Help identifying an entity

Hi, everyone! I am new to this forum, I do not have a formal training in magick apart from all that I’ve learned in the past years due to the fact that I’ve been blessed/cursed(I don’t know anymore) with the ability to come across various entities, mostly demons and enlightened masters since I was a child. They have been the ones finding me from the start, I have not looked for them on my own volition from the very beginning, even though as I have started looking into grimoires and the occult in the past two years, I have managed to put together some pieces of the puzzle of my life. As I mentioned earlier, most of the times THEY find me either when I am meditating, or in strange visions/dreams which pull me into some astral planes which look like Earth, but they are very dark and desolate. Anyway…long story short…a few months ago, I was pulled into this strange forest, it looked like it was late in autumn, all the leaves were leaving the trees. I could feel the energy coming through me, almost crushing me, I wanted to pull back but I realized I could not. Everything was so vivid and energy-charged that I felt I was losing my mind. In front of me there was this woman in a long dress, a grey cloak over her shoulders and a white headress covering her hair, kind of like how lower class women from early collonists would dress in the 1600s on the East Coast of the US. I knew she was a ghost from the minute I saw her, she was middle-aged, she looked stern and she was very powerful, I stared at her, she was watching me intently, then I looked down and I realized that we both were standing on a soil which looked destroyed, burnt. There were no trees in that place growing on a 6-7 meters radius, instead there was a large space of dead leaves and a lot of ash on the ground. This is where it gets tricky because I do not remember everything she told me- she was talking in old American English (a bit hard to understand as English is not my first language), she told me that she was a chief witch, a “coven herder” as she called herself, and that the place where we were was one of the few remaining of this kind, that such a place acts as a concentrated source of magic because witches died in that spot and that they preserved their coven through the afterlife as spirits. I am not really good at explaining this, I was at the beginning of my theoretical learning on magick back then and I did not even understand half of what she was saying, I hope it makes more sense to you and you can explain it to me more. She told me that the energies of these witches were anchored in that place, that she was in charge of keeping them there, in a single spot, not be used by someone else or stolen. She also asked me to do something for her, I was at a time where I did not want to do anything for anyone, especially strange ghosts so I firmly demanded to let me go, to not involve me in this. Problem is that I do not remember exactly what she asked me to do. All I know is that I forced myself to get out of that realm and out of her grip, which I did, and I went back to my diurnal activities.
Then, in one of the following nights, I was having a normal dream, nothing special worth mentioning, when out of a sudden I felt a strong ripple effect in the air. It came over the entire dreamscape and when it hit me, I felt a shiver and I suddenly “woke up”, I became aware, lucid. I looked around to see what was happening (I was on an empty road), and I saw a small group of horse riders approaching. All of them were extremely beautiful, tall, lean and were emanating this radiant energy. Among them, there was this god/angel/entity I am trying to identify. He did not get off his horse because it was easier for him from that elevated position, to stay in such a way in order for me not to see his face, and whenever I was trying to catch his gaze, he would tilt his head or he would stay in a certain angle, so I cannot possibly tell you anything about his features except for the fact that he was young, he had blonde hair which he kept backswept, he was shirtless, on his naked arms and torso,and here it gets interesting… were embedded beautiful clusters of various precious stones (emeralds, rubies, sapphires). He was emanating this energy that was simply stunning, blissful, peaceful, he was the most exquisite thing that I have ever seen; he had this noble mannerism, grace, he seemed a little haughty and distant, also had a certain loneliness about him and some sadness that he contained well, but not these were the things which stunned me the most, it was when I noticed that on his arms and back, in the places where he was not covered with precious stones, he had these fine scars running up and down his body intersecting and separating at certain places and these scars were opening as he was approaching me, but I could not see blood underneath, I saw pure incadescence, liquid fire, I don’t know what it was, it was this fiery essence which I understoond was running beneath his skin, barely contained. When I saw his scars… I forgot all about the novelty of the precious stones with which he was adorned, I only saw the scars because they were the saddest, scariest and yet most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my whole life. It was similar to when watching hot ambers consuming themselves in the middle of a dark night- it was fascinating. He saw that I was distracted by the scars so he tried to contain them and close them up, but for whatever reason he could not, so he gave up and this is when he spoke to me. He told me that we did not have much time, that he was annoyed at me because I got stuck in what I had to do(I had no clue what he was talking about), he said in an accusatory voice that I had no idea how hard it had been for him to find me, (something about a seal of concealment which was placed upon me by someone meant to prevent him to reach me)…as self-controlled and sublimely proud as he appeared, I could sense in his voice that he was mad at me and at the same time he was happy to see me again like we’ve known each other before even though I could not remember. He told me that he had to use some of these anchored spiritual covens (at that point I remembered my earlier encounter with the coven herder and her plea which I had refused). I don’t remember how he used them though, and not even half of the things he told me because he was talking very fast; anyway from the bits and pieces I rationalized it was something about sacrifice, huge amount of stolen energy, very powerful. He was in a rush telling me that he did not have much time there, he signaled one of his companions who were staying behind respectfully, and they gave him a beautiful white horse, which ihe then handed it to me. Curious that not even then, I could not manage to catch his gaze and see his face, even though we were one meter away. He told me that the horse would take me “onward”, unblocking my path for what I had to do, and I remember riding in a hurry for about 10 seconds and then that’s it, about halfway through, I felt someone put a hand over my shoulder from behind and I woke up. Since the time of this happened, I asked a few spirit guides to tell me about this fiery angel, (or at least I guess he is one) and to tell me about these concentrated anchored spirit covens of deceased witches but not only they did not want to tell me, some of them started crying, weeping, some even left without a word as soon as I described my meeting with him and what he had told me about using the energy of the ghosts of the witches. And I am at a loss here because I don’t know who he was, if he was indeed a fallen angel that somehow knows me and I cannot remember because of that “seal”, and what it is this deal with these magically charged places where ghosts of witches are settled. Also, I cannot understand why he did not want me to see his face, his eyes, I have always, ALWAYS in my meetings with any being insisted in looking straight into their eyes, no matter how scary or powerful or disarming they were, because this was my way of “reading” them and connecting to them. I also asked two lower ranked demons and they said that they could not tell me anything, something about them being bound not to speak about it for whatever reason. As a consequence, I ask on this forum if you have any idea about who is this fascinating scarred adorned being I saw who seems to know me and with whom I felt so familiarly blissful and secure during our brief talk. Sure, I might be misguided and all of this might be only some weird associations made by my mind while meditating, but judging by the reactions I got from enlightened spirits and demons regarding these two episodes, (and I have witnesses to their reactions) it gave me some external validation that there is something more here and it might be worth looking into. Also, does it make sense for an angel or an old entity to make use of anchors of energy in order to break through shields/seals into other realms? I mean, would such a thing work by pushing from the other side to the physycal world and not the other way around like mortals do when we use a phsyical place which has been magically charged in order to contact the astral)? Any info or direction to where I could look would be so very much appreciated. Thx!


