Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum 2.0

Yea…the Kabbalah

Thank you for elucidating more upon your experience, and welcome to the BALG forum.

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My name is DaVon
I’m 20 years old
Current ambitions: travel the world, get more popular (YouTube, Instagram) and take basketball more serious
Current struggles: Wealth/Money


Thank you for doing an introduction as requested @DaVon_Banks

Do you have any practical experience in magick at all? You haven’t told us anything

Hello everyone, my name J. Salmi and I have been a practicioner for more than 10 years now. I have read most of Eas books and seen most of his vids.

Welcome @Jms

Where are you from?

What, exactly, do you practice? This tells us nothing.

Do you have experience in any specific systems or traditions?

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Hi, I’m from Spain, I bought the spider and the green butterfly and I’ve read it a few times and performed some of the rituals, have gotten results, positive and negative.So I think I’ve been initiated into the secret avenues of the Loa. I’ve also performed all the rituals in summoning spirits by Konstantinos and the book Modern Magick 11 lessons in high magick, I’ve evoked angels/archangels/spirits and also created talismans. And I think I might have been also initiated into necromancy. I’ve never summoned any of the 9 demonic kings though.


I’m a vampiric necromancer and alchemist. I study the ars goetia and black magick. I also dabble in qabbalah. I read a lot of books on thee occult and aspire to be a writer some day. Thanks for letting me join the forums!


Welcome @Prince.Serpentis

Where are you from?

How long have you been practicing?

Thank you, @Jms, for elucidating more upon your experience, and welcome to the BALG forum.

Hello everyone my name is Pt, and I’m a skeptic but also a believer.

My whole life, the spiritual, the unknown, and the vast stars and universe has always caught my attention.

I grew up living in two worlds. One was where I grew and learned with science, to be taught by facts and what can be proven; and the other was a world filled with ancestors, spirits, magic, different realms and monsters.

I am an Asian-American, and my parents and their parents believed in the spiritual realm and shamanism. Growing up I tend to sway away from my culture, and though I know little, I know enough to understand.

A apart of me doesn’t believe, but another part of me also believes. I am lost in life, and I feel stuck.

I’m interested in all kinds of magic. Actually, I don’t even know what I am diving into. I want to learn so that I may grow to become a better version of myself.

My biggest obstacle is myself, I can’t explain it. It’s as if I have two sides to me; one part of me has ambitions and dreams, and the other has lost hope.

I look forward to learning from all of you, please help guide me, thank you.

Welcome @Yellow

Do you have any practical experience in magick?

If you do, what do you practice, and how long have you practiced?

If you have no experience, is there a particular area of magick you are most interest in learning?

Hello everyone, this is my reintroduction.
I am northwind, I am 38 years old, I come from Croatia.
I am most interested in Kabbalah.
I left because of private problems that I have not solved in these 2 months. I was attacked several times during that period, the last time they attacked me last night, I don’t know how to set up warding properly.
I’m already tired of it all.

Welcome @anon91199039

Do you have any practical experience, or are you just starting?

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My experience is still quite modest, I haven’t worked on myself much lately. I struggle with real-time projection.

That didn’t answer my question. What is your magical experience?

I had contact with Bune and Lucifer, I use a pendulum. I have also had contact with unknown entities, I have used angelic mantras to help me develop my senses, I am trying to understand what is happening to me and why I am being attacked. I use whatever at that point I think can help me.
I know some basics, I kind of understand how things work.

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Thank you for elucidating more, and welcome back to the forum.

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Hello everyone,
I am a 27 year old brazilian.
I, myself, had some out of body experiences when I was a child, untill my teenage years, but I’ve kind off lost my beliefs in my early alduthood. I had some close friends that practiced Goetia, and through life we became distant.
Yet, my father had some experience in witchcraft (Im not quite sure about the details, we never really talked about it) and I know his father was somewhat deep in AMORC.
My mother used to incorporate an Iemanja son in a kardecist temple, but she closed her body.

Now, I’m retaking my steps, out of nowhere (as it seemed) I’ve got a desire to research about Dantalion again, after almost ten years, and I’ve discovered this forum.

Welcome @Otanod

Do you have any practical experience in magick? You mentioned OBEs and what your parents were involved in, but not if you have actually practiced anything yourself.