Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

Hey my names danielle im new to lhp but am very interested in it and all things occult related and im currently studying all things related to demonology and also im studying chaos magic​:wink::blush:


Yes. Theres one out there or you could make one

Welcome and blessed be brother

Hi I’m Dred, I really enjoy the musical aspect, the natural flow, goals endgame, fine tuning results


Hi, you may call me MalditaInfamia, my current interests are mostly evocation and OBEs.

First of all I wanted to thank Bune. Tried to contact her through meditation. I had slight visions of her as a woman dressed fancy, a lot like Ultimecia from FFVIII. I always got friendly vibes from her.

I received a small amount of money and most important, after a long time not knowing what should I do I am more focused and knowing what I must do to obtain wealth.

Wehl melan avage Bune Tasa.


Hi, I’m vanityfair. That’s a little ironic, because I hate vanity in today’s society. I used to believe in karma and bad luck and only about few months ago I realised that it’s bs and you can get whatever you want in life by not or by using magick. I am still very new to magick, I’ve been practising meditation so I could get my spells to work properly. A few months ago I’ve tried my first spells (freezer spell and reconciliation spell) but none of them worked. The only one that worked for me was “dream of me” spell. I think the other ones didn’t work, because I was too desperate and I wasn’t too sure what I was doing. My current goal is to learn how to do easy spells properly and to control my imapatience and doubts towards the work I’ve done.


how do you make one

My name is Lord Josh Allen. I am a Taoist Weather Magician and Feng Shui practitioner, my forte lies within summoning storms, calling winds and rains for the purposes of emotional and spiritual ascent. I’ve been actively working with nature magick for around 10 years, I went from manifesting a little breeze to being able to create gigantic and devastating storms. I am inspired by the famous Chinese general, strategist and Taoist sage Zhuge Liang, he is my main guide and Master. I walk the grey middle path. Here is a photo of me on my Altar Of The Seven Stars.


Welcome to the rabbit hole that is BALG! We hope you enjoy your stay :slight_smile:

Thank you.

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statement intent
remove all same leters then make a symbol out of it
“i want a red fruit today”
remove same letters
“i wnt a red frui oy”
then make a symbol out of it
then activate it with an extreme emotion the last step is up to you to figure out how to do.
symplisity is best with this type of magic but be clear in your desire.

Continuing the discussion from Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum:

Hello everyone. I’m new to this website. I’ve lurked a lot but finally made an account.
I’ve been into the paranormal all of my life, and over the past year I have been getting more and more into the occult. I’ve been trying to read as much as I can, and learn as much as I can. It takes up all of my free time when I’m not at work. I know I’m fairly new at this but I do feel like something or someone called me into this way of life. I dont know who I would be right now if I hadn’t have found the occult.
Also I’m really bad at introductions so I apologize for that. But I look forward into joining this forum and meeting all of you.


Hi, Welcome!

Hey! Thank you :wave:

I’m a bit confused I was trying to post this on the introduction post but couldn’t figure out how to make a new post there. It just made a new post here

All you need to do is scroll to the bottom and click on the reply button to post in the Intro thread, but that’s okay. Our mod can move this to it’s proper place with her mighty mod powers :slight_smile:

@Lady_Eva, if you could, please?

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No probs, I moved the posts, and please do check your messages (green icon, top right) - I’m going to send you some kinks to find your way around in a mo. :+1:


Thank you so much ! I just read your messages. Thank you for your help!

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ok so i remove all the same letters of i whant money to day and make a symbol out of it

Kinks? And all I got was a pm with some forum links. :sob::sob: