Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

Good evening, my name is J.J. I have been a practicing magickian for eighteen years now. The discourse on this forum intrigues me and i enjoy following the posts. Rarely, if ever, do i comment or posit a question. To apprehend and witness the direction of one of the preeminent fronts of modern magical direction is rewarding enough. Often I find the individuals here refreshingly surprising in their scope and knowledge. In the interests of restraining the iron fist of moderators, i thought it prudent to give at least a simplistic intro. in the event that i do choose to engage in a more robust dialog.


Hello everyone, I’m Madison, 19 years old, actually attending college. Sorry for my bad english, I’m Brazilian =)
Well, I give myself entirely to the Left Hand Path and the Dark Arts, practicing everyday to improve my will power and psychics. I’m adept to psychic vampirism, specially via sexual intercourse (I found that way to be the easiest to drain energy from other people). Besides my ability to sense and manipulate forces and energy, I always had a struggle to see/hear them, and was aways frustraded about that, until crossing my path with the book Works Of Darkness by E.A. Koetting, which helped me a lot in developing those abilities. Actually I’m practicing Scrying, the first exercises given in Works of Darkness and a few Spells.
It’s rare to find serious sorcerers, and since this forum is from BALG, I think i’ve finally found a place where serious magickal knowledge can be shared. I’m really happy for being here!
That’s it, thanks for reading (and for the patience trying to understand my english), kisses!


Hi everyone and Greetings! My name is Druana and I have been a practicing high magician for 20 yrs with the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn, and have also been solitary as well. I am currently living in Baja California Mexico about to move to Spain! I just started taking E.A Koettings Master Evocation course and I am so loving it! Ive evoked Angels and done Enochian Magick, etc, but never invoked or evoked a Demon until this past month. The way I been invoking Azazel is when I am about to go to sleep, right when i hit Theta state before sleep and I call upon him he comes immediately bringing me a major feeling of fearlessness, confidence, and power! As an empath and clairsentient, i tend to pick up energies very easily including his. Tonight i decided to go all the way and do a pact with him. At first i felt his energy all over my body tingling as i was reading the pact to him. Then I realized, crap i forgot my pen to sign it! So I had to leave the circle to get the pen. Then when I came back to sign it with a pen and seal with my blood, i didnt feel that tingly energy as i did before i left the circle. I hope that didnt interfere with my work, but anyways, i went ahead and moved forward and with my intention sealed our pact and left it as that. I will keep you posted on my experience. Still working on the auditory part in communicating with him, all i get so far is just a kinetic feeling when he is around.


Ok that post was suppose to be for last night. I made a boo boo and posted in the Master Evocation topic instead. Okay heres what happened after the Pacts with Azazel.

I have a wonderful comment to make on E.A Eric Koetting course! I been studying his course for almost a mos now, and I have been a practicing high magician for 20 yrs. been apart of the esoteric order of the golden dawn. Ive never invoked or evoked a Demon until a mos ago, and actually made a Pact with Azazel last night. The dreams last night were amazing and he has been extremely helpful with certain things im focused on, a major confirmation of what place to move to came when i dreamed of something that had appeared later for my boyfriend of the something that happened. I dreamed i was traveling with Azazel in a bus and he was the driver and drove me over this steep cliff. I was freaked, but he managed to drive very good. lol Then I woke up to share this with my boyfriend and he sent me a video of his friend in this particular country we were thinking on moving too, his friend was riding on a bus over a huge cliff the exact same one i dreamed of. Eric koettings method is no joke, and cant wait to go to bed tonight to have more fascinating astral traveling dreams!


Hello. I’m gvgjbune. I thought I did this, but looked over the boards and noticed there wasn’t a post here from me, so here goes.

I have a very eclectic religious background. I’ve been in different Christian denominations my whole life, and I’ve learned to put my bible knowledge into practice for Magick. Many times there are truths hidden between the lines of a given passage.

My primary goal here is to learn, and ascend. I’ve purchased the complete works, and the anthology most recently. I’ve also enjoyed getting to know some of the members here, and am looking forward to getting to know more of them.


It has come to my attention that I as well have not done a proper introduction.

Name is Stephen, & going by Frater Nostro & The Illustrious Mage.

I have dedicated my life to black magick. I am also a creator of demonic servitors and other various entities. A skill I have learned from an invaluable friend. I work with various Goetic demons, and I have a special bond with Lucifer and he has taken special interest in me for a reason I have yet to fathom. I have an affinity for empathic & telepathic conversation with spirits and this is how I communicate with them.

My current goal is also my current struggle - to finally be able to Astral Project and facilitate full physical communion with spirits. I have beeb trying to do this for years now!


I saw this thread and thought it might be a good idea to, well, say a few words.

My name is Ockoman, which is a name I heard in a dream once a long time ago. It has mystified me ever since.

I am a natural-born clairvoyant, able to see and hear spirits without much difficulty. I believe this is because of my bloodline, but I don’t know enough about it to say for sure. I’m 25, turning 26 in September. My main interest in magic is the legends behind it. I’ve always been curious about how far the ancients took their magic, and how it was represented, and if we can replicate it today. I, however, am entirely LHP.

My current goal is spirithood. I am already proficient in projection and have no difficulties with clairvoyance and basic psychic arts (Psionics, energy manipulation, etc.)

My main roadblock would have to be my situation. I live alone, with two cats, and people are coming to see me on a rather consistent basis. After all, when you live alone in the woods with diabetes, for some reason people will flock to you.


Names Chris; And for as long as I can rember I have liked magic.

Goals: learn to use my own energy in spells and ritual, Master evocation, and ultimitly try to make spirit into physical existence

Skills (current)-not many buuuut- raw determination, some physic vampirism, great magical imagination, good at visualization, and daily mediation

struggles-theta/gamma sync, dealing with stress in ritual (Candle wax every where, neversness, ect)

Magic I like and am trying to get into- physic vampirism, and anything reallying on youre energy and energy stolen


Hi, I’m Steph. I have been studying and practicing magick since my early teen years. I always feel like I have more to learn before I can claim to be adept or knowledgeable about any and every thing, so please pardon my lurking.


[quote=“Bran, post:2, topic:3232”]Ok, I’ll follow the example.

I’m Global Moderator for the BALG-forum.

My name is Bran and I’ve been walking the LHP for about 8 years now. Before that I was a Shamanist (note that I don’t call myself Shaman, because such a tittle is nothing but New Age Bullshit. The only real shamans can be found from Ukraine through Nepal, Mongolia, Siberia, and Africa).
After practicing Shamanism I decided to stop visiting the Spirits in their world, but instead I wanted to invite them in our world. This was the beginning of my dedication to evokation. This lead to a Pact with Azazel and under his mentorship and guidance I now devote myself to Black Magic, although I keep using Shamanic Techniques.
I also applied for membership of the Brussels Hell Fire Club.

That’s it! If any questions, just shoot!


And real shamans are of course in Native American tribes :wink: my tribes’ shamanistic teachings actually sparked my interest in the occult.


Hello Seekers!
I am Milla.
I have felt this power within me since I was very little, I must say I am a magician-born person. I have been called a witch for as long as I can remember.
My preferred forms of magic are the Solomonic system and the Abramelin Operation, with evocations to visible appearance.
My aim is to establish my Essene Order globally, and to live in a very opulent manner, while serving humanity, especially in healing, and helping people become rich and achieve their potentials.
My struggles, so far:
Poverty. Those who come to me, and are with me now are mostly, poor, jobless and needy people. Those who can help with my work.
But it was not always like that. I am meeting with a lot of animosity, competition, attacks and meanness from Christian Church Pastors, who have poached and tempted away all those members who helped financially, by telling them that my order is Satanic and they should no longer frequent my meetings.
In one year, all of my able followers have deserted me. So far I have done nothing to them, but that pastor has offended me in a most hurtful manner, destroying what I took so long to build.
As well as making my Order one of the greatest amongst the Essene Orders, I intend to punish those Pastors in a way appropriate with their efforts in destroying my work.
I am seeking Seere, on one part, as well as the four Princes and the Sub-Princes as detailed in Abramelin. My ultimate goal, is Divine realisation, or if you prefer, achieving living godhood
Hope to make many friends here.


Why not ask him if he was satisfied with the pact? If not since you’ve done it once, nothing stops you from reading it again, this time taking a pen with you and signing it properly.


[quote=“SinisterShadow, post:54, topic:3232”]Greetings all, I am the Sinister Shadow Master Librarian of BALG (lol… I am so full of shit)

I have been a practitioner of magic for a little while but I have learned so much in such a small period of time. I usually deal with the dark aspects of the metaphysical realm.

I also have been affiliated with ONA, (No I do not sacrifice human beings… Sadly) But I eventually turned to the workings of The Tempel Ov THEM, and primarily the Goetia and most of E.A Works.

I also have part-taken in a life Long pact with the great Scorpion God Belial. He has made me strong and powerful and self-responsible for my own destiny.

Because I do not wish for this great site to get into any legal trouble… If any of you new folks wish for some exceptional reading material feel free to ask me via PM and I shall give. (Note I do not give out any E.A Material out of respect)

If any new people wish for help, feel free to ask. It my obligation to help humanity in its Aeonic Evolution.

