Introducing myself

Hello everybody;

I’m a new member :grinning: I decided to join the forum because I’m interested in occultism but I’m not a magician, I’m a medium. I’m not a profesional and I do not sell any kind of services. I don’t have any website or social media page.

How long have you been practicing? Just experimenting with this and that for 3 years. Just poking my nose searching for something that I can connect with my medium skills.

Do you follow any particular system or tradition? Nop

Do you have any practical experience in magick? Just experimental and I never managed to get any kind of manifestation. I guess this makes zero practical experience - no useful experience - no productive experience :joy:

Where are you from? Western Europe. This is as far as I go.

Photos if you’re comfortable - I’m fugly, sorry

Current ambitions/struggles - I’d like to get my first manifestation but most urgent, I’d like to find a banishing ritual that actually works with the kind of entities I have to deal with.

Good intro! Welcome to the forum. :slight_smile:

So what have you tried so far and what happened? What entities are you dealing with and did you have an issue getting specific methods to do what you wanted?

Hey Mulberry, this is kind of long.

I’m a very particular kind of medium. I can perceive entitites and what they do but I can’t see them nor hear them with very few exceptions.

I just call them bad entities or positive entities. Since I can’t see them, I don’t know what they are. I just can guess.

One of the exceptions is that I can hear these entities when I’m asleep. Lately, there is this annoying and insisting voice of a woman that comes to wake me up every single night.

Note that this is not the first time. This has been going on for ages now.

The first time it happened, I could hear a female voice talking to my right ear, very fast, in whispers, in a language that I could’t recognize.

When she managed to wake me up, she kept on going with the letany until she realized that I was listening. Then, she abruptly shut up.

Now, few weeks ago, I was sleeping when I noticed a new female voice screaming at me, trying to wake me up. She finally did but I couldn’t hear her anymore.

Note that I live alone in an empty house.

The next night was the same. This time she managed to wake me up but apparently she got bored of trying and the only thing I could hear was a yawn. And then I had enough. You finally wake me up and you just yawn at me? :rage: really?

At this point I started to try some methods to get rid of the b-entitity.

I’ve been praying the Lord’s Prayer every day. She doesn’t care.

I tried the LBRP thing. No-thing.

I casted a protection circle around my bed like if I was a witch that I’m not. It didn’t work.

Next, I started to go to bed with ear plugs on. She didn’t care either because she screamed louder.

Now, I’m sleeping with ear plugs and blasting ASMR.

It worked for I while but I suspect she has adopted new tactics. Lately, I’m waking up a lot of times to scratch my face. I think she’s managing to touch me somehow.

So, I’m back for a banishing method that may work. I’ve been researching the Sword method and Ruby method but it’s more of the same than LBRP. She doesn’t care.

Any suggestions are welcome :grinning:

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Lbrp banishes, but banishing is a but like getting mice out of the house, they can come right back if you don’t stop up the ways they’re getting in.

To prevent randoms from just walzing in to bother you, you set up a ring fence seeing your house called a “ward”.

As you are a medium, it’s anecdotally common to hear that you get more attention, either because you can sense it, and/or because entities, especially human ghosts, know you can sense them and want to interact.

Search on here for “spiritual hygiene tutorial” and there’s many ways to set up wards and shields.

These don’t come from the pagan witchcraft traditions, a circle of protection comes from the medeval grinoiric tradition rooted in solomonic magick which comes from abrahamic magick called kabbalh, where you command entities in the names of their god, and the circle is supposed to stop them attacking you after you evoked them.

For this to work we’d want to look at how you cast the circle, particularly how you set your intention, and whether you banished first or just taped an entity inside it instead, stuff like that.

I’d say stop playing nice guy and attack it back.

It knows it’s not wanted and is probably feeding on the attention. Visualizing burning them with fire gets the point accross pretty unmistskeably and not only do they not come back, other entities see it and think twice about messing with you as well.

You have very nicely shown these things the door and they just circled back around you and came back in… rude! If you wouldn’t put up with it from a human you don’t put up with it from a discarnate. There’s no police so you have full permission to defend yourself with predjudice. If you like you can give it one last chance, address it aloud and firmly and with authirity inform it it will be leaving permanently or you’re going to kill it. It will probably underestimate you so then you just attack it. You can kill it but it will run first and it’s hard to chase them as a human.

