Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

Hey there, sorry for the late reply. I am from the Tampa, St. Pete area (FL).
I have been actively practicing since 2020, but studying for about 5 years.

My primary area where I have had guidance from respected practicioners is Vodou, although I am white, I was in prison when I was given my first priestesses contact info…

I practice hoodoo from the ebooks I have. I prefer hard cover books and will be purchasing a few more when money isn’t tight. I am very interested in Christopher Warnocks Renaissance astrology.

Ceremonial has its place, but it’s alot of work and requires money for many ritual preparations.

The priestess I saw last (local) said she feels like I am going to work best with the 7 African powers…interesting.

Thank you for elucidating more upon your experience.

Hello everyone, my name is Du, I’m asian and my family is not that religious but i started being interested in magick since 2020 and i bought some crystals, tarot decks here and then, trying to “manifest” by listening to tiktok(its dumb i know), i never really know what i was doing until these past months, and when i was trying to get my desires i found this beautiful forum!!
• i found myself doing so many lovespells to get this guy that i met in 2019 to date me, we’re still friends on facebook, he’s aloof and cold( i didn’t do any protection spell so maybe that’s why it didn’t work)
• Recently i researched about deity work and decided to reach out to Lady Aphrodite for help, i’m still a newb so i tried my best to give her offerings n prayers, i would make a magick circle and try to connect with her by using a pendulum, but the signs r unclear and confusing, i asked some questions n she said he’ll come into my life n ask me out this december(i only used the pendulum n a yes/no board)
• i really want this guy to be in my life, but i need clarity, should i evoke a demon to help with this matter or should i continue to wait, if so is there anything i can do to have clear answers from Lady Aphrodite?
Thank yo so much, I’m thankful to be a member of this community

Welcome @yuubara

Where are you from?

Do you have any practical experience in magick?

If so, what, exactly, do you practice, and how long have you been practicing?

Are you following any specific system or tradition?

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Thank you, I’m from Vietnam, I’m 20 yrs old. I have been practicing sigil magick for a year I think, learning how to make a sigil and how to activate them, I make little spell jars every now and then. Sorry for my poor English

Hmmm I must have put my introduction in the wrong place earlier.

You can call me Shimmer if you want. I’m female (she/her pronouns). I’m 21 years old. I’m from Florida, USA. I started practicing magick around May or June of this year. Most of my spells didn’t work, but the ones that did work were the ones that helped me find lost items of mine. I’m into Azazel right now. I was into Kemeticism, but that wasn’t helping me.

Welcome @jffufejfthfjgdf

Where are you from?

What, exactly, do you practice?

Do you follow any specific system or tradition?

What are your areas of interest?

I’ve been here with you for a long time. I’m studying goethea

Welcome @Denis322 Please introduce yourself properly. This post tells is nothing about you and does not meet our introduction rule.

Where are you from?

What, exactly, do you practice and how long have you practiced?

Do you follow a specific system or tradition?

What are your areas of interest?

I practice opening sigils, and meditation under YouTube Satania) I’m from rf

And how long have you practiced?

With different periodicity, three years

Thank you for elucidating more upon your experience, and welcome to the BALG forum.

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Hi, I’m Michael, and I’m new here. I am interested in MANY magics, especially sigils, summoning, herbs, oils, hoodoo… it’s a pretty long list actually :smile:
Anyway, here I am. Howdy, all!

Welcome @MCrocker Please tell us about yourself.

Where are you from?

Do you have any practical experience?

If you do, what, exactly, do you practice, and how long have you practiced?

Do you follow any specific system or tradition?

If you don’t have any practical experience, what are you looking to learn more about?

I’m in NY, but not from there.
I have been fascinated with mythology and magic since I was old enough to read.
I am a practicing herbalist and I have just begun trying ceremonial magic. As far as “tradition” goes, I am still finding my way. I keep at learning systems while they serve me, or seem promising, but I ruthlessly discard what doesn’t.

How long have you been practicing?

I’ve been a practicing herbalist for 12 years, and I own an apothecary/ greenhouse.

@MCrocker not sure why your avatar is so sus

Welcome to the forum, but on second thought…