-Sincerely Sinister.[/quote]

Nice intro, Sinister. I will hold you on that promise, and I hope you’ll keep it too. I certainly won’t be afraid to ask for your help… So wait for my cry to come.


Hello my name is ronin.
i have been studing magick for 5 years but stumbled on to Koettings youtube channel and i decided to stop studing and dabbling.
i practice black magick and vampirism. i am interested in necromancy but couldnt get my hands on dantes book.
my biggest struggle is my christian family not liking magick so im stuck till i find my own place.
i am on SoM but got tired of all the assholes there who diss people who like koettings works so here i am. i have been watching but i decided to step out of the shadows to participate


My name is Ricardo, im interested in anything related to out of body experiences, my goals in magick would be to visit the akashic records, my current struggle is getting rid of this obsesor spirit it is tormenting me right now,


Hello :slight_smile: I’m new to the forums, obviously. There really isn’t so much to say about me, I’m currently more reading than actively meddling. I’ve got some experience in various topics we have here, but for the most part not by any book.


Hello I am Braxton I used this forum for awhile and should introduce myself. I use mostly sigil magick and evocation. I studied for around 6 years before ever really using magick on a regular basis. My goals are to do magick just as effectively without any ritual or tool as I am with them. My current struggles are making a balance between my magickal life and my mundane life. Also in meeting other magicians near me to possibly work with. I live in Arkansas so you may see how that would be more difficult here in the bible belt. Thanks to Bran for finally getting me to do this.


Hello all, here I’m to learn! Interested in Goetia and Yoga


Hi, Im not really so hot with introductions … Kidding, im very good at introductions, i just think its funny when other people are not.

So i am currently trying to get my user name changed to something more “flashy” and “ominous”, we shall see if the mod gods look with favor upon my pitiful request.

So i am an on again off again occultist of about thirteen years…over about the last year i have gradually come to a point of almost daily ritual success or experience of some form or another in varying degrees, ranging from barely noticeable to “holy shit a giant black serpent is roiling around inside my body”.

I had my first real, substantial , auditory , consistent conversation like interaction with azazel this morning.

I will be writing of this in my first post"breakfast with azazel" please join us as he always has really disturbing and uplifting things to say,lol.

In all seriousness the importance of a magical diary became apparent in this discussion and i thought what better way to improve than get feedback and possibly help others as well through my experiences.

Im always open to share and if you ever have any questions feel free to ask.
I leave you with a friendly disclaimer…my experiences are my own, they are opinion even though they are the truth as far as i know the matter personally and i realize and respect that yours may differ.

Magick is fluid in its ultimate nature, like electricity, it can be used, harnessed, directed and interpreted in its many capacities in as many ways as people choose.

Whats important is that every one be given the basics , the continuous principles and properties that many previous practitioners and explorers have purchased with their health their sanity and very literally their lives, proven to be repeatable and effective for whatever reasons, to be further explored and intuited by the next generation.

In magick as most scientific endeavors, the commonly accepted beliefs of today often prove to be a glaring sign to look in the other direction from the majority of minds and thinkers of the time in approaching difficult problems.
As always, stay in the question, the path is the answer, the destination is a point of illusory attainment that allows us to narrow and focus our energies for “movement”, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle says that you can not measure a electrons velocity and mark its exact location at the same time…there is tremendous occult power in this statement, if you grasp it it can shave years off your psychic faculty development.

Now, for all you smart cookies it will be noted that this principle does not hold true at the quantum level where we look at reality as a set of waves or coalescing forces rather than the classical Newtonian scale particles.

This different perception of “matter” and different awareness properties of these states hold true…the “higher” or less “dense” your perspective, or default worldview the more effective you will be in manifesting “extreme” or less likely scenarios and probabilities, but there is a definite finesse in understanding that when working with a quantum state of consciousness stuff happens…like “oh dang there’s a huge fanged demon walking behind that guy down the street”.

Now normally you can say " shucks i don’t believe in all that phooey…BAM! , consensus reality reasserts ,demon goes unseen, status quo maintained.

If however you say" oh yeah, i totally believe pretty much anything is possible and as ive trained myself to use and trust my senses im pretty sure that thing is real"…

So yeah, life as a serious practitioner of any variety of mysticism can be challenging, but it is beyond worth it in my humble (ahem) opinion.

I look forward to talking to you soon.


Hi,I don’t Know where to start and where to end,It is a little bite hard to write about oursalfs(well It’s hard to me)
My real name is Mateja but I prefered to be called Maty(spiritual name-innana ashan) I am kind of new in evocation(2years) but the real work became about 6months ago thank’s to E.A.

Interests and Goals:Mastering omnipotence(L.F. PACT) and soul travel