Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum 2.0

That’s fine, thank you. I just wanted a bit more information on your experience to complete your intro.

names rainmaker
no photo
broken heart/noheart

Please introduce yourself properly @RainMaker. Tell us about yourself and any experience in magick you may have. This post tells us nothing.

Where are you from?

Do you have any practical experience in magick?

If you do, what exactly, do you practice, and how long have you practiced it?

Do you follow any specific systems or traditions?

  • Name: Ambiguous
  • Magick practiced; Spirit Alchemy, Grey Magick, (∆), Invocation, Thought Magick, The Way
  • Current ambitions; to escape the isle of flightless birds
  • Entities bothering me, writers block

I come from a family with a history of (masonry) and I’ve experienced strange aeons and frightening situations. For some reason the men in my family seem keen on not telling me what is going on, but I assume that’s because I haven’t formally joined yet. I have a definite purpose, an ultimate goal, but I speak quietly and carry an invisible stick. I don’t like telling people what or who I am when I don’t know em.

I hope I can at least find some answers beyond the standard hogwash most modern “mystics, witches, and magicians” try to peddle to the masses.

“Before Your Very Eyes”

“They fly around while we are walking, and holds our emotions, just to please them.”

Welcome @TheCompleteDiversion

Where are you from?

How long have you practiced?

Do you have experience in any specific systems or traditions of magick?


How long have you been practicing? :smiley:

(I don’t really know if I’m doing this right, so sorry in advance if I cause any trouble :,D)

Hi everyone, my name is Hirose and I come from Italy. I’ve always been attracted to magick, and I started my journey about a year ago, but I never went any further than learning the real basics.

When I first started, my focus was on herbs, tarot, and sigils. I also felt attracted to evocations and spirits, but was too scared to look into any of them. I had left my journey due to personal laziness and demotivation (I live in a religious family that would kick my ass if they found out about my interest in magick, so I couldn’t and still can’t get any tools nor perform rituals or spells with candles and such).

I came back to magick a while ago, feeling really drawn to magickal beings such as the faes, and especially attracted by spirits. I soon started looking up information about demons and spirits and angels, but couldn’t find anything interesting or useful, until I found this site. My current goal is to learn more about spirits and eventually summon one and seek for their aid.

It’s a pleasure to meet you all ^^


About me

  • I live in the NW corner of the US. In Portland Oregon town.
  • I’m late to the party here, as I’ve spent most of my lifetime drinking the american lifestyle Kool-Aid. Bars, sports, etc. And after years of self-medicating oneself, I looked to this path almost out of desperation. Unbelievably, after some time and dedication, I found the rituals to actually work, despite what my upbringing told me.
  • My desire was to find self empowerment instead of chasing the lifestyle we’ve been fed.
  • As for the particular current, it was Crowley, then Lavey, then here, now that the internet has opened so much information sharing.
  • I’ve just finished the reading the Nine Demonic Gatekeepers series and definitely confirm it has change my life for the better.
  • I’m only 2-3 years in. So yeah, I’m just an aspiring warlock but have always been drawn to the occult.
  • As the crow flies

My magickname is Salazar-Gilead Aiden Gabri-El LaCrosse (yeah, i know.)
I have a shit ton of occult books (mostly from balg, Corwin Hargrove and Damon Brand) but started doing magick with the Ars-Goetia since 4 days ago, so practically no experience, just knowledge ad theoram.
I have a keen interest in vampiric magick, working with demons and baneful magick. I do not believe in morality when it comes to magick, so to me there is no black or white, not even shades of grey. It just is.
my current ambitions are growing in magick, establish connections and allies with entities, growing my income(which is a problem for me atm)
•My current struggles is loneliness, lack of money(i am barely able to buy food for the month), a sociopathic neighbour who keeps me up at night to the extend that i faint during the day from exthaustion and ptsd from people i do not acknowledge as human beings.

As you might have guessed, i am a thinker. Thinging outside the box is the norm for me, because fuck the box, lol.
Ya got any questions about me, feel free to ask. I am a pretty honest guy(sometimes too much:p)


Welcome @Salazar-Gilead

Where are you from?

What do you practice? Are you mainly using the Gallery of Magick system, or are you following another system or trsadition?

Forgot about those, yeah. thanks, appreciate that.

I live in the Netherlands. I barely have any experience yet, but am eager to develop. I actively practise vampirism, but just to keep my energie up(I am chronically lethargic), been working with the Ars-goetia demons for 4 days now. The Gallery of Magick system is not my go-to, but it still is nice to have as an option. Been doing alot of research in voodoo dolls and complete mind control. Sympathetic magick seems to be intertwined into a heck of alot of magick systems, so it seems important.

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I’m from the uk and I’m
25 Years old.
I’ve been interested in magic for years it wasn’t until I met others that have a similar psyche that I wanted to delve in to the world of magick.
I have a basic understanding of the occult with practical experience in oracle readings and meditation.

I have close friends who are experienced practitioners who share knowledge and have encouraged me to learn from personal experiences and other practitioners.
They suggested this site, so I look forward to learning more about all areas of the occult.
Due to my friends being deeply immersed in the LHP I’ve decided to explore all paths with an open mind, until I find the right one for me.
Their guidance is extremely valued and I look forward to learning from other practitioners.



Where in the Netherlands? My Oma emigrated here to the states when she married my grandfather, but she was the oldest of 8 so I have a ton of family over there, mostly in Arnhem, Nijmegen and just outside of Amsterdam.

I’m following the rule. I’m from and currently in the U.S.A.
mid 40s
I follow the Dark Light.
My only goal is more power.

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Welcome @Demons

What, exactly, do you practice? This is so vague it doesn’t really tell us anything at all.

How long have you practiced?

Do you have experience in any specific systems or traditions?

I don’t follow any traditional other then my instincts and listening to the spirits that choose to speak to me. I don’t read books about magic, I don’t do spells or rituals. All raw and natural here.

I understand the need to. I don’t judge. Everyone as their own path to follow.

21 from Germany, dont have any ambitions, struggling to properly do magic, I like sympathetic magic

Thank you for doing an introduction as requested @anon64780921

How long have you been practicing?

Do you follow any specific systems or traditions?

I practiced since I was 16 and I dont follow a specific system but I focus on summoning and exercises

I’m from nowhere important.

I’ve practiced traditional western magick, masonic principles, some Kaballah, and a brand of magick I created myself. I’ve been practicing these things for around 3 years. My magick system is still being uncovered and understood as I peel back layers of the Self and take more daring dives into the Void