Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum


I’m Azzurra. Since childhood, I would creep my family out because I would just know things. As I grew up people of different religions or beliefs were drawn to me for advise. I’ve lived in many states in the US, currently I live in Washington state.

In the beginning of 2018, there was a spirit of some sort at work. Everyone called to their gods/goddess to get the spirits to leave. I was listening to a book where an exorcist was sharing his story. I guess the author and I didn’t agree because I instantly looked up the sigil for Belial, printed it. I grabbed a red candle that one of my patients just gave me for xmas, a bag of gummy bears (I had no idea what to offer Belial) asked him to help me quite the office. The noises stopped. Within 30 days, I had 15,000 saved and was pulled to move to Washington. Ever since, I’ve studied Dark Shamanism. That day, in 2018, when I called to Belial, I saw visions where demons have guided me. My entire pratice has changed, most of my clients have gifts they are struggling with. I am ready for the next level of my path and Thursday, I signed up for Pathwork course 1.

I’m excited to find so many people and resources who are building relationships with these ancient gods. I hope to build a relationship with many of you.

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Hi everyone,

I go by Saff.

I don’t have any photos at the moment, but maybe I’ll share some at a later time.

I have had a lifelong interest in White Magick/The Right Hand Path, and as of late have embraced that side of me after years of internal conflict between taking this path and continuing on the religious path I was born into. I am currently working with angels and archangels under the guidance of Damon Brand and the GOM.

My current goal is simple: learn how to manipulate energy. I once heard that the only way to “graduate” the Earth realm is to learn how to do just that, and since I yearn to get out of here and never come back, it has become a major ambition of mine.

Since I am a total rookie, my biggest current struggle is lusting over results. I tend to obsess. Newbie mistake, I know, but I’m getting better at it.

I’ve been lingering on this site for about a year now, and discovered the guidance/stories/theories/concepts/etc. this community has to offer is exceptional compared to others, so I finally decided to give it a shot and join.

So glad to be a part of this!



My name is Aveira, I love candle magick personally because I’m skilled at it and it gives effective and fast results otherwise it’s curses because it’s so intense and I love the feeling.
I also love demonic magick generally.

My goals for now is evolve as a magichian and generally. I’m interested in activating the black flame so that’s one of my goals for now.

My struggles so far is something I’d keep personal.


Hello, I go by Agiel.

I would consider myself an eclectic pagan, creating my own path. The magick that I mostly work with is candle magick, protection methods and curses. The core of my path, however, is divination (by tarot). I prefer the benign side of the art but have vast knowledge on the baneful side as well.


Hello, I’m Luke. I am from the U.K. and new to this. Basically I’m a a newbie. I want to get into having a friend relationship with a demon, preferably Lucifer because lucifer fascinates me. My current goal is to talk to lucifer or any other demon and ask them for help and give something to them if they want something. My current struggles right now are money issues. I want to travel to america and live there but I can’t because I don’t have money to do that. I would like to ask a demon to help me with helping me go to America.
Thank you,


Greetings, I am Drakados.

I have been a practicing magician and occultist for the past 15 years—presently having attained activity of consciousness designated at the spheres of 5° Tiphareth and 5° Thagirion. I am also an Apostle and Priest of the Red Dragon. My areas of occult and magical interests/involvement are; Draconian Magic, Qliphotic Magic, Theurgy, Thaumaturgy, and Chaos Magic.

During this timeline of my incarnation, I conduct extensive work with, and investigations into; transplanetary forces, preterhuman intelligences, and consciousness beyond our biosphere and dimension. On a more mundane level, I hold a deep interest in Quantum Physics—as well as Astrobiology. Other areas of the natural sciences interest me to varying degrees.

Most importantly, I hope everyone is doing well during the unfortunate pandemic that is wreaking havoc across our home planet. Best wishes to all.

– Drakados


Hi all, I am a witch/sorcerer I am not against magicians of any kind and those who control or use circles… I’ve been a theistic satanist now for some time :metal:t2:It’s fitted me well and I strongly believe this path is about our own experiences and sharing those experiences so we together we can all learn from a different point of view;

I believe magick is magick and there’s no white or black it’s all the intention that makes it harmful or for the better of another or more importantly for ourselves…

I’ve got autism and my magick is more demon and blood magick with them I find that blood magick with demons with intent is easier and less invasive than other forms.

Main patron Marquis Sabnock as we are now married and blood bond so we are stuck with each other forever and he’s absolutely amazing and caring. He’s bisexual and can appear as female (demons who are male but appear as female too some I’ve experienced them too be bisexual.)

I am 29 and love sharing knowledge.

Hail Satan.

I’ve got 3 natural guardian demons

1: Marbas.
2: Malphas.
3: Bune/Bime.

Hope you’re all safe during this crazy time amid the crisis.


Hi, my name is Andina and I am new to magick, although I have always been fascinated by it. I am in a very difficult period in my life, unfortunately not seeing how I can carry on. This is due to a morally good choice I made a year ago, although it turned out it was not a good choice for me as it ruined my emotional and physical health. I am interested in anything to do with time magick, such as sending messages to your past self, going back in time and changing the past. I am glad to be here and thank you for reading!


Hello and good tidings from Scotland

My names Davie, Hope all is well with you.

A little introduction, I am a practising Solitary Druid a being of Nature

often found sauntering among trees mumbling and conversing with ponderment

Sometimes refereed to as a TechnoMage

I run a little YouTube Chanel called Expanding The Process

Among all things Mage Magick and Lore I explore and encourage the ancient art of conversation Every Sunday myself friends and fellow Mage types gather to banter share and relax on a show known as The Sunday Chill

I was brought to these parts by my very good friend The Great Lord Josh Allen and I hope to take part in the many discussions and share in some of our experiences together going forward.


Greetings, my name is Devon but I go by WRWLF (werewolf) and iv’e been actively practicing magic since I graduated HS and moved away from crazy parents.

Looking back at my childhood and later years i’ve always aligned from the get go with the ideals satanism and the LHP offer. I was led to purchase the satanic bible at a local library around my junior year, which I usually read during my lunch breaks at school, guarding it like my life depended on it.
Later on after much time to digest the contents of my book collection, my “satanic paraphernalia” was found by my dad and burned(lol).

After I Moved off to college I was initiated into the draconian current and explored that path with another magician for a year before various synchronicities in life led me to move back to Texas and work specifically with king bael, alongside other forms of him such as baal. From this I’ve completely changed my life to be empowered through the black flame, finding interest in many different paths such as hoodoo, baneful magic, healing magic.
I continue to work with various spirits of the goetic and dukante nature and find myself primarily working with Bael, Beelzebub, Azazel, and Vassago nowadays finding great results physically, mentally, and spiritually after passing trials and hardship. My music skill and career has also seen vast improvement and I am forever grateful. I always remember that if i’m not willing to put in work myself to cause change then I don’t deserve the results. In the future I hope it is possible I may help others become empowered too.


• The name is Ruby
• No pictures
• I kind of just fall into shit. Accidentally had my head claimed in Santeria by Oya. Accidentally followed Santisima Muerte when I impulsively dipped to Mexico. Was raised by a shadow worker. Great grandparents were Irish and taught me plants, dowsing, and respect of nature.
• I let things be fluid. I started gardening. Building a chicken coop. Renovating a lot. Studying DIY techniques. Take it how you will. Still attend church when there isnt a pandemic. Mine crystals and give them to people there. I just like large crowds of people singing.
• Don’t really know if I have struggles. Overcoming PTSD from severe abuse. Has ties with an interesting deal I made with advice from a mambo. Wouldn’t consider it a struggle, more of an exchanged agreement. Good came from it and I can work through the tricks.


