Is it possible to ascend for someone else?

Send this dude’s Email id to me. you know I look petty too, with some make up on ! :joy:


I just think most Christians don’t want servitors and “ascent” and so on, it all seems really weird and unhealthy in my opinion for this person to be working and paying money to a complete stranger, for the reasons mentioned. :man_shrugging:

I like a truckload of YouTubers, men, women, doing all kinds of different channel subjects, but they enchance my life, there would be something screwy in the equation IMO if my life became about them. But JMO and I’m probably being a bit preachy, I just think this person could look back and find they wasted a lot of their life obsessing over a total stranger. And, y’know, not even for nudes or tinglies! :thinking:


Well I don’t understand much of this Christian vs Occult thing, for obvious reason.

And for the obsession/love about something/ someone who you know that is very unlikely going to be ever yours HAS A CERTAIN kind of Feeling-Rasa in it, which can never be gotten from anything else. May be the dude is a bit too much but as long as he is not hurting-annoying the youtuber, what’s wrong in it? Just keep a healthy distance.

Sending some good energy towards one’s kindergarden-childhood love and thinking about how it would have been if the ‘Road not Taken’ was actually taken is what A good midnight in winter stroll is all about. JMO

About my servitor comment, did I get anything wrong there? I mean U interact with the spirit world like we do with humans, so just asking?!

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That prayers are good-wish servitors? I see servitor as meaning more a discrete parcel of energy that may have characteristics of an individual being, and have wants for itself, like wanting to persist (live), grow, develop etc., so I don’t consider prayers to be servitors per se though they could arguably be termed thought forms which is a term people use the same way.

I consider effective prayer to be aligning quite closely with the Cosmic Mind (per the Kybalion) and trying to have it “dream” a better outcome for the person. I believe in prayer and in its effectiveness, btw.


Yea only this is not the case, the OP clearly stated his friend isn’t interested to this youtuber in a romantic way. Truth or not it’s not our business to assume his sexuality.

No, love is one thing, obsession is another. Don’t confuse these 2. The first is a healthy manifestation of your feelings the second is not. You know how many people became murderers and suicidals because of these obsessions?

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Surely there is some kind of love there. May not be sexual. Can be just Simple AWE !!! And I did say may be the dude went a bit far.

Believe me, there is very little difference between being obsessed and being a fan girl of some band. As for as being murderer and suicidal, Well I know that very well. I did mention

Or himself in this case.

Nevertheless , Didn’t you cancel your account? @Anassa

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5 posts were split to a new topic: Chatting

Woah firstly, thank you for the read this was actually incredibly interesting.

I don’t believe this impossible, albeit impractical, I wonder more why he doesn’t make servitors to benefit this man in his living life?


He wants him to be like a god. You know how god commands angels? Or a spirit commands legions? He wants eternal spirits to serve him in the astral planes and throughout all his incarnations.

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He is planning on publishing a grimoire for these spirits to turn them into powerful egregores. He is turning the youtuber’s instagram posts into sigils for these spirits. That way whenever they come into contact with a black magician or anyone and they ask for their sigil, they can give the youtuber’s photos to them. That would in turn make his fame grow.
He is planning on calling the book: The 1500 angels of (youtuber’s first name)

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He is also a computer scientist. Using his skills in Artificial Intelligence development, he is planning on creating an A.I. that will serve as the youtuber’s bodyguards here in the physical realm. So not only will he have powerful spirits working for this youtuber in the spirit plane, but also powerful beings here in the physical realm working for this youtuber.

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Ok, I was a bit too kind to your friend. HE IS FUCKING NUTS !


trying to convince him not to.


He has created many Artificial intelligence programs just to play video games,but now he wants to make an algorithm that will have the program serve this youtuber and to do whatever he desires.

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That is so fucked up.

And not in a cool way.


Lol I’m so glad I don’t follow any youtuber’s instagram :joy:


Yeah that is good. Maybe other people have done it with other youtuber instagram pages. My friend is obsessed with someone who only has 5 subscribers. imagine someone who has millions.


No offence but I think your friend needs some therapy… Try talking to his parents, siblings, anyone you think they could help to convience him visit an expert.


I’m doing it.


I would say it is possible as far as ascending and then making someone else ascend. There are numerous accounts of divine beings elevating mortals into various levels of divinity under them and when you consider what ascension basically means it is simply at first the preservation of the astral body against decay and preventing the separation of the spirit from it after death to achieve the first stages of spiritual immortality. I know of a few spirits that teach how to actually do this though I haven’t consulted on it just yet but I would imagine it is an advanced skill. Also wouldn’t mean the subject is able to handle such a state of being either.

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