Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

When I saw the lecture that E A gave regarding the demonic hierarchy on youtube I was completely hooked on becomealivinggod. The next day I bought all his collected works on PDF format. I have always been searching for practical magickal training, but I could never find anything worthwhile until, I came across becomealivinggod.

I had since childhood an excessive interest in magick, especially the darker aspects of magick, hence I plan to start my magical pursuits, on the left hand path.

I am a horror addict and I love horror movies (supernatural horrors, slashers, etc). I also love black metal.

I am excited to learn as much as possible about the left hand path. I need to force myself to do more practical training, instead of just reading books.


It’s good TO have you WITH us DR KAD.
I look forward to seeing you, and your enthusiastic use of caps lock, on the forum.


Welcome to the community.

If you want to learn and evolve, this is the way to go. If you just do the work, you’ll experience your own evolution. It’s often a very challenging experience, but it’s also an amazing journey.

Take care and I’ll see you around the forums.


Put a great big spike on your readin’ books armchair, then either you won’t be an armchair mage any more, or, you’ll be an armchair mage with a great big spike in his arse, both are full of fun! :stuck_out_tongue:


Yo Antichrsit, welcome! Who are your favourite black metal bands?


Hey everyone name is Pwnie; cause its an old user name I use all over.

Anywho, I havent been doing magic too long and honestly been getting the hang of things.

I discovered magick out of desperation and learning about the Law of Attraction as well.

Right now Im focusing on my senses; chakras, third eye, etc. I decided to dedicate my life to learning and getting awesome on this path.

I didnt even know there was a forum on here and look forward to learning and contributing as well on here.


Hey, Pwnie. Welcome to the community.

Take care and I’ll see you around the forums.


Hello Everyone,

My name is Jeremiah and I am new to the forum.

I am just an ordinary gay guy living in Idaho who enjoys learning about spirituality of all types.

I looked into conventional spirituality for years, including living as a monk, but found it to not be a good fit for me. I explored membership in iniatic groups like the Golden Dawn (Golden Dawn Collegium Spiritu Sancti), Rosicrucians (AMORC), Builders of the Adytum (BOTA), and correspondence groups like the Dragon Rouge. I like structure but do not always enjoy seemingly arbitrary limits.

My current goal is to learn about the Left Hand Path and integrate what works for me into my life and practice.

My current struggles are to balance learning and practice in a healthy way. My tendency was to study a subject exhaustively before ever practicing it. I am learning that there is a healthier balance between study and practice that I can safely pursue. I have worked some with S. Ben Qayin on some personal rituals of Opening All Locked Doors and a Pact with the Archangel Metatron and was included in E.A.Koetting’s Papa Legba Crossroads Ritual. I am grateful for all their help. I hope to be able to go to one of E.A.Koetting’s boot camps next summer.

Thank you for reading my Intro. I hope to learn from this community and to make some online friends with shared interests.


The fact that you made it here proves that you’re anything but ordinary.



Hi I’m Alex, I’ve been learning about these sorts of things for a while but only recently started working with it starting three years ago. I’m currently working on an article that would hopeful get me started with help others find their way in these arts persay and being able to teach like a lot of the authors here. I’ve kinda hopped around subjects in the occult but I feel my knowledge is vast but not as vast as I would like it to be. I encourage anyone to message me about anything really if you want advice or to give me advice or just to teach I’m all ears. I am completely self taught besides watching balg content and a few other people/ sources. And I encourage any help anyone has to give. My email is [email protected] for a way to contact outside of this forum or find me on Facebook at Alexander C Tschantre


How’s it going ya’ll? Allow me to introduce myself. My name is RyuDarkness or Dark Ryu if you’d prefer just for the sake of accuracy and no my name does not derive from the Street Fighter character; Ryu, but the Japanese interpretation of the dragon since I feel a close connection with the dragon in general.

I’ve been studying magic for about 4 years now but just recently started practicing it actually last October when I hired Asenath Mason to help induct me into the current of Sitra Ahra through Lilith. I am now in a pact with Lilith and yes, speaking of dragons. I do follow the Path of the Dragon. I’m also working with the Qliphoth as I was invited by Lilith to work amongst the spirits of the dark tree, (also because most of the spirits that I actually wanna work with are part of the dark tree via Naamah, Samael, Asmodeus, Lucifer, etc).

I chose to start working with Lilith because I know that she will take me far and for a while now I have felt a very strong connection with her and it’s been going pretty deep lately. She has shown me many things and now thanks to her and my servitor. I am in the process of creating a business for myself to flow money into me so that I can free myself from my 9 hr job and discard that and work at home. So that I can concentrate on my path a lot more and work more closely together with Lilith and the Qliphoth. I’ve also worked with her three sisters and plan to undergo Sexual Alchemy later on in the future.


Welcome friend. Lilith and the Qliphoth. :+1:


Hi I am Reza Sheikh, Dont wana put up a pic just yet. SO my interests in the occult and black magic, candle magic was always there, but i only read about them, did not have the balls to evocate or practice at the time, about 5 years of being obsessed. I watched alot of youtube videos about this but still was afraid. And after loosing my wife after being together for 13 years i woke up and now i want to see her i want a crapload of money and i was thinking this LHP could get me that.
I was told to make a pact with King Belial by a friend here in South Africa. I did all the steps laid out to me but It is working too too slow. THEN I FOUND EA BALG…I agreed with all the thing said coz frankly it makes a good point. frustrated, Angry and so i Renounced God Allah, but i am still struggling to see hear or make a spell that works… I like candle magic coz its easy I made the pact out of hopefullness that he would come to my aid. This is where i am. Now I have a job but i want more…much like billionaire much more than R12’000 ZAR a month. How do i know if my pact was accepted by the demon king or if it was done correctly. I want to gain knowledge and intelligence and wealth and money to live better than a king does. So my struggle is so. please help…I do want to learn all and become a living god


Oh and I am a beginner, no power not yet. only did candle magic and thats about 3 months now
, and the blood pact about a month ago.


Welcome friend. Stick with it. You are in the right place.


Thank you


Hello, i’m new, my name i Jesse. I’m interested in chaos magick and current goals i set to myself is being more open for learning new things and struggles? Meditation


Welcome friend.


Hey I’m Duf, obviously not my real name. I’m a solo practitioner with not very frequent results, but sometimes I get lucky. I’ve tried lots of stuff. I’m here to see what I can learn and how to improve in magick, basically.



Welcome! You are in the right place. We all have varying degrees of success. Refine what works , throw out the rest.