Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

• Your name
You can just call me Adam.

• Kinds of magick you like
Satanic, Luciferian, Chaos (Creating Order out of Chaos), Freeform Magick…creating own rituals. All practiced from a Non-Religious (Abrahamic) context.

• Current goals
Working with Belial.

• Current struggles
Not really a struggle…but honing my focus to the extreme to be better. I will write more later…Hail to everyone.

Welcome @Cuvee.Belial

How long have you practiced?

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Ive been focusing on different techniques or variations of Chaos Magick Hypersigils for 7 years including dirext energy work. With sporadic evokation of different demons thrown in, but I mostly enjoy meditating on Belials energy because it makes me more physical. My near future workings will focus more on a specific demonic actions.

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Hello. I’m new to this forum. I’ve read posts here before, but never joined until now. Thanks for having me.

As far as my beliefs and practices go, I go where and do what makes sense to me and follow a path that is uniquely my own. I don’t follow any formal path, as that doesn’t make sense to me. I just do my own thing.

My goals are to continue learning and experiencing on my path. Life has surprised me, so I just enjoy where it takes me and learn more as I go.

My current struggle would be trying to fit in with the hypnotized masses when I have to. Humans do not make sense to me anymore, but I still have to deal with them to some extent, and that can be a struggle at times.



around how long would you say you’ve been practicing? And what kind of reaults would you say you’ve been getting so far? :smiley:

We only ask so folks have some kind of baseline idea where someone’s at when they join. :+1:

I’ve been practicing seriously for the last 6 years or more, but developing my skills and learning my path all my life. As far as results go, I’m extremely happy with that! I find the answers I seek and get results and responses to my workings.

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Hello Everyone!
My name is Dave and I am new to magick. My whole life I was raised in a very Christian home and I always questioned what and why I was doing what I was doing. It wasn’t until this year that I finally said fuck it and began truly searching for something real. That’s when I stumbled upon this page.

I started reading and watching videos and I reached out to connect with Lucifer and I felt him. I want to feel him again. I’ve been working on communicating with him, Asmodeus and others and reading as much as I can. But I am struggling. I feel like Asmodeus is not interested or possibly I’m asking too much too quickly. But I know that I found this page on purpose and I finally feel comfortable enough to show myself.

I look forward to this journey into myself. Into the darkness. Letting it in so I can truly find the light. Any advice is welcome!


My names Lance
Im a total noob when it comes to practicing magick
I do believe i have a strong relationship with Lucifer and Belial. I want to continue my path and find happiness. Here to be helped and help


@Noobynoob Do you have any experience in magick at all? If so, what do you pracitce?

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The only experience i have is mainly hallucinogen induced which developed into my everyday life. I spend my days harnessing power for lucifer and belial, both their sigils are tattooed on my body. I served them unknowingly for many years when i was involved in the psychedelic drug trade. Now a retired acid casualty im trying to become stronger with them

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Hello I am new here, so I wanted to say in few short sentences, it took a long time to remember who I am, but now i know who I am and glad bcs of it. Don’t do magick, rituals, invocations. Mostly doing stuff via dreams, astral projection, traveling to another worlds u name it. I am very old

That’s kinda vague. Outside of Overwatcher, who are you?

Are you talking spiritually?

Well I would not like to share the name, lets say making deals nobody can make, making strategies and plans for ongoing war are my main things, this is very vague that i said i know. I mean during my life I was close to nervous breakdown or it felt like it. So he chosed me, we can merge into one form, have separete forms in sense he has his form and i have mine

All right. Are you talking about invocation kind of merge or something else?

It all happens in dreams, before we started making serious bondage I asked him if it can be limited on astral planes and he agreed. It happens telepathicaly, sry for bad english

No worries. Thanks for explaining.

New member notice- Hi, Chaelus Xul here. The Black Pylon is my IG and YT handle, also I make intermittent posts at I’ve been a magical practitioner for about 30ish years. I am a black magician, practicing solitary witchcraft, evocation, invocation, hermetics, personal alchemy… pretty much the gamut of Western tradition. Currently, the Qliphoth is my focus, but I permit myself to be tangential and if something calls, I’ll answer. I don’t know why it took me so long to jump on the forum; I’ve been a fan of EA since the old green-screen days. Soo, that’s about it.
Let me know if there’s anything I should add, please.
Thank you all, talk to you soon. CX


Looks good, I just sent you a PM with some useful forum info, hope you enjoy your time here! :+1:

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My name is Brandon but I go by Harmony and I’m 25. The kinds of of magick I like is Dark, Black, vampyre, Egyptian, Sumerian, and Persian. My current goals is to initiate myself into The Path Of Smoke dealing with Ahriman and ultimately become the best sorcerer I can be in this lifetime and when I transition!!! My current struggle is just finance but that’s about to be solved with discipline, creativity, and hard work being an entrepreneur!!! There’s so much information here. I am thankful to join this forum!!!


Welcome @Harmony_9

Where do you hail from?

How long have you practiced?