Protection from Vodoun based attacks

I love it!

While I seriously doubt the person did a single thing I passed on from all of you guys, I sure am racking up some good info for my own possible future use, lol.

Yes actually in real Haitian Vodou initiation is necessary to access certain things. People get upset for some reason when they hear that-I usually because they don’t like the idea of a club out there that has things not just anyone can access. I promise you, none of these magicians claiming to know Vodou secrets can do the things or even know the names of the entities worked with in Vodou s central secret society. And who initiated the first ones? The spirits when they possessed other people. That’s how they taught them to do it.

As for what my Exu told me, apparently initiation and union with ones Exu is pointless so you can just summon him and get those details.


Oh fuck me, another fucking know it all. Fucking awesome.

Exactly what I am saying. It could not happen again to someone outside this special kid’s club? Utter horse shit.

I think you just like the idea of being in an exclusive club, or have some kind of veiled or unrealized bigotry hiding in you. Or even that someone is holding info over your head as a control mechanism, and you sadly bought the hook, line and sinker. If Lwa possessed someone to teach someone else the first time, it could be done again. There is nothing you could possibly tell me otherwise without at the same time defining the limits of gods. It is an illogical fallacy.

I call bullshit. Why would you do a divination just for little old me, who you never interacted with before, just to clam up the second your opinion is challenged?


Call it whatever you want, doesn’t bother me one bit.

And referring to Vodou’s sacred inner court of the left hand as a special kids club doesn’t really speak very well of any magician. Nobody’s flaunting it in your face. I simply illuminated facts because you made a statement about initiation being superficial that was incorrect. That’s just the way they do things. But anyway I’m not goung to argue with someone who is not a part of that world anyway.

The Lwa taught the priesthood how to do the initiations and they still do require possession in the rites. I’m not saying it couldn’t happen again, I’m just saying I have yet to see it. I have friends in those societies in Haiti and I’ve seen some unbeleivable shit at those ceremonies I was taken to. But the people Claiming they bypassed initiations can’t even come close to those things so what am I supposed to beleive? I mean in all intelligence really?

And what’s genuinely amusing to me is that for all these statements on ATRs shouldnt you know how a readung on something like that with an exu works and how simple it is? I think you just got mad cuz I didnt tell you. Why would I honestly comment that in the firstplace- I mean to sit and lie on an occult forum of predominantly beginners? I’m sure in the fuck not that low. Think what you want, but reality is not the same as what’s in your head. I’m sure glad I have my Exu and these spirits to guide me on sich things.


Identify the energy and make a counter balance

No, I got annoyed at the fact that you are dismissive and passive aggressive. I can’t fucking stand passive aggressive people.

You tell me. It happens all the time. This place, on any given day, has more LARPers than a fucking Renaissance Fair.

Why would you even do it at all?

Sounds like a good name for a goth band, lol. So, the HOGD has the Secret Chiefs (so secret everyone knows about them), Asatru have some pretty strict bloodline requirements in some groups, Masons don’t let in women, and now there is a sacred inner court…so sacred in fact it is being discussed on what you call a beginner forum.

The consistent running theme here seems to be “We’re special! We are the final authority on this topic!”. And I simply don’t buy into that crap. Maybe the blood thing. Maybe. I’m still in the air on that one.

So, since the low hanging fruit is so abundant…if this sacred inner court is so awesome, why is Haiti such a shit hole? I mean, America has quite the number of competent magickians and we seem to be doing just fine.

I’m sorry, I will acknowledge real power when it presents itself, but reputation alone does not mean a damn thing to me. Where is the proof. I mean, you could quickly ascertain my friend was mistaken and not being attacked. How did Clinton get away with robbing those guys? And she still is running around free.


Hiya OP! Has that play truly closed it’s curtains? I’m interested in learning how you figure that.

A cursory glance at what you mentioned would bring me to think that it was a traditional religious maneuver, but honestly, there could be so much stuff happening with that altar it’d be hard to really sense it/intuit it without more description.

What happened to your friend and the involved continuities, short and/or long term? That might let you get a better idea of what really went down, regardless of what the fuckos were intending.

If you need a fix, I can show you something I learned about when I came under attack by those kinds of artist. :slight_smile:

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Homelessness that still endures. From what I gather it was the point of the attack in the first place; they wanted the person gone, now she is gone. As for them, I believe they ended up being investigated for fraud of some sort regarding the incident.

IMO lot’s of stupidity going on with both parties, which is the main reason I did not lift a finger to help outside of advice.

By all means.



Hey there, so, homelessness and fraud are air-centric permutations, and ‘wanting them gone’ could have rolled out a number of ways! Have you heard of anything out of the ordinary happening to them, circumstances-wise? That might focus the lens even more! :slight_smile:

The trick to breaking what I call ‘pay-to-play’ spells, AKA rigidwork or specific conditions that need to be met, is to prevent the spell from living! You’ve got to ‘kill’ it. Since you’ve got a number of Spirits working under these sorts of spells, you have to ‘slice the wires’ as it were that link them into it. This is because the Spirits will carry the spell even if you collapse the original structure.Sometimes the really well-paid ones or the super secure spells have in-house responses to this kinda behavior, but if you’re not dealing with a trained priest in the religion, it’s probably more unlikely. You can really get messy this way! :slight_smile:

There are so many ways to cut the umbilical cords, that the tried-and-true mages look for ways to tinker with their spells to avoid removal. A lot of these energies and procedures can seem a little out there, though! The Vex from Destiny, the Anti-Spiral from Gurrenn Lagann, and Hunger from the MCU are great energies for handling incoming or ambient spells! You can really set some interesting stuff up if you dance just right. :slight_smile:


What if you are not powerful enough to speak with them yet. Can someone else do it for you?

Is there anyway you could do this for myself and family? My ex is attacking us.

Sorry, @Sabella but the person you are replying to has been banned from the forum, and will not be able to respond to you.

Hey! Just wanted to throw my two cents in! I’m thankful it’s been over and done with as indicated by your post.

I just wanted to add that voodoo isn’t the only spiritual practice done in the Caribbean. I have family from the Caribbean and i’m part Caribbean myself and can tell you that there are multiple practices done in the Caribbean, some holding even more power than vodoun


Im tryin to figure out how to save this!

What are practices more powerful than vodoun? I know of a few Caribbean practices (family is from the islands), but they stayed heavily away from all that. Just curious what else I should research on.

no one practice is superior to another, only the practitioner makes this or that practice powerful.


Yep ^^^^

I know this is an old thread, but Papa Legba, and other leaders of the Vodoun nations can be petitioned to offer protection against Vodoun attacks. I consider that to be the safest and most effective way, that I’m aware of, to proactively protect yourself. As for getting them off your back, the only safe way I know of is to approach the lwa involved and fulfil their demands. If you can, do this through a houngan or a mambo.

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Kongo Kindoki is way powerful than that voodoo crap.