Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

Hi my name is Neo. I’ve been practicing magick for almost 3 years.

I have a blood pact with an Angel and a Demon. Trying to find out more how to balance all of this.

Thank you.


Good afternoon all, I go by slayerofmen. I have studied the occult for many years, always searching, searching for the meat and potatoes of simple and effective magick. My goal is to resolve my material requirements so that I may embark on the path to spiritual enlightenment. I have worked many a ritual, and I do not believe they are a failure so much as I do not recognize results that are obscure and not in tune with my request. any pointers would prove most helpful as I realize that I am still wandering around and cannot seem to find the correct path or instructions.


Hii, I’m Dave. I’m not new. My previous profile was Loki Jotunborn.



Hi! I’m Joey C, I’m new to magick but I’m very interested in Chaos magick, demonic interaction, and exploring new things and expanding my horizons. My current goals are to contact and establish a dialogue with King Paimon, and learn more about magick. My struggles are that I lack experience and mentorship, and I also am not able to practice very openly.


Continuing the discussion from Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum:

What’s up everyone, Im Weez, im a musician/college student from Mexico, have always thought to become a mage at some point, Maybe because I need answers and think I could do some good with that knowledge. Excited to hear from all.


Hello Newcomer,

Introduce yourself in this thread so that older members can welcome you. For example, share…

• Your name - Steven
• Photos if you’re comfortable Not yet.
• Kinds of magick you like - Necromancy/Left hand path/Black magick
• Current goals Learning more about this interesting topic. Summoning Azrael to avenge a friend who had her life taken.
• Current struggles I need details, I get the general idea of things. but i need details.


Its funny, one day-I was probably 13-15, my mom came outside to find me laying in the sun, and she said “what are you doing?” And I said “getting used to heat in case I go to hell^^” lolz XDDD I had to unlearn stigmas about demons and how they want to program you into being a force of destruction toward yourself and others. But what you do with that fear can make a lot of difference in your perception, and what you’ll be learning and/or unlearning. Its hard to tell you what to expect, but I can PM you if you like. I used to have to go to church, and even used to think that I had to be Christian to stay out of hell…but now I see hell in a broader sense, kinda like its everywhere. I always want to be careful when I tell this stuff, but will gladly share some of my experience.


I’d love for you to shoot me a PM. I’m always open to hear and learn new things from people more knowledgeable than me on a subject, especially on this.


Don’t discredit your knowledge, but I’m bout to shoot you a message.

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Hello, fellow members. I was informed to come and introduce myself since I didn’t before my first post. I go by Teratsuji, full name Teratsutsuji. I have been doing spiritual work for five years now. I am skilled in many spiritual fields including Demonolgy. I am currently working with a few Demons but still have slight problems. I reside in Ontario. My goal is as the site says, to become a living god by practicing all types of spiritual work. Thank you.


Welcome on board and enjoy the ride! :wink:


hey all. i’m mostly a loner but would like to start coming here for help from time to time. still looking for a name i really like. i’m trying to become a full fledge vamp like in the myths. i have moderate experience and a good chunk of knowledge. if you need help feel free to ask but there’s likely someone on here who can answer your question better. i’m struggling because i feel a need to see something with my eyeballs or touch it to rely on the information. and given how bad eyeballs are at perceiving stuff i seem to be in the slow lane.


Well, some of us (@AlphaC @succupedia and myself come to mind) can physically feel these beings. It will come in time :slight_smile:





Hello.My name is Jalen.I’m 18 years old,I just became a satanist.All my life I have been bullied and mistreated.And my life is really going down hill and I really need some help especially if it involves magik.I also have carribiean ancestry so I’m very familiar with magik even though I never practiced it.I would really appreciate it if someone could help me.Thank you.


I’m Matt. I’m into chaos magick. My goals are to grow as a person and prosper using magick. My struggles include money and my wife’s health.

I am a web designer and artist who enjoys producing original content and magical techniques. I’m also writing a book.

Here are some tarot cards I’m drawing:

Here’s a web-app I’m working on:


Hi this is just a new account on here. I have another account but i didn’t like my username (i couldn’t change it anymore). So i am here to get this account up to membership status.
Anyways i have been practicing the occult for 5 years and i am a naturally gifted person in the realms of the occult.
Not much else should be said.


Cool, you sound just like me.
Lol i think you are me.
But still…

If you need a change of name, PM me.

I’m no expert on tarot, but fat props on your art! :slight_smile: