Is it disrespectful to give Santa Muerte a snack that you didn't want that much?

I have these breakfast bars which I think are delicious but had to give up because they have too much sugar. I put it on SM’s altar along with a pear that we grew and an apple. Is this disrespectful? I heard she had a sweet tooth so thought that she might like it.


well…yes very disrespectful!

see it as: “oh! i am not hungry anymore, i don’t want to waste the food then i give it to my pig!”

make a proper offering. while you cook, cook for one more person; and serve her plate properly.




well, when i don’t want to eat something but i know of someone close to me that likes it, i gave to them, is this disrespectful? an offering always need to be a sacrifice?


No, not even remotely. If the bars are nice, and that’s why you offered them, then it’s perfectly fine.


In my opinion this is a form of disrespect in someway, the fact that you give something that you yourself don’t really like or want to a Higher Force it’s like making that Higher Force your trash can, getting rid of something that you didn’t want and/or like. On the other hand it’s also better than not offering something at all.
If your intents were the ones of disrespect, then it is disrespectful, if your intentions were to honor that Higher Force, then there’s no problem.


Yeah, on first thought I went like “I don’t like this thing, guess I’ll pass it to that god or spirit etc? Hmm…” but it’s also true that everyone have different tastes or maybe the entities don’t mind at all, save for what may be related to elemental/astrological correspondences.

Maybe? I mean, nobody wants to have others’ leftovers unless she is so hungry. Give something fresh and she likes might be a better choice.


I don’t know, seems fine to me. It’s an offering not a sacrifice, and there’s the difference.

They’re new, not leftovers right? And you like the bars, you’d eat them if you could, and you spent money (energy) to get them. I bought mead for the Norse gods and I hate mead, I get specific things when asked whether I like them or not…
To be sure I’d ask the daemon if she likes them, or check the aura of them after to see if it was accepted.


I can’t help but wonder if anyone registered that OP said she was unable to eat the bars any longer because of their sugar content. Not that she does not like them anymore. Also, it’s not like we’re talking about half eaten goodies, like the slop one would feed pigs, to reference the first reply.

Just my two cents.

Maulbeere and Bacon get it :slight_smile:


I did like it though, I had to give it up bc of the sugar and I heard she had a sweet tooth.


I don’t see it as disrespectfull, the original intention of the bars was not as a gift, but for your self, that could be why it feels “wrong”
but if you present it in a way that shows you have taken your time,effort and intention to make it a proper gift, perhaps it will feel “better” ?


Use your intuition. If your heart closes up a bit then don’t. If you feel good about it, then yes.