Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum


Hey, Tozen, Sara, and Aquim. Welcome to the community!

Just jump in when you’re ready and start interacting.

See you around the forums.


if ya want i can help with pretty much most of that.


Download EA’s courses and check out evoking eternity. They really are great starting points.


Hey all, coming back to my practice after being asleep from it for some time. I do not subscribe to any practice as of such, but seek out what works for me.
I did how ever had a wide range of practice in esoteric matters in my early years later moved onto psychology.
Looking at ideas of amplifying my power to bring in new life and change.


You mean pay for EA’s courses, or watch his youtube videos right?

Evoking Eternity is terrific. Good stuff.


23 posts were split to a new topic: Some Beginner Questions Answered

Hello my name is George, i read alot about occult and magick in general but never used magick. But I want to change that.
I’m interesed in sigil magick and probably should start first with some angels :slight_smile:


Angels are perfectly viable.

Welcome George!

Stick with what you want to learn. Keep things simple when trying to communicate with spirits. The key is to no let ourselves get confused with complex rituals. Just call the spirits and listen. Truly listen.

Enjoy the forum!


Thank You


You are welcome!


Well, you can only download the stuff from the site now, can’t you? Unless EA’s complete works are being rereleased. Are they not?


Yeah you are right. The ebook collection. Thought you meant something else. My bad.


Hello i am new here.I’m interested in evocation, hoodoo, pacting, and working with a pendulum.
Whatever you want to know and ask, I’m here to help :slight_smile:


I am Jacob I like storm, healing magic I am struggling with sigil and soul travel magic and my goals is to master sigil Magic/evocation and soul travel


Ello! I’m Fel.

I’m a young woman living in the Bible Belt. Interested in the LHP, but also drawn to RHP type things. Still on the fence about what path to take.

Drawn to Chaos magic, recently began performing the LBRP almost daily. Need to step up my meditation game again. Initiated in Kriya yoga. Also have a bit of background in Kung fu and a big interest in buddhism, particularly Tibetan buddhism. My Italian heritage also brings me closer to Catholic saints and the like. I’m all over the place. <_<

Before now I’ve mostly done self-designed rituals kind of intuitively.

I feel the strongest bond with the angels, but also have worked a little with Mercury and lately have been calling upon Hanuman for physical strength.

I am a visual artist. I love building altars and making devotional images and pretty sigils.

I eventually want to work more with servitors, when I’m a bit more psychically developed.


You can be like me and not believe in deuality :slight_smile:


Hey everyone! I’m Cole.

I’ve read more occult literature and theory than I’d care to admit. My distant searching was always for that one elusive piece of information or theorem that’d irrevocably change everything. That, I’ve learned the hard way, doesn’t exist. The unlocking’s in the doing, in the work.

I’ve been dabbler, and maybe that’s just one notch above armchair, but everyone has their beginnings. It’s easy to get lost in seemingly endless currents and systems, and that’s what’s happened to me in the past. I have a strong thirst for knowledge and want to experience everything I can, so devotion and persistence to any particular practice hasn’t been my forte over the years.

I’m starting at base level and working my way up - finally!

My modus operandi is opening all the psychic floodgates, energy manipulation, evocation, etc.

Looking forward to seeing you all around!


You will find your way, but if you have that much a thirst for knowledge you may want to investigate the Thoth/Mercury current as a stabilizing foundation on which to build from. I’m kind of the same way I like to know things and Thoth/Mercury resonates with me so you might want to look into it and see if it doesn’t help. Cheers!


Thanks a lot for the advice and encouragement; it’s appreciated! I’ll be looking into it. :slight_smile:


Hello everyone My name is Joe,I’m 31 a single dad raising my son alone I work as a six sigma instructor for lear.

I’ve devoted my life for the past 20 years to magick since I was a kid with white and red magick , but I got tired for heading to the light since I have changed my path I have felt more at peace with myself , looking for personal gain right now learning black magick, my family has a affinaty for it my grandma was a shamanist, my passion reading the energy from people, animals and objects.

I’m struggling with evocation as I’m expanding my horizon opening my third eye, meditating and trying to lear as much as I can, astral projection, I do apologize if my english is bad, still learning I am 100 % to my new path and becoming stronger my own ascent. I have met some very amazing people and I have found help here thank you all