Invoke Paralda

Hold onto a radiator, anythuing large and made of metal, ideally iron, or steel is second best, read a book you know very well (ideally a book you’ve known since childhood, and best of all is something without any supernatural themes), or watch a very old movie you know well, or an old TV show - again, ideally nothinbg with any supernatural elements.

Also, try drinking a normal-sized glass of water every 2 - 3 hours, unless there’s a medical reason not to, don’t overdoe it - 200ml/ 5 or 6 ounces is plenty.

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Alright thanks for the help. I heard that King Ghob can help with grounding.

Maybe, though I would think bringing more spirits in could risk going back into semi-trance/affecting your perception, but give it a go if you have strong ties to him already. :+1:

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Ok. I’m quite new to evoking Spirits, Demons and Angels so I have no ties. Should I use a phone screen for scrying? Also would it help if I put some offerings such as food, for Paralda so he might talk to me verbally? Or should I practice opening my senses.

Two more question: Should I try and evoke Sastan to try and help me open up my senses as well. Also if you have ever or you know someone who has ever evoked him, is it hard to try and make verbal communications with him?