Invoked many of the 72 Goetia demons over the weekend- feel quite powerful... more women and money.. how to move forward, and special praise for Belial and Gremory particularly!

Another thing I would add is that for those of you who are nervous because you haven’t worked with Goetia before, develop a relationship with Metatron and or Raziel to clear your energy and ground you. I am very in tune with Metatron and find him a guiding light at all times and he gives me strength, patience, and fearlessness and self love abundantly.

I posted this ritual that I adapted and improved from Damon Brand’s Sword banishing ritual- in the original you call on Yohach to your right, Kalach to your left they hold up two swords which cross then Na Za-Re-Ell expands from your heart like a star, I added the extra step of Metatron from above coming down then exploding outwards far and wide that may help with clearing your energy