I did a very specific ritual with Pazuzu. This ritual needed to use the bloody meat (I bought in a shop, I’d never kill an animal) and to anoint the picture/figurine with the blood. If I had an idol, I would wash it, but with a printed photo - it’s not possible. Is it okay if I bury the photo with meat and the residues of the candles? Wouldn’t it be offensive to the spirit?
I heard about destroying the sigils after rituals, but never did it (most sigils I use are in the books). I really don’t know if I need to keep the photo or burying it with the gratitude and the sacrifice (meat) would be an act of respect?
What do you think?
Idols and talismans have a long history of being buried near the house to provide long term protection, it’s not disrespectful unless you mean it to be. Intention is everything.
The intention is not to “destroy” them though, it’s using the gateway of fire or water to send the intention the sigil is used for into the spirit world. You can also keep them and leave them open while they work.
You said you were following a specific ritual? What are the instructions that came with the ritual? Or weren’t there any?
It’s from the book ‘Pazuzu rising’, by Baal Kadmon. There is an interesting ritual to ‘conquer your enemies’. As I’m still a little bit nervous and feel uncomfortable (sometimes) as one specific person is still breathing (but I’m not so sure) I did this. There was no instruction what to do with the residues, I printed the photo because don’t have a Pazuzu idol. I know that with ‘hard’ rituals it’s good to bury the candles (or throw them into the water), but didn’t know what to do with the photo.
Idols and talismans have a long history of being buried near the house to provide long term protection
I think that’s the key. The ritual wasn’t meant to protect my home so I think I will bury it near the forest, far from my place.
Well you generally burn or float the sigil with your intent, not the candles. The candles can be reused or burnt down it doesn’t really do much to bury them - the flame was the active part doing the connection to the divine, and the body of the candle is only fuel for the flame. It’s good to use birthday candles or tea lights so you don’t have to wait too long. If you dressed the candle and dedicated it then I’d say let it burn down.
If it was a stand-in for the idol, then the most common option is to keep it on your altar to Pazuzu. Use it has his permanent vessel, like a home from home, allowing faster and easier contact as you develop the relationship further over time.
In this case I think your instinct not to bury it is on the right track. Give it a home on your mantlepiece, bookcase or window sill if you don’t have an altar. Somewhere a little bit special as befits a friend.
If that’s not what you’re doing here and you don’t want a long term vessel for Pazuzu around, then disenchant it and cleanse it before burning it.
That’s not really energy that’s helpful to just leave out in the open willy nilly.
okay, thanks for the info! I use mainly tealights.
In this case I think your instinct not to bury it is on the right track. Give it a home on your mantlepiece, bookcase or window sill if you don’t have an altar. Somewhere a little bit special as befits a friend.
Okay, I’ll do it! I buried the candles and the meat (just to ground it)
If that’s not what you’re doing here and you don’t want a long term vessel for Pazuzu around, then disenchant it and cleanse it before burning it.
That’s not really energy that’s helpful to just leave out in the open willy nilly.
I thought about buying the figurine of him but I’ll stick to the photo now (I don’t intend to do any rituals for him soon)