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Dayvon From princeton wv im trying to find my path in magic. also trying to contact lucifer son of the morning, i admire him very much

Welcome to the forum @hugo_marian. Please introduce yourself in English. English is the method of communication here, and helps facilitate moderation. It is not our responsibility to translate.


My name is Hugo Márian, codename of wizard. The kind of magic that I seek and always deepen black, blue and pink magic, my goal interpreted by my guardians and bosses is to raise a soul to divert my owner (soul) from the past, what practices I exercise and what is my goal. . in this world in my carnal time in this life.

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Hi , Am Navina from India, I found this Forum by Chance when looking for methods to improve my Spirit communication. Am New to Magic , Spells and Spirit World… I belong to a Christian Family and until lately I thought dabbling with spirits and Magic was evil, But my Perceptions changed recently from April this year… I have got now Many spirits/entities now Binded To me But my problem is communicating with them. Offlate i get pressures on various parts of my Face, hands and legs. When I try to communicate with spirits i get thoughts sometimes But cant Really tell if they are Mine or theirs… Read this is a Common issue with all Beginners to Spirit communication… I Hope that one day soon I shall be able to communicate Properly with the spirits Binded To me , See them and be able to Astral Travel.

I am asmodeus1977. New to all this. Scared but curious. Don’t know what to do next. Really looking for sex and money. Don’t know if they are valid motivations to be here.

I am a long time scholar of many areas of the occult of some 30 years. I have been in many organizations.
I live in the midwest.

Hi @asmodeus1977 & @hythyn,

Welcome to our forum. Here’s a few tips to get you started.

  1. Give us “The forum members” an introduction. It doesn’t have to be your life history but we do like to know a little bit about the people we talk to. Tell us things like what brought you here, how long you have practiced and what you practice. Your age would be helpful as it helps us craft appropriate responses.
  2. At the top right of the screen is a “Search Function”. A lot of the information you seek can be found there. Please use it. If you can’t find the answer there then feel free to ask questions or create a topic.
  3. If you create a topic and your not getting responses as quick as you would like, DON’T create another topic, you may need to just re-work what you already written. It could just be as simple as a catchy title to fix the problem or just give it time. This forum is worldwide so you may have to wait a bit.
  4. Please be courteous. There are many views and opinions expressed here. Some may fit your point of view and some may not. Respect is key to having a long and happy relationship with the forum members.

I hope you found this information helpful and look forward to hearing what you have to share.


Hi I am Richie,

Been practising for 30 years now

Committed to the search of gnosis and apotheosis. Practised many different paths in traditional and non traditional Craft. Qabbalah, Qlifoth… 18 degree mason and member of a Rosicusian order.

Scryer, medium and psychic I use these artes within my work



Was geht ab zucker schwester? Wenn du hilfe mit Magick brauchst kannst mir schreiben :wink:

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Hi there,

I’m Mezekiel from europe, and pretty new to all this. Walked the path of light for a long time, but always felt that there was something missing. I used to be clairvoant as a child, but somehow lost all of my abilities when I got older. This year I heard the calling to explore magic, spells and to get in touch with certain spirits. Been practicing divination with cards for some years now.
I quit studying science to become an artist, so my goal for now is to create a decent life while paying for art school. On long term, I just want to evolve and explore.


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Hello, my name is Matt and I live in Austin, Texas. I am new to all of this but I feel lead here to learn and develop myself. I am grateful this forum exists and will help me along on my path.

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So what do you practice?

What is it you want to learn. Do you have a plan in place for the steps to get you where you need to go?

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Awesome another Texas person lol

I read tarot mostly but am interested in spell work.

I don’t have a plan as of yet as I am still new to it, which is why I am here. If I am going to put forth the work, I want to ensure I am doing so correctly. Any suggestions are welcome.

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Wow, the occult world is vast, there are so many avenues you could take regarding spell work. You should feel your calling deep inside, like it’s something missing, that your incomplete without.

I don’t want to see you blindly follow others suggestions on whats best for you when you have not really told us too much about you.

What have you seen so far that peaks your interest, something you feel you want more info on?

I appreciate your concern and I agree. My aim, my interest is to take more control over my life whether it be in career/money and relationships. Self work more so than direct manipulation of others, though I am not against that entirely, depends on circumstances. To build and flourish personal power.

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So the logical progression I see and what you just wrote would be to focus on career, the money will just come and then concentrate on love

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Agreed. Now the steps to get there are what I am curious about.

So what field are you in. I do real estate here in california.

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Currently I am a concierge, but I did start a specialized consulting business that is slow moving since it is brand new. I also do freelance design work.