Intrusive Fucking Thoughts

Ok so this is my fucking problem. Intrusive fucking thoughts. It’s fucking me up. Really. The worst is that I do not even know whether it is intrusive or not. If I knew whether my thoughts are intrusive, my life would be a hell lot more simpler. I have gotten ‘bad thoughts’ about King Paimon, Goddess Lilith, King Lucifer etc.
If I just new whether these thoughts are intrusive, I could ignore them. But I keep trying to justify my thoughts to the Gods cause I don’t know whether they are even intrusive. I know that Goddess Lilith and King Lucifer understand. But don’t know bout King Paimon. It is driving me nuts. I do also know that I don’t have the audacity to piss such powerful spirits off. That is the only thing that comforts me. Any solution to this? Any entity to whom I can write a petition to to clear up my stupid fucking mind?


Mine is Shiv :slight_smile:
Just Shiv

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Just stop caring. When they pop up just be like, “lol. Invalid” and go about your day.

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I would but the problem is that I don’t know whether these thoughts are intrusive or not.

What else would they be?

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Maybe it’s really what I am thinking. As in they are my real thoughts and not intrusive. That is what scares me.

Did you meditate and ask yourself if there’s any reason you would legitimately feel these things are true?

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Not really. How do I meditate on my intrusive thoughts? Thank you!!

Best solution when I have the same problem: ask the spirits themselves. It has put a lot of worry at ease on my path. However, I do second mediating on those thoughts and asking yourself exactly why you feel that way. It can lead to a greater understanding of you and how your mind works. Understand that, and you can begin to change the patterns

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You just go into meditation and with the goal of learning where the thoughts come from. It’s as simple as it sounds(at least for me).


Thank you

Thank you!

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Important thing to note: it happens to most, if not all of us. I actually have a journal entry relating to this topic as I had some doubts with Lilith in particular that I addressed today, even after all the spirit work I have done. It is nothing to beat yourself up about, but it is something you need to understand about you in order to change it

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Thank you so much

Not fluent in it actually

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It can, although he will need to be a calm mindset prior to the reading, as well as prepare some more questions in case of one answer or another. For example, if the answer is yes asking “Is it because of my own doubts?”, “Can I be forgiven by you?” “Would an offering be acceptable?” Etc. Gut feelings will help to give more information. Even if, worst case scenario, a spirit is pissed at you, there are ways to mend it if both parties agree to it. It may not be easy and will take an apology as well as swallowing up some pride, but it is doable. Paimon does not seem to be the type to hold a grudge based on my experiences though.


Do you have a deck of playing cards?

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I don’t. Thinking about buying some tarot cards though

Well hell, there you go. They also can help with both spirit communication and to help explore your inner self to see where these thoughts are emerging from. It is a little tricky at first but once you got it done, it helps a lot. Feel free to PM me any questions, as I used to actually read as a profession and am always up to help those learning how to. There should be quite a few threads here on the subject as well to help you learn

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Thank you so much! I really appreciate you putting in so much time and efforts to help me out. I cannot express my gratitude. And no need for PM. I will learn it from EA’s Become a Living God ebook. Once again. Thank you.

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