And I mean from the moment the demons are obeyed to him and Lucifer is their “leader” would they collaborate with the practoneer or they will deny to work for/ with him? Are they free to work as independent spirits or they will listen only to Lucifer commands?
Im asking specifically for a love matter where the demons will have to influence someone’s mind.
Thank you in advance
Yes, of course you can. You don’t need a relationship with Lucifer to call upon them.
Thank you dear Balg Knight
Btw, for one week now Lucifer is coming in my drrams, when i sleep his name is in my mind.
I feel he doesn’t accept it that i dont want to work with him anymore. Any ideas??
It could just be a coincidence but if not, it doesn’t matter if he accepts it or not. You as the magician made the choice not to work with him and that’s final unless you make another decision. Stand by your decisions and be firm in your will. If he keeps bothering you then you could call on Michael for protection.
I doubt its a coincidence tbh, but I’m gonna check again tonight… im gonna sleep in 1h or so and let you know
If it isn’t then call Michael and ask him to make him stop and to protect you.
He’s a big boy he’ll get over it.
Yes I agree on that… my only concern was from the moment Im not good with him, if the demons will respect and want to work with me…
I dislike Lucifer, I think he’s a ponce. So I don’t work with him. This is between me and him and no other entity has anything to do with it. They are their own beings.
I second that
Goetia demons are often independent and may work with a practitioner even if their relationship with Lucifer is strained, as long as the practitioner approaches them respectfully and aligns their goals. Their willingness depends more on the demon’s nature and the practitioner’s intent than Lucifer’s authority.
Do you think it depends on their hierarchy? For example the kings are more independent than the dukes, the princes and the simple demons?
Well thats a topic very innovative, and interesting to explore!
I think it’s fair enough to drop those ideas.
Those hierarchies of spirits switch from one author to another one.