Is it dangerous for demon in human body to do classic LBRP?

No, everyone seems to do it just fine though there are certainly friendlier alternatives to working with the Pandemonium.

This is one that I still use and many have found it reliable.
This is if you wish to focus your magical workings purely on more Luciferian or pandaemonic ideals or energies in general. So if you are for that then you ought to use this.

This rite’s purpose is to invoke the light of Chaosophia from below and exhalt it to the above. The opposition’s way is drawing the energy from heaven above and calling it down, whereas the Chthonic way and primeval traditions have always called the energy up from below to exalt it above, as such with the Kundalini Serpent - a gnostic equivalent of our luciferian Nechesh HaKadmoni (Ancient Serpent of the Tree of Wisdom).

-Lotan Vovin

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