Irrational anger ever since working with magick please help

Ever since i started working with magick I feel as though something is feeding off of my anger. I’m usually VERY good at controlling it but recently it has been getting really difficult. Can anyone do a divination and see if anything is influencing me?


Breathe in and visualize your negative emotions and stress and a black smoke. Now breathe out the black smoke and know that your problem will indeed pass.


I’m not going to do any divination (only if you still insist after my reply), but it seems like you are getting more in contact with your true self and your powers. Anger is usually not acceptable or pleasant, so we suppress it as much we can in a many different ways. Anger gives us so many valuable messages.
On the other hand, anger can be cultivated and used in constructive ways. It’s a normal healthy emotion.
Good luck!


You may benefit from shadow work.


It’s probably just things you have bottled up and it’s coming out during magick because you in altered states. Try this simple spell to help you release your anger. Find a black stone cup it in your hands then focus your anger into that stone. Then go to flowing water or bury it somewhere. When you throw the stone in water or bury it the spell is “stone bind it, no one find it so mote it be”

Hope it helps


A divination view point could prove very helpful. I would appreciate it :slight_smile:


Having a bit of fire is always good for Magick, there are many times where I lack motivation to Magick but then there are times where I feel the fire and rage which pushes me to do spells and do them instantly, it could cause some ego problems but untimately you would have great experience during these times. I call it the chaotic phase


I say release your anger rather than trying to bottled up or manage it if you can. If you’re the type of person that actually does care whether or not your anger is controlled or not, then you’re likely the type of person who has reasons to be upset with people who have wronged you. The anger that you feel may very well be an inward push coming from your psyche to bring balance to a situation that is unjust.

Personally? If possible, I would use that anger has a focal points towards an enemy that needs to be spelled. Pain after releasing all of that anger and energy, if you find the things are still bothering you, you might want to find an entity that can be used to clear you of that negativity by giving you a form of healing. For that, I highly recommend Deggal. He is an angel that EA recommends in the book evoking eternity and kingdoms of flame.


Okay I’ll try to channel it into my magick. I’m not much for cursing people though.


Doesn’t have to be a curse direct it into something that needs to be changed.


Do you work out?
I found that the best outlet for anger lies in weightlifting and martial arts.
Endorphins kicking in after a good workout will make you feel fantastic and are important for your well being.
Also squatz n oatz for dat ass.


Seriously a good workout routine will do wonders for your mental health, when I was going through depression the feeling of tearing the muscle fibres so they grow strong again got me through it, I even enjoyed the doms. If I was emo I would have cut myself but cutting up your insides is more productive.


Absolutely. Keeping your body fit is also going to have a noticeable effect on your magick. Get that weight up, lol!

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This is awesome


I seemed to have dealt with the same thing when I started to get serious about magick again. The way I dealt with it was cleansing my aura. But lately, I’ve decided to sort of keep it stored as energy to use in curses. Also, I actually enjoy it a bit because I like to think of it as another form of energy. Be it for a curse or just to make things happen in my favor.

Besides that, if I don’t feel like that emotion is going to help in the moment, I usually go for an aura cleansing. I try not to get too angry, unless I feel like it can benefit my workings in one way or another.


Yeah, anything that increases personal energy and power can have this effect, even meditation.

This is a known side-effect, and therefore not likely to be the result of spiritual parasites or external influences:

If the goal of meditation is to calm your mind, and that is achieved, then it’s going to do something else at the same time, and that’s calm your body. And since the mind and body are integrated, if your mind is calm, then your body is calm. When your body is calm and descends into a deep level of metabolic rest (as it does in deep meditation), it’s going to restore balance and release stresses that are stored in your body. These stresses are actually stored in the form of energy and like all energy, it can’t be destroyed. It can only be transformed.


See also:

Those all have ideas on things to do about it as well. :slight_smile:


I didn’t even know meditation can do that. That’s unique.


People with depression, anger problems, stuff like that are advised to pace themselves with meditation and also be careful with performing yoga asanas, because it stimulates these energies and if taken to an extreme can make people worse, not better.

Those things can also negatively affect dissociative disorders and depersonalisation, though small amounts can help the person begin to recognise the difference between the core of themselves, and their outer monkey mind that reacts to, and creates, objects of perception, and beliefs about reality based on those.

That’s wny most people do better starting at like 3m a day, or just until they feel a wave of peaceful detachment, than thrashing out 20, 45, 120 minute meditation marathons.