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Welcome to BALG, blackpearl.

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Mike everyone so im working on demon magic to empower myself also life around me. Knowledge, wisdom and insight are the goals. Struggles everything.
Hope to hear from this great community soon.
Thank you


My name is Eric. Magick grabbed a hold of me as a child and we haven’t let go of each other since.
This forum is great in the depth, diversity, and quality of contributions. So glad I signed up and took a peek.

Thank you for the inspiring ideas and new areas to learn and explore.


You are almost there @Pizzaing

You are welcome. @DragonMagick

Welcome to BALG, brothers.


Hi !! My name is Ira. I m a left hand path beginner. My journey is few months old. There are out lots of learning material about spirituality n left-hand path. I was overwhelmed until I found this BALG forum. Learning a lot here. I found almost all the answers as a beginner , I was searching for. It’s a great pleasure to be a part of this forum.


I am currently struggling with my mental health as well. I was doing pretty well when i first got started and now see this as a challenge in finding who and what I truly am. It’s not easy but just know that it is possible because I did it once before and it was an awesome experience to walk in that freedom. Best wishes to you


Very nice tattoo!

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Velkommen :slight_smile: / Welcome


Thanks @marak it’s one of three I have now


Hello, my name is Ayman.

I wish to improve myself and become my greatest version of myself. I am adopting magic into my life for something greater than myself.
My current goal is to get my health stable. As I am kinda in a tight spot.


My name is Fabio and I want to make a pact with belial. My life has been flipped upside down financially legally mentally. I have read up some not much on belial and I like what I hear about him as an individual entity. I want to learn step by step on to summon and make a pact with delial. I’m 33 in a father. I want to make sure no harm comes to my family and others I love. Can I ask for financial gain and help with legal matters at once? Do I use the names of other devines to keep him honest? Can I make a life long pact.and what are favored sacrifices or offering in order to maintain a life long pact?


Welcome to BALG, Fabio!


Thank you! Pleasure is mine


Hi guys,

I’ve practiced and studied for almost ten years now. I love sigil work and it is the only work where I feel confident. I strongly shy’d away from any kind of spirit work and preferred to only depend on my self. That was the appeal of chaos magick for me.

I fell ass backwards into working working with Dantor. I wouldn’t recommend any other Loa to an outsider. She is patient, forgiving, works fast and asks very little. Of course, that doesn’t mean play with her, but she is a beautiful spirit.

Through that experience I began doing ancestor work.

Finally I am about to venture into evocation and invocation, starting with Raphael, then later Azazel.

My favorite occult books are: Liber Null, Evoking Eternity, and The Goetia of Dr Rudd has my attention at the moment.

Keep in mind I have the discipline of a two year old on crack despite my successes, so wish me luck.

My dad is in bad health so that’s why I’m evoking Raphael. I have a gorgeous green quartz pendant with his sigil engraved on it that I found online. It’s absolutely gorgeous. Every time I evoke, I’ll ask Raphael to bless the wearer with healing in addition to the specifics about my dad. I thought it may help, since it’s for someone else. Like I said wish me luck :slight_smile:

Thanks for having me


BALG wholeheartedly welcome you.


Hi im namkra, different culture different name.

black magician and demonologist, i came here to spread truth about satanism and demonology in general, i live with egyptian deities,feel free to ask anything.

im from finland.


Welcome to BALG.


Welcome! :smiley:

Many people come here to “spread truth” - the best thing you can do is share methods that have worked for you, that will help people decide what is worth researching, but if you simply preach to us, even if it’s about demons and so on, that is never well received, so please take this as a friendly word to the wise. :+1:


resonative learning when readin my posts, time will prove, if you are female, you can invoke me as namkra, you will get what i am.


Then share to us what you have