Wow that’s something right there. As for the ghost of the witches, it’s definitely something that will interest @Lady_Eva if there’s anyone who could do justice to that topic, it’s her.

How about trying to contact the coven herder who took you to that site? (there are ways to contact the dead) You should also do some Divination on the matter too. It might give you some useful insight and leads to check out.

Maybe contact Angel Gabriel about the matter, if the entity you saw was an angel (doesn’t matter what kind) he would know.

Honestly, you seem to have a connection with the spirits. Use that to your advantage and search for the answers you seek.

Oh and welcome to the forum!

Please if you haven’t done so, go and make an intro here, Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum - #1035 by Pwnie

I look forward to seeing you grow and develop on your path.



Hi @Arulfis I’ve been doing some research for you from what you described and it does correlate with the fallen angel you describe is possibly Lucifer. As for what happened to your friend seems she was not the one that was supposed to call him, that was your job to do also did she do the seal for you? That might explain why she was the target of the attack because she hid you from him, also she may have approached him in the wrong way and that might have added insult to injury.


Hey, you’re welcome :slight_smile:

You would contact him just like you would any other spirit. Get his sigil, get comfortable, relax and try to get into the same meditative state you would use fir a spirit walking.

Gaze at his sigil, when I say gaze, I mean look at it softly, kind of unfocused, take in the whole thing at once. It’s the same type of hazing you could use for scrying.

Continue gazing at it, call out to him. Don’t be afraid to step on his toes. He’s there to help you in your ascent and he wants nothing in return. Just your development and tiny not slacking off.

So you gaze at it, and you call to him. Slowly softly, chant his name, like a mantra . Inhale and slowly let the words of his name roll off your tongue slowly. Feel as though you’re chanting is producing a rippling effect in the universe . Drawing his attention, keep at it, loose yourself in this. It doesn’t matter if at a point you think you’re saying utter gibberish . Just keep at it .

You might start to see the sigil flashing, it might even completely disappear or leap at you from the page, it may not do any of that but you just know that it’s not just a drawing on paper anymore .

As you chant, feel that Gabriel has heard you and has answered your call. Feel his presence, drawing closer and closer. Pull his energy towards you, don’t be afraid.

At this point you might start having things manifest around you, this might be easier for you as I suspect you’re sensitive to these energies already.

Talk to Gabriel, he’ll be gentle with you, probably, be cordial and respectful, like you would treat a guest at your home . Don’t grovel at his feet either, he doesn’t want any of that .

He’s here to help you, ask him questions and when you’re done . Thank him for his coming, I personally don’t ask spirits to leave, I just leave it up to them.

Remember there’s no uniform you experience will be unique to you.

Oh and be sure to check out

Read up on whatever you can!

( oh and that’s only one way to contact a spirit, you don’t always need a sigil )

Good luck

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I think alot of this is symbolic. Have you tried looking into the symbology of the experience…like the stones each one would have a meaning. The white horse would have a meaning. The scars…it all sounds symbolic like you need to research all the symbols and then tie them together. Our subconscious works with symbology alot more than we think