Invocation of Ugandan Knuckles

If your just going to laugh and insult me i have no reason to waste my time talking to you

Before you go around impersonating Yog Sothoth and telling people what they need to learn, please turn that long ass tendril around and point it to yourself homie.

You dont even know what youre looking like right now.

Now IF i am wrong (which I can be) and you really ARE Yog Sotthoth, then thats cool. Ill head your advice.

But dont go telling people to choose sides when you know damn well Cthulu and the Other Old Ones dont deal with that Dualistic Bullshit. There are no “sides” with them.

I didnt say i was yog sothoth i said i a m connected to yog sothoth

Pfft people there only good at listening to there own voices

Correct. A god, or in this case, a Lovecraftian God, (I will only repeat myself one last time, then if no one listens to me, I don’t care) DOESN’T GIVE A DAMN

The last thing they are is human. Dualism, morals or anything of the sort, doesn’t mix.

He did Say he was connected to him no that he is him. Be careful with your word choice. Two very different things. (Which by the way I can tell you he isn’t Yog-Sothoth. How do I know? I see things.)

You’re doing exactly what you’re condemning him for. Don’t preach about ignorance and arrogance if you have smoke up your ass.

Ok then how do i say im more intune with yog sothoth without sounding like i said something completely opposite this is why i often dont speak im not good with words

That part was to Micah, not you. The only piece of that paragraph that was directed at you, was the last part.

Connected, that is if you are in tune to him, is more or less correct.

I see that now my mistake

Even tho dis is en old meme, I stel bask in da wae. Even mah voice es dat off en Urgandan warlord while writing dis.

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What is de wae, my brudda?

points to de skies I do not know bruddah. click click click

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