Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum


Hi and welcome, what are you looking for?

Can you tell us a bit more about you, your magickal interest, how long you’ve been interested etc…


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Hi. I see Gabriel roughing up Lucifer. Envy them because Gabriel = New Testament/Quran. Lucifer = Deep Inferno/Anti-God. The fusion of opposites = The New Jerusalem, or the New Babylon.Both, my friends! Moriah meets the Gate of The Gods ( Rejoice!

I don’t know what this post is supposed to be, but it sure isn’t an introduction.

Please follow the proper guidelines and tell us about yourself and any experience you have in magick.


33rd year old male. From New Jersey USA. Most of my experience with magick is to do with scrying and tarot. I collect books about the left hand path. :slight_smile:


Thank you for doing a proper introduction, and welcome.

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I’ve already invoked some spirits, I have not done many things, I’m trying to learn everything I can about magic.

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Thank you for elucidating a bit more on your level of experience.

i wana to learn more about witchcraft and demons, in past i was trying to summon some of demons but unsuccessfully. i would like to research more about it.

Thank you for doing an introduction, and welcome :slight_smile:

Hey everyone! My name is Jenna and I’m from the US. I’ve always been interested in the spiritual and occult–I’ve dabbled in meditation and the tarot. I’m a complete beginner to magick and am excited to learn more about it! I am going through a transitional phase in my life right now (looking to switch jobs, make a long-haul move, just left a long-term relationship) and I look forward to self-betterment and learning more about what kind of person I am through magick

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Use the Search function - top right side magnifying glass representation.




Get Lords of the Left Hand Path by Flowers. Also, see if you can find The Church of Satan by Aquino, particularly the appendices.

There you go.


Also welcome!
If your Magick isn’t fun you’re doing it right!



Hi good people of the forum :slight_smile:

I’m not comfortable sharing my real name as I know it can be easily recognised but I can say that I am from Scandinavia.

I’ve been practicing magic on and off for years and I consider myself a grey magic as I’m familiar with both the left and right hand path. My struggle has really been about devoting time to develop my skills as I have a tendency to be a little bit interested in everything at the same time, this is something I hope that I will manage to conquer in the future.

At the time writing this I have started to practice my skills in meditation, divination and overall researching more about black magic.

Thank you and have a good day.

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Hello I’m Ted. I consider myself as a complete beginner. I stumbled upon this site last week, read some of the posts and was completely interested because ever since I was an adolescent I find occultism fascinating.

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Hello Sam, In my experience there will always be someone who will answer your question, or give you an advise how you can do best.
Feel welcome


Greetings to everyone! Pat here. :slight_smile: 21 years old, INTP Type 5 (duh lol), Virgo dominant, hailing from the Philippines. Now IDK if you have heard of how it’s like living here, but our country is considered as one of ‘em hardcore religious countries so… a closet(ed) occult dabbler since 2012, that I am. Though last 2015, I went public with the fact that I’m an empath + intuitive tarot reader. Yup, just imagine my holier-than-thou Christian classmates’ reactions when they saw me reading for random college students/clients lololol. It’s a miracle I’ve recently graduated college without being dragged off and drowned in holy water at the nearby church by my classmates. XD

I’ve had an account here since last year, but TBH, I felt intimidated and unsure of myself because everyone just seems so wise and experienced. I felt like I have nothing significant/helpful to contribute aside from good ol’ doubt and skepticism about my experiences with certain Goetic spirits and archangels. But after getting a random nudge from Belial after doing divination with him an hour ago, I just found myself logging on here once again, eager to introduce myself at 2 AM (or at least here X)! To think that I’m just getting to know Belial too. Just whoaaa.

I’m an aspiring preschool teacher/educator IRL and am currently studying for the licensure board exams for teachers this September. Still trying to figure out how this kind of career would mesh with me delving deep into the occult lol! But I am having fun learning how to maintain that delicate balance. I’m a writer too, as well as a huge bookworm and music lover, to the point that I’ll be emoting to classical music one moment then dancing to EDM the next. But most important of all: memes! I love memes so much I’m known IRL for making my own out of the people I know (and also myself). XDD

I’m very glad and grateful to meet all of you. Looking forward to grow and learn with everyone! Have a great day/night ahead, you guys. Blessed be! :slight_smile:


The read was too long but welcome anyways :joy:

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I’m 35 been messing with the occult for about 5 years. Got into it to produce wealth and riches. I’m still on the path even tho I have been facing many obstacles.