Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

@NikoTheCurious Welcome to the BALG Community, I hope you find the knowledge your seeking.

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By Lucifer, you are stunning. I am Mazekeen. Still trying to upload my profile. On the LHP for the longest time and never ever stopped learning. From RSA. CEO of a successful company, mother of 1.
Despise Christians as they bore me to tears. Lov cats, hate ants, luv to read, and all the nice things money can buy. Hate people that do not know how to indulge. Lucifer is my father. Good sex, good food, and a pure passion for success, and the danger of being a bl ack magician is my poison. I am different and English is not my first language. Therefore please have patience and understanding if My words does not make sense at first. I am a very level headed person. I am very protective of my fellow magician. I am here to learn…


Mmmm yesss

Welcome to the forum

Fantastic introduction! If I may be so bold to say, 12 years of dedication and your brief but varied specialties are fascinating! Always curious to know how individuals such as yourself can keep that motivation going. Thanks for sharing.


Okay so I am from EU, really interested in magick amd anything realted to occult, wanna learn more and improve my life… Current goal is to improve confidence

Welcome @MrPeter

Do you have any experience in magick, or are you a beginner?


My given name is Joel Robert

I’ve always called myself during times of invocation Sildara.

I’ve been practicing necromancy for 20 years. I was taught by my personal God Maévoleth. I’ve heard whispers from the dead my entire life and am currently writing the Maévolethian Bible to hopefully instruct others on how to communicate with fallen souls.

Many people view necromancy as a disrespectful art, I however find it beautiful and liberating. I find lost souls and recruit them for a new purpose, when we satisfy eachothers needs they move on, if I cannot help them and the relationship becomes toxic, I let them go… I can go into great detail at a later date, I’m still learning just how open I should be about my craft. It is high order necromancy which involves trance states, hallucinogens, music, divination, herbal magick (ethnobotany)… Pm if interested in talking about the art of the dead.


@Robbi_Joe Welcome to the BALG Community, thanks for sharing your existence with us, this is by far one of the most interesting posts I have yet to read. I mean I’m pretty fascinated by Egyptian ritual magic, I have a pretty good idea that the pyramids def involved necromancy or some act of anyhow. To long meaningful talks about immortality!

@Mazekeen Welcome to the BALG community, I can really appreciate a cat lover, I still think its a hilarious concept people keep them as pets. Anyway welcome and if you ever want to discuss feline’s drop a message.

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• Your name- demonss
• Kinds of magick you like- not sure
• Current goals- get money
• Current struggles- getting money

Welcome @demonss

Do you have any experience in magick. This post isn’t a proper introduction as it tell us nothing about you.

How old are you?

What do you practice?

How long have you practiced it?

My name is Keenan. I will turn 27 in January, and I live in Boulder, CO. The paradigms that I have the most experience in are Śakta/Śaiva Tantra, Black Magick (largely drawing upon Luciferian, Draconian, and traditional Satanic influences), and Norse/Germanic Magick, in that order. Current goals include immortality and current struggles include following rules.

Welcome to the forum.

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Welcome my friend, don’t know many from iceland, glad you could join us :slight_smile:


Howdy! I’m Adrianna, I’m interested in all types of magick as of right now I’m working with the old gods and the goetia demons.
My current goals would be to improve my magic abilities and to have more dedication to my crafts (I’m a lazy person I’ll be completely honest, and since I’m still new to everything I have this lingering fear if the unknown, Haha I guess this would tie into my current struggles.)


Hi, my name is Petar, I come from Serbia, I am 20 years old.
Witchcraft has always been a part of my life, since I was a little kid I was obsessed with magic and witches, always been a misfit due to that, but I am not regreting about it.
While discovering about witchcraft, I’ve found out my paternal great-grandmother was a healer, using stones to heal people and later when my mom passed away I’ve found a deck of fortune telling cards in her warderobe, so I took them and started learning more.
I’ve been doing divination using cards for 3 years and my predictions mostly turned out to be true, you know, I would easily guess the person’s life just by reading the symbols of the cards and telling them their future and next time I meet them they would tell me that my fortune-telling came true.
Now, I am more interested in magic, not only fortune telling, so I hope I will make some progress here.


I have practiced magick for a year and had no results.

I have used EAs technique, enn chanting and books like demons of magick.

None work.

I don’t know if its cause I have no magickal power.


Hey!!! My name is Inês, I’m from Portugal and I’m 18yo.
I’ve had this account for a month ig? But I’m just introducing myself now cause I used to come here just to read about certain things.
Since I was little, I used to love crystals and I’d take them in my hand and meditate. I was always saying it were “lucky stones” and that it made me feel safe. When I was 5yo I took a reiki course and I remember meditating with my mom in the living room. We used to use lots of candles and incense to cleanse our home, even.
Right now, I want to grow spiritually and I made a friend in college who introduced me to goetia and I found it really interesting and remembered that 3 years ago, I saw this video about the 72 demons of Solomon and got interested and even searched about Dantalion at the time. I try to meditate everyday (except when I really have to study or do some works) using my crystals as a resource of energy. I also really like making herbal teas and I’m currently trying to make protection charms for me and my friends. WORKING ON IT!!! I meditate using Dantalion’s enn and I really like coming here reading about him and other spirits!
WELL, I GUESS THAT’S IT! Thank youuu!!!


Hello everyone,

Thank you for your admission to the forum.

I’m 49 years old and I’m born in Brazil.
Since my 11 years I have been interested in occult subjects and the powers of the human mind.
Other subjects in the same line also have my interest.
I saw many interesting topics in debates.

I hope to share some personal interests.
