’t know the ins and outs but just on these ‘facts’ I would tend to agree…! Force of some description sounds like it may well be called for - the police ?
To put things simply, it is indeed possible to force your will upon someone. Whether you want them to fuck you, or to get them to step off the Spacs Needle.
we even went to court, at first it looked well for us, after the second appointment there, everything turned around and my mother got a money punishment from the court… so that’s also no option… i’m a person i try to solve everything in a calm matter thats why i tried everything… but nothing helped so my only way out is magick…