For example. Do you think Lucifer being the king of demons might not want to help with smaller tasks or certain tasks at all… That if I was to call on a demon for help that didn’t get called on much would he be more likely to help me for the praise?
It really doesn’t matter whether it’s summoned a lot or not. It’s more about you, your mentality, your energetic state you bring to the ritual, and your understanding of your own will and intent. Also, how you understand your own desire or petition can make a big difference.
Having said that, just like humans, spirits (angels and demons and other) have certain inclinations and talents that they specialize in. When I talked to Lu the first time, he helped directly with some things and gave me some recommendations on who to talk to regarding other areas we discussed.
What types of Magick have you studied so far? Any certain methods or just starting out?
Just love and obsession… Some beauty magic… I really just want to make someone madly insanely obsessed with me. For the power over them… But I don’t know who would enjoy doing that and I don’t know who would take it as far as I want it to go.
Many beings who have entities under them send envoys to help people if they themselves are busy. However, I don’t subscribe to the idea that beings can be in multiple places at once or that they aren’t subject to time.
I’d recommend you get a book or type of study guide. There is a great guide on here that @Lady_Eva put together:
Simple English Demonic Evocation Guide
Also, if you need general reference to find the right spirit for the results you’re looking for check this out:
Finally since you’re starting out, from my experience, I’d recommend you buy a copy of Demons of Magick by Gordon Winterfield. It’s a great reference and has methods I’ve found to be effective.
Feel free to reach out to me or ask questions in here if you’d like. If you follow the links I copied in this post, you should be able to learn a lot of information.
Best of luck.
Only if you think it will. It all boils down to your perception/beliefs.
Can you clarify something for me?
I don’t know what’s Lucifer’s niche. I’ve seen the question around here, but I have no conclusive answer. I know he has been called for healing and lust, and I read here someone who said he cured her depression.
Lucifer is a powerful spirit who can help you with pretty much anything. His “niche,” if you want to call it that, is as the Light - Bringer, aka enlightenment, knowledge and Ascension.
Another question and I won’t bother you for one hour or so: if not niche, what should be the correct word? Honest question.
The weaker nobles in the 72 tend to be more amenable to any given magician of their own free will, yes.
Well, niche is defined as “a small, specialised field,” which doesn’t really fit, as Lucifer is capable of almost anything. In my opinion, purview would be a better word, as it is defined as “the scope of influence or concerns of something.”
Lucifer’s purview is enlightenment, and as such, he can act in any way necessary (healing, wealth, love, etc)
@RayCuervo that’s a good question. There are people on here who have worked with quite a bit more than I have, but from what I’ve seen and experienced, he has many many niches. Being one of the most powerful spirits in all of existence he’s good at a lot of things. He’s also good at recommending another spirit if they specialize in something more than he does.
Thanks, @DarkestKnight and @anon18450039 for the answers.
Purview, that’s a new word for me. Thanks.
I think they’re rank or ability wouldn’t make a difference as to their willingness to help you.