Is completing Ordo Ascensum Aetyrnalis possible?

Seeing a recent thread brought this to mind, and interest of not clogging up someone’s personal journal I decided to make a new thread. I read through Ordo Ascensum Aetyrnalis quite a while back and thought it was really cool, taking someone from basic exercises to doing things like cataloging unknown spirits and mastering the qabbalah and the qibbloth. I was hesitant on doing it though and I wasn’t sure I wanted to commit to an order that I would remain a part of even after death.

Eventually, I decided it is worth it and began rereading in preparation. But reaching the chapter on the six flame I saw that you get assigned a partner, someone who has made it to the rank of baron. But now there isn’t anyone to create the assignment, so it not really possible anymore. Also, at one point you evoke koetting to perform one of the initiations. I would assume that worked because of his position within the order, but seeing as he resigned that doesn’t seem to be the case anymore.

So is it possible to complete? Are there work-arounds?

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Koetting himself has said it is still active as a spiritual order so yes, it is possible to complete the 18 Flames.

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Then I think I’ll probably look into actually doing it. But, I’m still unsure of how to work around the particular problems I brought up. If you were going through it, what would you do?

I’m currently working through it.

It doesn’t matter if he is no longer the head of the physical order. He is still Archealus and can be evoked as described.

I reread the Sixth Flame and the way I interpret it, the Baron will make himself known to you once you open the Seal of the Sworn Knights in the first exercise.

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It’s an astral order only now.

It’s gone now, but EA addressed this on his old video channel. The role of head of the order was passed on to a person who now acts in the astral.

Likewise, your assigned Baron works with you in the astral. If your astral senses are weak this will be a blocker, but the early lessons are about developing these senses, so you do those excersises until you get good and then and only then do you move on.

I’m also working through it, I’m on lesson 6 or so. I started in 2018. Whichever one is about the goetia: that’s a multi-year lesson by itself. I paused at the chapter where you work with the tree of life as I haven’t finished doing that to a point where I feel I really know each sphere.

The last lesson is to figure out, and develop skills to execute, for yourself, object manifestation. I’m going out on a limb to say, it’s possible, but highly unlikely. If I get there it’s not going to be this decade.

The lessons get harder and harder and most mages will be happy to get to an intermediate level and won’t get any further.

It’s one of those things where if you have to ask, probably not. Know thyself.

No but the lessons can be worked though as good exercises for personal development anyway.

If you get the book and read what they are you’ll see.


As an example, (I have this book both in Kindle and paper formats for convenience) here’s an excerpt from the 8th flame:

So, each lesson is a lot of work and development in itself, possibly years worth, including working through other books, and you won’t even know what it is completely until you can effectively recieve info from your assigned Barron.

So you can finish, but whether you’re going to even try is up to you.

So this is where I got stuck: the 12th:

Reason being, and I’ve mentioned this in here but not in context of OAA, is the first 9 lives I read into, I got a lot of trauma dreged up that had to be processed first.

I think my subconscious has held on to the most emotional parts, mainly the betrayals and worst deaths the most, so thats what came up first for all but one, and there’s only so many times you want to re-experience yet another hideous death before it gets overwhelming and you need a break. I was actively pyrophobic for 6 months after one of them. It’s not fun being burned alive, in ancient Persia, with no medical aid, taking 3 days to die and then remembering the whole thing.

On the plus side under “know thyself” , the bleedthrough from all this explains why I’ve always had trust issues in this life despite only having the usual betrayals no worse than anyone else gets. I now don’t really think anyone can really know themselves until they remember all of all the whos that they have been.

After a bit I got somewhat punchy and stopped, questioning why I was doing this to myself, and haven’t moved on to the sephiroth. I’m also stealing philosophically with doing kabbalistic magic and will likely skip it. I don’t agree with the models therein, but part of me says “don’t knock it till you’ve tried it” And I’ve walked the qlippoth or dipped my toe in really and enjoyed that.

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I read the book after seeing the topic come up where a couple people were going to try working through it.

My conclusion is that it is A path, not THE path to that level of power. Is it your path? I can’t speak to that. It’s not mine. I have achieved multiple things in it entirely out of order. There are things in it I haven’t tried and will because I read the book; there are things in it I won’t, not at this point in my practice and likely not ever in this life as they are simply out of harmony with my intent as a mage.

That said, for someone who wanted to pursue it, it is apparent to me that there is an astral form of Archaelus who is the head of the order who is still very much an entity that someone can evoke and communicate with. I spoke with him last night. It was an intense astral communication and if this entity exists due to E.A’s magick work, I have no doubt of his validity as a practitioner.

With that in mind, I can assume that astrally, you would be assigned a partner whom perhaps, with sufficient clarity, you would be able to meet and communicate with in the physical, as even the writer acknowledges though he closed the order people continued to practice these rites in the order they are prepared and presented.

That also said, I am now confident that self-directing my ascension as I feel guided remains the right path for me and that initiation into a scripted guide intended to be run as a tyrant gatekeeping ascension is not. The book is interesting. There is absolutely something to be learned in reading it. But it concludes on E.A’s reflection that this website is a superior model.

Do I believe that it is possible to attain such spiritual mastery that physical manifestation is possible? Yes.

So, with that being the final challenge, yes, I believe completing the work as set out is possible. You do not need a Baron. You do not need Archaelus. If these trappings will aid you in shedding all doubt that you are god, then follow the path, and let us know how it goes so we can learn from your journey. I will indeed be following the journals of those who follow the path of Ordo Ascensum Aetyrnalis.

But I’ve taken to heart the final lesson: this website with its equal access to esoteric wisdom, and the work you do in pursuing it and the allies given to you here, is the way.

You don’t need a guru, the godhood is the friends you made along the way. And yourself.


I suppose by the time I reach that point I’d be more than capable of just asking the associated entities how to perform the ritual.

Yeah that what’s I’ve noticed. The timing seems to really varie from lesson to lesson some being completed in a day and some taking several years. But for me that doesn’t seem too bad as long as I can do practical magick on the side to make sure my life doesn’t go downhill while I’m doing all this development.

That’s what really caught my eye. I am just really drawn to the completeness of it. Like you pretty much learn everything.

I’ve thought about this a bit. I feel like not only would you know yourself better but you’d become a more unified being. Like it instead of living a bunch of separate existences, you’re living one grand narrative filled with success and failure. Even something like dying a traumatic death is just another obstacle you overcame.

Of course I don’t have any past life memories, so that’s another thing that might get me to do OAA.

I feel the same way. I in all likelihood probably wouldn’t commit to a system that was qabbalah based, but if I did OAA I think I would make an exception just because it is more of a side objective. It’s like I’m not interested in vampirism but OAA has you learn it for one of the flames. I’ll learn it but once I’m done I’ll probably never use it again. Same with the Qabbalah.