Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

Hi, my name is kade white, I share my last name cuz I like it and I dont care who recognizes me outside of the forum.

I’m new to magic, so far I’m only really good at using synchonicities to find answers. Ive only casted one successful spell. I assume it was successful because the lights went out as me and my friend finished the ritual. The outcome was what we wanted so I’m going to assume it wasn’t a coincidence.

I dont prefer a certain type of magic, I only care about the pursuit of knowledge. I am keenly interested in the scientific side of things, as i believe magick is only a lost science.(probably covered up)

My goal is to travel(working on a program to go to Puru and teach English where i will be experimenting with ayahuaska. My ultimate goal is share my knowledge and the plausible theories that could explain the occultic phenomena. I dont know if ill publish it or keep it in my family, havnt decided yet.

My struggle… I dont necessarily struggle. I could use money, but I dont need it. I am content with having what I need.


You came to the right place.
Welcome to BALG! :slightly_smiling_face:

Welcome to BALG! :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi everyone!

My name is Mike and I’ve just recently bought some of E.A Koetting’s books. I’m still reading them but I wanted to join this forum to learn more.
I’ve been doing magick of some sort for about 17 years now. I wasn’t raised with any religious structure but discovered the left hand path seemingly by accident and it felt like this was the right path for me. I don’t keep to one system of magick but rather take parts that appeal to me from many systems.
My wife is a practicing pagan with a strong focus on healing and divination.

I’m looking forward to getting to know people here and hopefully learning a few things.


Surely, you will learn more than few.
Welcome to BALG.
Hope you enjoy the ride.

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Im Ruby. Ive been stalking the forum long enough and now I want in.
I have always dabbled in magic, evocation and other things ‘taboo’ as a child before I knew what they were or what I was doing. Now as an adult I am going back to that but Im searching for a little guidance as I second guess myself these days.
My interests are updating my personal life and and sticking dynamite into my love life (once I know what I want)!


Thank you! I’m looking forward to my time here.

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My name is Matt.

I tend to focus on Necromancy based around my specific gods(Norse). I do not have a specific goal to be honest, I guess its to achieve a large amount of knowledge and to educate people.

I always felt in tune with the gods not to sound like some crazy self centered ego maniac. Oh, I know what I struggle with, putting up with my fiances extremist christian family :joy:. But yeah, I guess I am a easy guy to get along with. I grew up christian though, but when I started asking questions and digging around, I had no problem denouncing my at the time religion and here I am.



Thank you and welcome to BALG!


Hi all, here to introduce myself.

I have practiced and gotten deeply experienced in lucid dreaming.
Recently started practicing Astral Projection, hopefully will achieve it soon.

I do want to learn things though.

  • I want to learn everything I can about angels and demons, and potentially working with these entities.

I hope to make some friends and give all my knowledge of what I know and learn lots from other members.

  • Inessence

Welcome to the BALG forum! We do have a thread specifically for introductions:

But never fear! @Lady_Eva can move this to where it belongs with her mighty mod powers!


Welcome enjoy your time


So, I’ve been here for a while, and feel a bit more comfortable. So, I’d like to re-introduce myself.

Religion and spirituality have always been a very big part of my life. I have usually been considered religious by those around me. My religious travels have taken me far and wide. In fact, my BA in college was in religion (with a specialization in Judaism). I have belonged to or studied many religions and religious systems, including: Kemetic Orthodoxy, Judaism (especially Lubavitch Hassidic Orthodox Judaism), Zoroastrianism, Sikhism, Christianity (especially Catholicism and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or Mormon Church), Islam (especially Hanafi Sunni, Twelver Shiite, Ismaili Shiite, Naqshbandi Sufi), the Golden Dawn, BOTA, AMORC, the Temple of the Vampire, the Temple of Set, Santeria, Palo, Taoism, and Buddhism (especially Soka Gakkai and Pure Land).

I’m also very fond of languages but am cursed to be a prescriptivist. (The incorrect pronunciation and translation of some Golden Dawn material drove me crazy, for example.)

All of that led me to here. Each entity helped inform me, but each also had its own flaws. They all have informed my present paradigm.

Culturally, I come from a South Asian Muslim background. Sexually, I say I am bisexual male with a stronger attraction for men, but I believe sexuality exists on a spectrum. From a system perspective, I am quite adept with the Tarot and deal with Goetic demons with a dash of S. Connolly’s Nine Divinities system. Thankfully, I live in the US so can access this material without fear. (I’ve lived in Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates, where doing so would be most unwise.)

My handle means, in Latin, “From darkness [comes] victory”; it is both a reflection of my interpretation of Sith doctrine and also my belief that true victory and ascension comes from delving into the darkness.

The LHP and demonolatry are what freed me. I cannot begin to describe how this has changed me and my life. At times, I yearn for the comprehensiveness and rigidity of some of my old practices (especially Islam and Mormonism) but always stay true to my current practice.

I’m sorry this is rambling and disjointed and disorganized. But I’d like some of my favorites on here to know a little more about me.


What an impressive heritage! I look forward to reading your posts and learning from you. Welcome!



My name is Joshua
I’m a former Christian and no nothing of the occult, out of the blue I was contacted telepathically by a demon who calls himself Azazel. I knew nothing about him at the time and it scared me so bad I ran. (Funny right) He said he and I are one. I don’t have any occult books or supplies but I can summon him at will. Sounds crazy I know. I just thought I could find answers here. A transcript of our dialog is under a post for new magicians called fear etc. Any help would be great.



Thank you, and welcome! Hopefully, you’ll find some answers here!

I don’t understand why he’d seek some 40 year old musician who lives in Ohio out. I’m sure he could find skilled magicians. It’s mind boggling and scary.

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There could be a variety of reasons and it is up to you to find out.


My name is Jose and I have 34 years old. I’m a walker in the crooked path of the Traditional Witchcraft and Western Magick for 18 years. I’m also a initiate in Santeria and Palo Mayombe. I writing from Spain but my family is largely from Cuba.