Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum 2.0

Been there most of my life, but women find it offensive. I don’t want their love in my heart, I want their shit stains on my teeth. Then there’s the glories of a woman’s fresh, warm urine. It’s sad.

Hope I know where you’re coming from.


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Good day. I’m a mystic that has formally and more seriously gotten into magick a little over 2 years ago. I feel part of magick and blessed by the spirit of magick. I have an affinity with Venus and all her forms, hence my name. My greatest magical successes have come about through simple spells and or prayers that have clarity of intent and emotional charge. I’ve worked with angels, demons, and all sorts of spirits. I’d rather help a friend than curse an enemy, unfortunately malignant people and psychopaths abound. I seek awe and wonder, connection, wholeness, power, love union and all those good things that everyone of us yearns for. Thanks for allowing me to be part of this communities. Good will to you all.

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Welcome @MorningStar777

Do you have any experience in specific systems or traditions of magick?

i get you. i don’t view it as sad. seems like we just want to indulge in our primal nature

What’s going on people my name is Adi Kelz and I’ve been practicing for thirty years. I’m what you could call an eclectic druid. I’ve worked through so many magickal systems they’re all like a blur to me at this point. I came here to meet some interesting people, maybe share a spell or two and just enjoy the company of people who embrace the Dark Arts like I do.

It’s crazy how you say your anti social bcuz being social means you have to put up with the nuances of people’s bullshit. Cheers

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Thank you for doing an introduction as requested @AdiKelz

Can you please tell us something about what you actually practice? This statement is vague, and doesn’t really give us anything helpful in regards to your experience.

I’ve practiced hoodoo, voodoo, Wicca, angelic magick, goetia, faery magick, Palo and Santeria. I’ve walked the gates of the Necronomicon, The Grimiore of Tiamat, New Avatar Power. I’ve also worked through some of the rituals in them Finnbar books as well. Anything else you’d like to know about me just ask. Cheers

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Thank you for elucidating more upon your experience, and welcome to the BALG forum.

Thanks for the welcome.

yes :smiley: some at least, I´m more book smart than anything.
The things I know a lot about is sigil´s, protection & how to make my own spells.
Ive been doing manifestation for as long as I can remember, and have shown interest in it for as long as I can remember. But It wasn´t until 6 years ago that I started my journey.

I have only had catholic experiences when it comes to magic, usually in the form of prayer, but I haven´t done that in a long time.
But I kinda follow my own path now, do sigil work, make protection jars and help out my friends with tarot spreads and information.

I had a period when my entire chakra system was over working itself and I was kind of overflowing with information 24/7, pretty sure a trickster spirit tried messing with me once or twice. So i still don´t know if something is latched onto me.

But the reason I joined this forum is because I love reading about everyone´s information, and seeing everyone progress in their own time and slowly grow and evolve into what they desire to be <3

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Hello, I’m new to this forum and the left hand path. I have been doing a lot of reading and learning about working with demons and magic. My goal is to continue to develop my astral senses so that I can continue to grow on this path.

Hello DarkestKnight and thank you for the welcome. I’ve practiced allot of healing modalities and systems of internal alchemy but magical systems and traditions are new to me. I’ve a natural affinity and relate well with nature spirits. My first working from a magical system was from “words of power” by Damon Brand. It was very simple and I had great results with it. I like chaos magick for it’s principles. I like sex magick because it’s effective and enjoyable. I like the concept of a union of power between angels and demons. I’m a little obsessed with the tuatha de danann. They achieved apotheosis and didn’t abuse their power or let it get to their heads. I’m into the old gods, old magick and things hidden or demonized or suppressed. I love mother earth and the goddess. I’m a very curious person.

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Welcome @Roxxane666

Where are you from?

Do you have any practical experience in magick at all?

If so, what do you practice, and how long have you practiced it?

If not, what areas of magick are you interested in learning?

Thank you for elucidating more upon your experience @MorningStar777, and again, welcome to the BALG forum :slight_smile:

Hello DarkestKnight,

I’m from Texas. I currently do not have any practical experience or guidance other than what I’ve researched. I’m passionate about demonology and black magic. I’m currently working on developing my senses so that I can properly evoke and communicate with deities.

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Hope you find someone in your Pathworking that helps you feel balanced…

The last few years have been pretty chaotic worldwide not in a good way either, so just want you to be aware you are not alone with your struggles.

Hi everyone, I’m here!
Hmm now I want to inform and I can’t find the words. Anyways my main interests are love and pleasure. Creating a more sensual, relaxing environment and personal health wellness.Believe it that’s it for me. I explore different ways of soul reading, my spirit has been told. I enjoy writing, journals, painting, some meditation, crystals,altars, visions.

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Welcome @Triedit

Where are you from?

Do you have any practical experience in magick?

If you do, what, exactly, do you practice, and how long have you practiced it?

What areas of magick are you interested in?

Hello everyone! I’m Abhilasha but you can call me Onion! It may sound a bit weird but it’s something my (late) aunt used to call me and it’s stuck. I’m neurodivergent and queer. Pronouns she/her.

It is a little over an year now since I’ve started witchcraft, and I really look forward to learning more. I’m quite drawn to dream magick and working more on the astral plane, especially because I’ve been lucid dreaming since I was a child and I’m a lot more receptive there than in the physical realm. I’ve been told I’m a healer so I’m working on it as well.

Mental health has gotten better since I got into this, but everyday I still struggle with past issues that come up and my anxiety and depression, constantly doubting myself is something that I’m trying to undo. My guides have told me many times that I need to trust myself more, it’s a long painful journey but it is something that I must do to be my truest self.

As I am writing this, my struggle in this period of time is my career. There are options pouring from everywhere and I’m in the middle of it, unable to sort or work through what’s best for me and what will suit me well. I know what I want my life to look like, it’s just the road that’s giving me a back ache (quite literally too😂).

I’m looking forward to spending time and learning here! I hope everyone has a great day! :purple_heart: