Is it possible to ascend for someone else?

Stalkers, That’s basically it. This one is Crazier than the average. There is a reason I didn’t upload my pic here though requested by few. That making his photo into sigil for spirit and distributing it to black magicians is FUCKED UP AS HELL.

I really wish that some serious spiritual literacy in the world spreads. It doesn’t take much to avoid any potential Negative effects like this. Ahhh, I forget, FUCKING SECRECY IN OCCULT. That’s why I like E.A , a lot of his work is simplifying and serving it to the masses.


He told me once that he opened a sigil of Lucifer and asked Lucifer to transport the energy into one of his instagram posts.

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I don’t know if you can feel energy but I bet if you saw some of the youtuber’s instagram posts you would feel lots of energy.

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Stuff like this makes me realise why I do not use Facebook or any other Social media. It gets scary when you realise how crazy some people can be (your friend)


Lol, but at the end of the day this is Black magician’s forum. I am sure majority of the folks here have seen worse, done worse. So panicking a bit too much seems funny . Yea, fear, that’s it which is speaking. Lol, seems like many seniors here haven’t ever been on the receiving end.


This could be a combination of either Bipolar affective disorder (manic state) Possible Autism spectrum disorder or Schizotypical. Possibly a mix of this and hebephrenic Schizophrenia. Any which way, he could do with a good once over by a specialist


Your friend sounds like a right nutcase. Have you thought about casting rituals to break this obsession? You could adapt some kind of breakup ritual.
Once you’re done with that though, you should definitely have this man sectioned. He’s clearly a danger to himself and obsession like this can turn into a danger to others


I agree. Call the Cops and make sure he is outside or just over his doorstep and recommend a section 136. They will have to take him to safe place for an assessment. I genuinely worry about people wandering about that are this ill


On top of @anon88243269’s advice, try to convince him to see a psychologist if at all possible. Or call on King Paimon to persuade to fucking chill.

Seriously, it sounds like immediate intervention is needed. I don’t want to scare anyone, but I’ve heard stories where the person obsessing either kills themself or attempts to harm the other person in some capacity just so they can be noticed.


Harming the other person is something he would never do.

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He’s dedicating his whole life to a stranger, if it goes wrong the consequences to his ego and his whole model of reality could be pretty dire. I’m not quite in the “call for the men with the butterfly nets” mindset but I think he’s heading for a fall where he, at the very least, will get hurt.

Faith changes over time, the Christian YouTuber may have a crisis of faith or naturally change his views over time and leave the channel, this happens a lot, people with strong convictions and a modicum of intelligence are always challenging and questioning their own beliefs and evolving, where will your friend be then?

I’m gutted when I lose a channel I like, even if it’s just random hobbies, your mate’s going to feel like his world fell out from under him if he ever goes online one day and sees his axis mundi has moved on.

And if the YT guy’s evolution of faith leads to him deciding to roundly condemn magick and speak against magicians and sorcerous powers, again, this is going to rock your buddy to the core, and it’s not at all unlikely this could happen, so while he may not have any resnetment to the guy right now, that could change the picture, and at the very least mess with his head.


A Sorceror wanting to help out a Christian be a Christian? I call that “Farting around with Jesus.”


The YouTuber has not posted a video since beginning of 2015. Not only that but he only has 6 videos on his channel. One of them is a repeat also. So technically only 5 unique videos. I don’t even think the YouTuber knows he even has any fans. The only clue that he has a fan is randomly receiving money from a random person. This person’s Instagram is only mainly followed by friends and family. He doesn’t even talk about religion at all. The only things he talked about were three things.

  1. He was the husband of the year. According to the YouTuber he won the husband of the year award.
  2. (The reason my friend is his fan)
    He made a speech about a game called clash of clans. And my friend absolutely loves that game.

His videos only had less than a hundred views before my friend found his channel. Now he has over 1000 views because of my friend promoting this guy’s channel.

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He knows the youtuber condemns magic. He justifies its use by saying that it would help the youtuber ascend.

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…I’m pretty sure that’s not a real thing.

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Your “friend” huh?

YOU were on here before as @mr_hello obsessing about a YouTuber and YOU never replied to my PM asking you to reel it back in.

This is a massive set-up and deception and you, sir, need to seek medical help and NOT come back to this forum with your crazy obsessive nonsense.

Edit to add: in the name of total accuracy, he replied to my first PM and had been asked to contact me after Jan 1st to get restrictions lifted if he was going to be cool with not mentioning this guy on here and linking his channel, etc.

Instead of doing that, he set up this fake-ass account and fake-ass story. It’s also worth mentioning nothing public was posted that could lead him to feel embarassed about this, the conversation at that point was strictly between me and @mr_hello in PM, so there was absolutely no reason for this charade to occur.


That plot twist tho…


Fuck yeah, this started to feel familiar a couple of posts ago but I couldn’t place it, then I ID’d the guy.

Unbelievable, the stuff I removed obsessing about this YouTuber (naming him and everything, which I won’t do) was some far out shit.

I have banned this guy, he’s setting up duplicate accounts and generally deceiving everyone here and wasting people’s time. :roll_eyes:


And the Ban Hammer comes down!


You cain’t fix some people… he had his second chance here and blew it by doing what got his old access restricted, I PM’d him on the first incident explaining that he could come back if he laid off this topic, and instead he joins under a fake account, gives a fake-ass story about his “friend” and wastes everyone’s time.

That level of deception can’t be fixed through rational conversation, when all he had to do was PM me and say he was willing to lay of posting about this guy on YouTube. :man_shrugging: