Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum


I am here to learn and grow.
I practise and will post results regularly.


Welcome to BALG.

“Ask and it shall be given unto you.”
So be it.


My name is Philip, Im from Sweden.
Im new to black magic in general, I have yet to try any evocations etc. Ive been able to astral project for many years, and this is what brought me into the occult mysteries. Ive been studying many different teachings, especially norse magic (since its my ancestors). But so far its only been theoretical, until now when I found BALG.
So far Ive bought E.As course on Soul Travel, I want to start with this because of my previous experiences with astral travel. So far Ive never been able to do it in normal meditation/upright sitting. It most often occurs when Im newly awake in bed, and I can not always do it at will. I aim to change this.

Im really glad I found this community and movement! Fantastic to be here!


Thank you.

I have been interested since a child but only half-assedly practising for a year or so.

Chaos magick at first. Now I work with whatever gods/spirits/planets/energies I’m drawn to.

This site is amazing and the people here are fantastic. I have so many questions and so much to learn still. I am about to get some sleep but tomorrow I will catch with you all.

In the meantime, If you can’t check my post history, then head to the spirits categories and look for the thread Questions on Goetia. I went into some detail there, about what I am working with at the moment.

You’ll understand me a little better, so drop me a message replying there, here or pm me. I’ll check them all when I wake up.

I don’t know exactly how this site works yet, I don’t know how to quote and reply ect but I will learn. I’m so glad I found this place though. I’m so excited to talk with everyone about magick.

Good night. Thank you for your time. Hope to talk tomorrow. I will share everything magick/occult wise that I ever remember doing in the past and all the sweet details, but be warned. I have sooooo many more questions than answers haha

Chat tomorrow (:


Continuing the discussion from Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum:

Hi All, this is my introductory (maiden?) post! I am just so excited and grateful (above all things grateful) to be here and amongst such knowledge. Thank you!

I’m Ellie, and while I’m not new to magick I am new to working with spirits. I’m a follower of Santísima Muerte (praise be to her), and I guess you would say Santeria is more what I practice, but I incorporate root work, conjure and candle magick into what I do.

I am here because I want to learn how to call upon spirits and had to have a great working relationship with them. I am also here to hopefully develop an auditory or visual relationship with my guides as opposed to interpreting signs. I am here to take everything up a level with my practice.

Thanks everyone in advance and I hope to also share what I know as I get more comfortable.

In solidarity as protectors of the olden ways,



Hi my name is Bruno, I like dark magic I wanna learn to do magic act like Christ Angels and my biggest struggles for now is how to execute it and who will teach me. :frowning:



You are almost there.


You are here now, that is no struggle anymore. Use the search button, read others experience and testimonies.

Welcome to BALG.


my name is hannah, I became very interested in occult and stuff about two years ago, but due to my extremely Catholic family I was restricted from a lot of things when they found out. I’m back now and forgot practically everything I knew. I don’t exactly know what I want to do yet. I want to explore what I can and learn and not confine to just one thing.


Hi, my name is Zyair. I’m interested in astral projection and tarot. I’ve always felt drawn to the occult ever since I was a child because of my history with seeing spirits. Currently, my goal is to astral project.


I was also raised in a Catholic family and have used that as a supplement to my rituals. I use holy water, blessed salt, and blessed oil regularly in my rituals as I work solely with angelic beings. So, I encourage you to find the things of your faith that can be used in the occult, that way your parents won’t know any better and when you move out you can expand your ritual tool repitoire.


Thank you that’s really helpful

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Hi Timothy,
My name is Lily. I am in no way new to magick but very new to this forum.

I’ve been practicing my whole life and I’ve been seriously practicing for the last 20 years, but started experimenting with heavier magick about 5 years ago, and most recently with demons- though I haven’t done anything I would consider “black magick”. That being said, I judge no one, including my future self.

I am interested in practical magick, plain and simple. I’m eclectic. I respect the craft. I approach all magick with reverence and respect.

Things I’m struggling with now:

  1. Finding a true community. I think this may (hopefully) be the answer {?}

  2. Forming perfect petitins inline with GOM’s Demons of Magick. Just started working with it and love it for a few reasons. However, given how my brain works, crafting concise petitions is problematic.

Ok, that’s me

-Lil Lily


Hello all,
I will say my name is… silo. Some stuff about myself, I am upper middle class in my late 20s. I have been a strong agnostic since i was around 12. Here recently I have been, for some unknown reason, moving into “demonology”, I guess it would be called. This first started about 4 years ago when I had a shirt printed with Agares sigil on it for when I rode my motorcycle. A few weeks ago I started diving into contracts with Mammon and Bune.
Life has been pretty hectic since I started this which is why i have seek’d this forum. I am here in an attempt to learn just what I have done and really what exactly to expect. I have done a ton of research but many answers vary.


Hello everyone, I am an absolute beginner at this kind of stuff, but I have been reading a bit recently for the couple days. I intend, as I assume many other people intend to do as well, to improve my life using magick in the ways I can. I’m fine with the name Spirit Shade, although obviously that’s made up.

As for struggles… Well, aside from many problems I have in my life, the biggest one that relate to magick would be the fact that it’s hard for me to commit to this kind of stuff, and I honestly am debating whether or not to create a thread for help about this. To use an analogy, it’s like someone who reads a bunch of things of how to get fit but never puts them into practice for various reasons. Unfortunately, I seem to be my own worst enemy because even though I know this will help me and I know I can do this, I am still stuck behind laziness, doubt, or even rationalizing excuses to avoid starting like the procrastinator I am being right now.

I suppose that’s enough for the introduction though.


@SpiritShade @LilyJ @Fdxin Welcome to BALG.

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I find your “struggle” particularly interesting. For me, it was a “struggle” to stay away…which is why it took me so long to delve into the deeper, harder stuff.

If it helps, IRL I easily pass for a new age hippie though clearly I go deeper than that.

IMHO if you’re called, you’re called for a reason. Even if that reason is to say “f#% off!”

I dunno. I guess, I just wanted to say “welcome”.


Thanks, and I do believe I was called here for a reason, I just have to actually face this problem to get to that reason. Unfortunately one of the biggest reasons that I believe is holding me back is that I don’t live alone, and I guess I am afraid of what other’s will think if I start doing this stuff, as I’m more of private person in general. Again, I know that is an excuse to keep me from doing it, but at the same it’s just valid enough to put me off.

In fact, I actually did make a thread about it, considering this struggle is definitely a pretty bad one, although I believe once I actually get to the actually doing instead of worrying, I’ll be over it.


Fair enough and thank you. Though I’ve never faced it, I believe it is a common struggle, and frankly, not one which I’m tuned into or particularly inclined to explore- most likely a common thread amongst the practicing.

No one wants to tell you to do something you’re on the fence about. For several reasons.

May I ask, what is your hesitancy? Also, please confirm that you are of age.


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I suppose my age is pretty important. I am currently 16, which I do know that I’m currently not a legal adult, although I have read about those starting on this path younger, so I didn’t assume it would be too bad. I mean, this is something I want to do, and it just kind of seems pointless to wait two years when I could get started now, but I do know that there are going to be additional hardships.

And as for what I’m hesitant about, well, I suppose it is about my family first and foremost. The main thing is that I feel like I have to hide what I do from them because of some irrational fears of embarrassment and the like, and although so far they don’t really seem to take interest in what I do, there’s that piece of doubt saying if they knew that I would be doing this, something negative would happen. And unfortunately that’s pretty much my experience with literally everyone else I know, where my irrational fears kick in and I hide under the mask of a boring, plain person. So this is pretty bad. Although now I’m getting a bit off topic.

The worst part is that even though other people are the reason I feel like I can’t do things like this, it’s not their fault, it’s mine and my assumptions that also have no basis. I know I am the only one holding myself back. But I suppose that also means I am the one that needs to overcome this and move forward.

Not to mention, that’s only part of the problem, like I said in my other thread, I am a huge procrastinator, and so it’s a bit hard for me to take the advice of “Just do it”.

I apologize for any phrasing mistakes that may be in here.

I also apologize if it seems like I’m flooding this place with my problems. I’m probably just not that good at telling others my problems in a way that doesn’t come off as too strong. Most likely because I actually just keep my problems bottled up, which isn’t that good either. Still, I definitely have hope for the future as I know I can improve myself.


Love your post. It resonates with me on a number of things.