I seek physical enhancements and bodily transformation by means of supernatural methods and the making of pacts with other worldly beings; demons that are generous and powerful enough to grant those changes. The human body is limited in what its capable of achieving, although many would beg to differ, and it is true that mental resilience can push the body to do and endure things it- otherwise, could not, realistically when it comes to actively combating crime and the other evils of the world, there is only so much one can do, and usually to no great avail. My pathetic attempts in the public services have been an uneventful series of miserable failures, and it’s simply not enough. I no longer wish to be human and subject to the weakness of flesh, I aspire to be something else, a creature capable of bringing changes and justice to a world that is in dire need of it. So I search for answers here in the hope that someone can offer a solution to my problem.

Thank you for doing an introduction as requested, @Anonymous2132, but you haven’t exactly told us if you have any experience, only your itnerests.

Do you actually practice anything? If so, what, and how long have you practiced it?

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My names lilly and I’m into a bit of every kind of magic I’ve been practicing since I was 10 and I couldnt imagine a life without the wonders of the world. My goals are to become successful working from home and be able to explore and practice as deeply as I wish to on a daily basis :heart::heart:

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I have yet to do my first invocation, for the most part I research demons and how to summon them, and other fields of study within the paranormal. I have considered King Paimon, Andromalius, Mephistopheles and Baal so far, although I’m naturally more comfortable and feel a stronger urge to communicate with King Paimon. I have had no experience or practice of magick thus far, which may sound disappointing but in short answers your question, I suppose you could say I’m looking to get involved with a demon who has abilities of…the transformative kind. I don’t wish to waste any demon’s time with what might be perceived as far fetched ideas or stupid questions, although them gracing me with their presence would be a privilege in itself. I’m doing research to find a demon that has similar motivations as I do, and I naturally gravitate towards. When I find the right one, and find the correct rituals to summon or invoke them; I will have my first real experience.


Thank you for elucidating more.


Your welcome Darkest Knight, I take it you’re someone who has a rather extensive knowledge in this field, with the criteria I’ve given- would you be able to perhaps point me in the right direction, or offer me any possible recommendations on who to make contact with?

Sorry, I can’t help you. It is not within the realm of possibility in this universe to physically become something like Ghost Rider, or whatever fantasy creature you harbour to become. No spirit is going to magically transform you.

So many people come here looking for fantasy and get trapped in delusion, or run away once they learn how much work real magick entails.

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Hi. My name is Amber. This is all still new to me, I just started doing research on demonology and contacting demons today, and came across this site. I felt the need to join. As I gain more insight I will share what I have learned as well as using other peoples experiences to help me. My current goals is to give myself a better quality of life. I don’t want to contact a demon for any absurd reason or something that is near impossible to obtain. I’ve been looking into Bune and Mammon to start as I’ve heard some pretty good things about them.
As for current struggles, well again, that would be the quality of life and my current situation that I just cant seem to get myself out of. I recently lost a good paying job right before all this corona virus stuff started and I’m now working for a company that pays less, more work, and less favorable conditions. Last question, the type of Magick I like or am interested in would be Goetia

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Hi, I guess I’ll just keep the train going by example, my names Jonathan but I go by Jonny, or Jon depends on the person whose talking to me I don’t have any preferences name wise usually one of those three.

I wouldn’t like to show any photos due to the fact I just joined but I’m happy to see how the community does and so far from reading it actual seems chill

I’m currently looking into all sorts of magick, seeing as how I just started finding this stuff like a day ago I’m interested to see what I can find, I’ve always had dreams where I felt it be real then later in life actual seeing said event. And just somehow getting deja vu and knowing I’m on the right path, little stuff like that nothing major that I can remember at least, I’m mostly interested in seeing where Light Magick can go with the light cause from what I can see there’s a whole lot of dark so I’m interested in the flip side of that.

My current goals are looking into the “Good” if you could even call it that side of magick, I’d like to see how it pertains to Religions worldwide and just overall seeking of info and wisdom.

My struggles are weird, I deal with the occasional existential crisis sometimes (lack of purpose) and a general lack of info on any of these topics but I’m open to learning and not afraid to admit when I’m wrong.

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