Is Astral sex the same as Physical sex

I’m assuming it would happen maybe after you “marry” the spirit since that strengthens the connection between the two of you more than anything else.


That’s how it gooes. But I didn’t want an astral kid so. :woman_shrugging:

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I guess with the entities consent first…🤷
Others say ‘spirits’ can’t get you or it pregnant because well they are dead but ‘entities’ can because entities aren’t dead they are alive just like us until they die like we do. That’s what I’ve read from other spirit workers experiences.


The way I understand it is that the energies of the two parents mix and combine to create a new energy all on it’s own. The child.


It will rattle your astral skull.


I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want something like that in the future with my spirit lover, but we’ll see how things progress. Wouldn’t mind that at all :slightly_smiling_face:


I have also read that, if the entity is strong enough it can impregnate a woman physically. Not possessing some dude and then passing down the energy. Even physical vs astral sex can impregnate. Strange as fuck.

I think it can be done just by visualizing and channeling energy. Where is the need for sex then.

Idk I’ve read threads on here where even males asked for, if I can remember correctly, I think it was Belial’s “spiritual jiz” so that they could also create an astral child.
But I think sex just makes it stronger I guess.

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I need a glass of. Seriously this forum is filled with ‘’ last night azazel and I had sex and it was so fulfilling ‘’ type. Wonder why the earth isn’t getting over polulated with demonic childs.


I think the pain of birthing both physical and astrally at the same time sounds fucking horrible :upside_down_face: astral birth can be painful like physical birth.

I’ve read from this spirit worker while she was astrally pregnant she gets a lot of other spirits attention for idk maybe because of curiosity. And she felt more of a boost in energy. Might be interesting to see how that goes for me if I’m planning for it to happen soon.


Is it required to pay astral child support for them?


Astral babies do need as much attention like any baby in general. Idk if money exist in the astral lol but I think so. Honestly idk how it works in the astral so I can’t say much☹️

Could abandoning a baby in the astral possible? Yes it’s possible. I know a Tumblr spirit worker who took care of baby dragons that were abandoned due to unplanned parenthood…🤷 So us humans aren’t the only ones that got difficulties in life.


For me. My experiences with my spirit lover are happening more frequently and it is wayyyyyy different. And much more exciting with each time it happens. With physical sex your body is used to a certain stimuli. With astral sex. Your always having intense feelings along with it

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I honestly hate the fact that I can say I’m part of that crowd *facepalm * @Goku


No. Not the same.

Not the same.

Everything @succupedia says above is true. I agree 100%.



was it better than physical sex, be truthful.


Well, I won’t ask how long azazel lasted. Not that I doubt you but everything seems a bit sur’real’ to say the least. How much practice it took for U to get there.

It was hard to get out on my own at that time so he would come and pull me out each time.