I wanna buy a Tesla does that count?
So, you wanna be a superhero huh?
(Lol, thatd make for a great game show or something)
Well, you’re supposed to follow your heart because first of all, you cant help the world on a large scale unless you have a large amount of power. So, if your heart is telling you to strive for mundane or magical power (or both) because you feel it’s your duty to help “save the earth”, as it were, then go for it. Contrary to popular belief, the earth isnt “all on track” and Angel’s cant just fix everything. Sure, from an outside-time perspective, all is well, but it’s only because of people here in the physical who are really working to make things happen. Heres the bare minimum though to be just slightly helpful.
Step one: look at the world, and see what problems there are. You’ve done that.
Step two: figure out which of those issues are actually important to you personally, aka the ones you can get passionate about
Step three: solve those issues for YOURSELF first. Example (plastic pollution): start using less plastic products. Recycle more. Etc. Do your part, as youd like to see everyone else. Lead by example.
That’s the bare minimum. You can go further, if you want to, and gain magical and or mundane power in order to influence things outside your own life. Or, if you’re dedicated, perhaps live a truly sustainable lifestyle in the woods, collecting rainwater, growing your own crops, etc. Tell me, do you actually want to go through all that trouble to be a true superhero? Or would you be dine with settling for the bare minimum, and making changes in your own life to combat the issues in your own microcosm? Or lastly, do you just want to complain about the problems you see, because it’s all just “too much effort”.
Im being a bit cynical there but it’s a serious question. Figure out which one of those three categories you’re actually willing to strive for and you’ll have an easier time managing the stress.
I will just poke my nose in and say the person who invents a simple and safe method of replacing plastic in all its applications, or creates a way of safely breaking it down, will have done more with less effort than one lone person trying to keep a few square miles clean with their own muscles, and finite time and energy.
And there are people already working on things like that now.
Anything you do yourself is like doing a job that’s paid by the hour, because no matter how good you are, time alone limits what you can accomplish, But if you get paid by the task, or better yet by each time a thing is used, then your earnings can reach unimaginable heights.
Imagine if Stephen King had to manually type each book before he sold it toi a reader, compared with writing one book, and then selling millions of copies. Like that…
So we’re back to invoking Tesla, in oirder to get ideas which scale up dramatically. I believe Einstein was reported to converse with deceased geniuses, though he’s been fictionalised a lot, but Napoleon Hill definitely did, and recommended it as a practice.
Ah yes, the days before the printing press… not a good time for knowledge.
Sorry bud. Every plan that involved waking up the sleeping giant failed over the last 12 years I been paying attention. The failure margin is getting wider because the creation of more and more contexts is making us not agree on reality in ways that won’t settle in the near term.
I am focusing on finding or making a place that works for me otherwise I will just be ground to dust by market forces.
Plastic eating bacteria ftw
It’s glass. We need to go back to glass containers for starters.
Honestly, Occultists have a hard enough time dealing with this. Why would I want the rest of the world also doing it? Seriously.
People care about getting their paychecks, seeing their kids grow up, and hope for some safety net at the end when they’re too old to do the first two. If it doesn’t help one of those things, it doesn’t largely matter to most people.
There’s an awful lot of emotion and not a lot of implementation in this post. Reminds me of when I was young.
no bro… i would want a life like Rick from Rick and Morty…
btw yes i think they got a plan and they can fix so much things;
i think also they’re waiting for us to take the first step?
oh i don’t know.
i know that i would do something when i got the right ammount of money, but being a super god among all humans i thinks would be credible and somewhat as a real help.
By the Way… i told em to help me with that… i think there is some pact that make all entities like aliens and blablabla to take something in the physical plane. Like a Teleport gun. (yes i want that)
I dream of a world with only one government.
I think all of that is possible.
Imagine, all people live good, there is no hunger, there is no war, there is free school sistem, there are ideators and ideas that take place for having a better future, no matter the market, and i can continue.
Why the fuck isn’t here already man?
If you think you’re going to be handed power on a silver platter just because you think you’d be a good person with it, you’re sorely mistaken. It doesn’t, hasn’t ever, and most likely will never work that way.
i need to heal first
Oh? And who would man it? Who would see it through?
Because it’s nonsense to think that a perfect world for everyone exists. Anyone looking with honest analytical thought and not emotions would see that there are a significant number of “one government” solutions available for countries and none of them would work for the world, as they don’t really seem to work outside of the areas they are implemented in.
What does any of this have to do with the Occult?
One of the things I’ve said more of lately is this - either become the change you seek or watch others make the world you live in.
Also, stop living strictly in emotion and start thinking about the implementation. Lots of ethical companies have great ideas, but don’t make it because they didn’t implement it right. Save your emotions to fuel your workings to see it through.
Never forget you’re not the only one that make changes in the world. So be prepared to continue to exert your will to see your changes. Be prepared for when others make changes. Any one here can do it, so you need to rely more on logic and endurance than temporary emotional wants.
Finally, know that if you seek to impose a world government that promises utopia (that looks great on paper and usually fails in practice), you will have a rough road. I’m the type of person that when I see the will of the few exerting on the will of the many, I will dismantle your shit. And I expect the same.
Stalin had a great world view on paper…
And then 3 years later there will be ethnic tension and this state will collapse.
That’s not how the Multiverse works. It’s a wonderful idea in theory but in reality not so much
Utopia always sounds nice, until you examine what has resulted in the few in power who tried to impose their verison of it. It is a very, very bloody history.
Because he was the genius that transcended the world as we know it.
Okay, so this is now inescapably political, which is against our rules, so with thanks to all who took part I am going to close this topic, good luck with any invocations!