Is it a signal for me or am I just misinterpreting?

I am jini.
I recently got into occult.
The first demon I evoked was Lord Lucifer a few days back.
I don’t have my astral senses developed so i didn’t had any conversation with Lord Lucifer.
I asked help for him for my career.
I don’t know if I am misinterpreting it or not but I am suddenly feeling a pull towards King Paimon.
I don’t if its a sign of Lord Lucifer or not as I am a newbie.
One time I feel that maybe Lord Lucifer is telling me to evoke King Paimon but another time I am feeling that it’s just my mind. 8
Can anyone please guide me with this?

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Hello, you can use divination or just talk to Lucifer and ask him for a clear signal or message. I know you said you are new to occult, but it could very helpful to learn some type of divination and try to train your psychic senses.


Thank you for your response. I will read upon divination and would evoke Lord lucifer Tomorrow.

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I would also add, you don’t need permission, and just getting the inspiration is cool; if it sound like an interesting idea to you, why not go ahead and have the conversation anyway? You said you feel a pull to Paimon, for me that’s enough to check it out.


Thank you. I will try to evoke King Paimon.