Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

Hey guys I’m Zac, currently a college student I’m asian btw I’m still pretty new to this. I had my first invocation a few weeks back and it worked. Miracles happened and now I’m unequivocally convinced this is the path I wanna embark and the sole believe system I’ll be devoting myself to.

I’m have 0 idea abt any magic other than sigil and blood offerings which I do now on a consistent basis. I hope the deities will impart me with knowledge of science and make an expert in my own field which is engineering. Lastly, I really hope I can start a small community of similar faith within my college.



I’ve been reading for a few days now and read that it is one of the rules to introduce yourself on this forum before asking any questions so…

My name is M. I’m a 33year old woman. I’ve been into “witchy woo woo” since 12 years old, mostly taught by my grandmother and I guess I come from a Catholic background. I practice cunning, hedge riding when I feel a need for it. I don’t know what more to say hmmmm. I developed a recent fascination with “higher magick” and demonology and forgive me if I don’t use the right terminology as I am a student and English is also not my native language. My current and main goal in life is to become more self empowered and gain more knowledge.


thank you

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No prob. Keep your head up. Be proud of who you are, no matter how matter what, dont let a soul tell you your not beautiful…

thank you so much <3

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Anytime sweetz ^^


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blushes too^^

Try listening as though you have learned the spirits language. I find sometimes they even let their voices bounce off of physical noises…

Sometimes they will want you to hear a sight. They’ll toss some synchronicity your way, they open their mouths in many ways. Its like learning to play with a butterfly knife, you’ll feel it out as you go.

:thinking: thank you…I will start to pay more attention to ways of communication

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Oh nice, I got interested while working in a metaphysical bookstore, then went on an adventure and attended the Folk Magic Festival in New Orleans where I met the most amazing conjurers who shared some great knowledge. My goal is to attend it again.


Hello everyone!!

I am Dee, and I guess you could say that I have more than a passing interest in all things magic. I have been online Google-ing spells ever since my boyfriend (of 6 years) and I broke up. I have done everything humanly possible to convince him that we belong together; therefore I am here to find out how to solicit help from any source.

I look forward to learning as much as I can to not only fix my love life, but enhance the other parts of my life as well.


I’m Iain, I go by TheMagi as its a title I’ve always liked (also has to do with a book of mine)
I had an account on here before but I decided to make a new one not for any reason like a ban or something just because I felt like it and want to use this forum to the best of my abilities
I’ve been researching the LHP for a few years now but I’m just now starting to practice with little success. Idk what it is that’s hindering me but i know its something. I’m still in an environment where its hard to practice let alone be open about it. Money is hard to come by but I really want more teachings. I have some of EA’s Courses from friends but I’m still not seeing results. I hope to get some help so that I may help others like me one day. Thank’s for listening.


Hello, my name is Tom. I have been lerking around reading and learning for a few months now. I come from a christian/aboriginal upbringing and have been exposed to the beliefs and rituals of both sides.Ive alway felt that there was more…like something i was missing.Ive heard of wiccans , the occult, LHP growing up but never really put much effort into learning anything about it. It wasnt till during an intense sweat ceremony that i had a “vision” which eventually lead me to research alittle deeper into it which in turn lead me to this forum.


My name is Ozzy…Up until recently I was a follower of Native American spirituality since it is my heritage but I have recently decided to become involved in the dark arts


Okay, so hello everyone!
• My name is Kate, and I am from Poland (so sorry for my english)
• I have been practicing love magick most of the time and some hexes, lately I was working on money magick and evocations. I’m practicing magick since I was 13 years old (I’m turning 19 this year) and it’s a lifestyle for me
• I want to master evocations and learn more about goddess living inside of me. Long story short I want to have full control over my life
• Presently I’m struggling to see and hear spirits and also I need to learn how to be persistent
I believe there’s nothing that is impossible in this world and you guys are living proof to that. I’m really positive person and I am stubborn as F***, so I’d rather die trying than give up. I guess it’s all, once again: nice to meet all of you! :smiley:


Welcome to BALG!


Hi, I’m Cody.

I just freed myself from a very negative group of people with Vine. I had a bunch of fake friends and had my time wasted by a girl who was just trying to string me along for months. I’ve gotten them out of my life for good now and I did the Vine sigil thing that E.A. Koetting had on his YouTube channel.

Long story short, I’m going to wind up moving on from those toxic people and instead I’m going to focus on this. I grew up homeschooled in Christian school and you can see how well that turned out. My toxic friends wound up getting all super Christian while not actually acting the part. One guy I knew would try to beat me upside the head with a Bible but his wife and him both cheated on each other once, or so he wound up confiding in me. Not very Christian of him or her

I wouldn’t care if they did that if they just wound up leaving me alone about Jesus.

Anyways, I tried praying for years to God and to Jesus before. Never got any results. I wound up doing 2 demonic sigils, with Bune and Vine, and things got better. Vine got rid of my shitty friends, and Bune got me a raise at work. So I’ll just stick to what works.


Welcome to the rabbit hole that is BALG!