Invoked many of the 72 Goetia demons over the weekend- feel quite powerful... more women and money.. how to move forward, and special praise for Belial and Gremory particularly!

Make sure you see yourself as some sort of a leader and are mentally tough and both deserve and give respect. He can make you feel really determined and able to break through any challenge in life, that’s the greatest thing I’ve learnt from him.

I saw myself as a field marshall or commander of a large army and that he was the defacto deputy, he seems to like that, we sometimes share a nice vape or meat pie together to celebrate as offerings…

Hail Belial!!


Another update.

So to add extra power into my rituals and spells, I’ve added several additional (small) steps to Henry Archer’s combined angels and demons method to charge it a little further (I’ve taken this from Damon Brand’s various books)

  1. I now imagine a flash of lightning each time I call a spirits name. Heaven, thunder and earth are connected using this.
  2. At the point where I say thank you to the spirits, I also transmute the emotion and project into the future as if living in the end- as Neville Goddard would put it.
  3. Upon thank you, I imagine an image of the Sun and the Moon fusing together- and my third eye and (optional) heart chakra connecting with a golden beam of light. I pour this energy onto the sigil then let it fade. I got this from Dr Pillai a famous Yogi Compress time for manifestation

Did you have any experience of summoning demons before? And how was Sitri like? I wanna work with him.

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Is method of DOM and the angels and demons beginner friendly?

Yes absolutely.

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Gordon winter field and Henry Archer books ? Even for Prince Sitri?


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Especially Prince Sitri.

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Prince Sitri is one of the 72 listed in both Winterfield and Archer’s books with some detailed descriptions, attending angels and invocation keys.

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I did not have any experience of demons before, I read the Gordon Winterfield book to give me an in depth undertstanding of the best mindset to have as well as the various powers. I don’t have as much experience of working with Prince Sitri as some of the others, at some point will do more with him in matters of romance.


Another thing I would add is that for those of you who are nervous because you haven’t worked with Goetia before, develop a relationship with Metatron and or Raziel to clear your energy and ground you. I am very in tune with Metatron and find him a guiding light at all times and he gives me strength, patience, and fearlessness and self love abundantly.

I posted this ritual that I adapted and improved from Damon Brand’s Sword banishing ritual- in the original you call on Yohach to your right, Kalach to your left they hold up two swords which cross then Na Za-Re-Ell expands from your heart like a star, I added the extra step of Metatron from above coming down then exploding outwards far and wide that may help with clearing your energy


He’s pleasant to work with and usually easy to contact.


Prince Sitri’s Enn is:

Lirach alora vefa Sitri

For a simple method you may want to chant/ Meditate to this and gaze at the sigil whilst calling Sitri then imagining the outcome.

Apart from matters of romance/lust Sitri can also help with being resilient in an adverse situation until you are victorious, I’m planning on doing a ritual later today to help with some business challenges.

This meditation has his Enn


Thanks so much. Im going to try this tonight when Im off work.

2 days ago I called Gamagin to make me commanding to all that I seek to influence. Today I met with a group of people who appointed me to a leadership role of some working group for a project. Hail Gamagin!!

Amazing how some requests carry out super fast, others take weeks or more, am going to write in detail about the differences I’ve noticed in speed of requests and factors that influence things. One trick which Damon Brand said you can play is imagine you’ll be relaxed that the request may take a year, the more patient you are, the less likely it will take long which is paradoxical. The commanding request however was something I knew I already had within me and it just needed a tiny nudge, magick can work super fast in those situations!

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Hey folks - maybe someone can give a couple of ideas.

In the book by Henry Archer, he states, that you need only do a ritual one time.

Is that what you all do as well?

I would love to be doing a daily thing. Just curious how you do it?

Do you do one, then just forget about it and when you want to, do another? Just curious how you make a practice of it?



I just added these two things to the ritual as well. I like them. Thanks for writing about them.


I’ve never repeated a ritual, I just set and forget. However as he says, you can tackle different aspects of the same problem using different demons which I’ve done.