Is Baphomet a real entity?

Curious to know if he is a real being and if so what is he like to work with?.

While you’re waiting for others to chime in, have you checked out our previous discussions along these lines?

I see it as an “egregore” (use the search for more on those), which is also a being but one created by multiple humans.

Working with it helps to build it’s strength and guide it’s development, as it partially belongs to you as a human.

Bear in mind, the subconscious can’t tell the difference between physical and astral reality, it’s all real at some level. So you might want to define what you mean by “real” for people. :smiley:

Other ideas:


There is a lot of other posts about this. Lol I feel Balphamet has the same problem persay as Satan as Balphamet will come to you as you see them as. So if you see them more symbolic they will interact with you in that manor. But if you see them as a being themselves then they will interact with you that way.

Example is how I see Balphamet is a good teacher and being. So when I was working on my meditations in Las Vegas and Balphamet came, they interacted as a being. Same with Satan.

But to some they are symbolic of what they can teach us, and view their form as a symbolic example of these ideas and teachings. So really end of the day it’s up to you and what you feel is right.


I see Baphomet as the symbolic and occult representation of the unity through duality.

The baphomet is a beast, maybe he even has the mark of the beast.

Baphomet is androgynous but has the awakened the kundalini serpent energy from his lower energy centers. It is the unity of the profane and the divine. Of matter and spirits. Of God and animal. The wings symbolize flight and control over the element of air I also think it is appropriate to say Baphomet is a master of reality, “as above so below” he points to both heaven and hell, he sits between the two as an embodiment of the paradoxes of reality and existence itself. There’s a pentagram at the center of his forehead, his 3rdf eye, that means protection or elevation. He also has a crown of sorts. He is a goat which could be a reference to a scape goat, basically a goat that humanity puts all its sins on to be sacrificed to something.


Years ago I answered a question about it on a forum, by writing Levi’s explanation, and OP or someone else didn’t resist to that temptation of writing “In short, is he a bad demon?” :smile: anyway I would’ve been positive on Baphomet being a symbol, but from what I read more recently it would seem like he’s also a spirit.


Real enough to interact with.

I would encourage you to have your own experiences. Only then, will you know what Baphomet can mean for your practice at this moment, if any.