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Thanks for the suggestions :grinning: very interesting!

I think the first entitity learned that I could hear them and then it passed the word to other spirits, ‘hey, this guy can hear us’.

Ok, I got it Unofficial Tutorials: Spiritual Hygiene & Defense Collection

I actually grabbed a pencil and I drew a real circle around while thinking ‘this is my space, anybody else… get the f out’ :joy: I was sick and tired of the whole situation.

This is puzzling. Why do you think an entitity can be aware of what we humans are visualizing? or projecting?

Once, a powerful negative entitity got into my head. When it got inside, I could see its form - not human. It wasn’t reading my mind, it was trying to take control. I didn’t let it.

The only reason I allowed it to stay in my head was because I was fascinated watching its strange shape and color. When I had enough of the show, I just kicked it out.

How can I kill an entitity? :interrobang: This would be great as a last resort.

My tactic right now is boring her. She made a huge mistake by yawning at me. If she yawns, it means she can be bored. So I’m boring her to hell. Whenever she has enough, she’ll hopefuly go away.

It would be great if I could set up a propper ward but the kind of entities I deal with, don’t care by anything.

The same way you get clairsentience and telepathic comms, you can do it, so can they. For them it’s thier primary if not only means of communication, so they’re very good at it.

If you think about it, communicating via modulated sound waves being interpreted back to implied meaning in the brain in a specific order is kinda cumbersome and can only work in the physical. Same with body language.

You need two things to do ‘magick’, you apply your energy to affect other energy via your intention guided by your attention. Energy follows mind.

Intend[quote=“BadMedium, post:5, topic:183289, full:true”]
Thanks for the suggestions :grinning: very interesting!

I think the first entitity learned that I could hear them and then it passed the word to other spirits, ‘hey, this guy can hear us’.

Ok, I got it Unofficial Tutorials: Spiritual Hygiene & Defense Collection

I actually grabbed a pencil and I drew a real circle around while thinking ‘this is my space, anybody else… get the f out’ :joy: I was sick and tired of the whole situation.

This is puzzling. Why do you think an entitity can be aware of what we humans are visualizing? or projecting?

Once, a powerful negative entitity got into my head. When it got inside, I could see its form - not human. It wasn’t reading my mind, it was trying to take control. I didn’t let it.

The only reason I allowed it to stay in my head was because I was fascinated watching its strange shape and color. When I had enough of the show, I just kicked it out.

How can I kill an entitity? :interrobang: This would be great as a last resort.

My tactic right now is boring her. She made a huge mistake by yawning at me. If she yawns, it means she can be bored. So I’m boring her to hell. Whenever she has enough, she’ll hopefuly go away.

It would be great if I could set up a propper ward but the kind of entities I deal with, don’t care by anything.

Intend to burn it alive until it’s nothing but ash, use the visualisation to apply your energy via attention. You has zero intention of allowing the posession: take that attitude with you into the fight.

It doesn’t matter that this is symbolic: there’s no physical fire, your subconscious gets it and applies your energy to effect the desired outcome. So the trick becomes doing whatever is takes to get your energy flowing the way you want, and that is a skill. This is the entire point of a ritual, raising/gathering and then applying energy.

If that is your attitude, then you have made it so.

You’re the one in charge, it doesn’t get a choice.

Your one ward was not a ward, and weakly done. Put more energy and attitude into it, don’t just ask entities to leave, see them leaving whether they like it or not, there’s no asking or telling, you don’tleave it up to them, you push them out with your energy.

Like a drunk in a bar, you don’t ask, you bums rush him to the door then shut the door in his face.

There’s other methods, look up “what’s normal creating wards” tutorial.

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I’ve actually done this. I created two servitors for protection. :smiley: I want to think they work somehow because so far, I have come out of all the encounters fairly unscathed. I just lost some Z’s.

I will be trying more wards from that thread until I find something that works with this entity.

The tactic of boring her is making some progress, though. :laughing:

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum 2.0

A post was merged into an existing topic: Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum 2.0