Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum 2.0

Thank you for expanding a bit on your experience, and again, welcome to the BALG forum :slight_smile:

thank you very much and have a nice night or day wherever you are

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My magick name is Kat, straight, male 18
Iā€™m new and I wanna know everything

All the Universe is the Temple, I know it gets hard not being directly in or near nature to feel connected. I find that cities can have a lot of good shops if you are in the right ones.

What draws you to BALG? As it is primarily a black magick/demon focused website. You seem to have a very green witch aura. Nothing at all wrong with that, just curious what also draws you to the darker side of magick.


I believe my main attribute is healing and most work I do got to do with it.

I came across BALG and my instinct told me to get the course. From there, I finally understood the meaning of casting magic from studying EA Koettingā€™s course.

Learning magic has always been my goal in life and I want to learn it as a whole. So, Iā€™m here with my passion.

Hope it answers your question! :slight_smile:

Im Stephenā€¦ been on this path for about 10 years, aboutā€¦

hope that picture is not MASSIVE ā€¦

I love trans people ā€¦ welcomeā€¦

Welcome @shendy Please introduce yourself properly.

You claim to ā€œbe on this path for ten yearsā€ so, what, exactly, do you practice? You have told us nothing at all about yourself or your magical experience so this doesnā€™t meet our rule for introductions.

Do you work in any specific systems or traditions?

Welcome @Lil_Kat

Do you have any practical experience in magick? You havenā€™t told us anything.

if you do, what do you practice and how long have you practiced it?

If not, what areas of magick are you interested in learning?

I have no Idea about magick, just wanna learn how it works, or whats the logic behind it, maybe summoning ? that would be fun

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Welcome @rc211

How long have you been practicing?

I have been practicing for almost 20 years. Some of the traditions I follow are based on Mesopotamian Magick and one of my favorite deities to work with from the pantheon is Ninhursag. I also spend a lot of time with Hindu deities.

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Hello! Please call me Bee. Iā€™m from the southern United States, 40, love to run, read and do yoga.

Iā€™m a definitely a beginner. Iā€™ve always felt drawn to magic and darker spiritually. I was raised Catholic, and while I connected with the ritual and tradition, Iā€™ve never felt drawn to the dogma. Magic has always seemed more attuned to nature and authentic human desire. I like the idea of using my intuition to conduct myself, rather than a set of rules laid out at some point in history by someoneā€™s idea of morals.

I donā€™t have the confidence to say Iā€™ve even been practicing magic. I feel comfortable saying Iā€™ve used my increased free time since March 2020 to learn, read and attempt some magic. Iā€™ve done some jar spells, candle and meditation spells and last week, wrote my first petition.

Iā€™m not even sure what brought me to the BALG forum. About a month ago, I must have been doing a search that brought up a thread, Iā€™ve been down the rabbit hole since. Something about the way people talk about magic and their practices on the forum speaks to me. The information has been fascinating.

Iā€™m still learning about traditions and ways people practice, I find Iā€™m drawn to threads and articles on demonolatry. Iā€™m also interested in manifesting and lunar magic. Iā€™ve spent the past few months learning more about the moons cycles and how they can affect spell casting.

My struggle as I begin to get more into spell work is patience. Iā€™ve seen (great) advice to send magic out into the universe and then forget it, go on with life and let it work. I have a very hard time with this and find myself wondering and waiting for results. Iā€™d like to work on letting go.

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Welcome @Cupsofthree :slight_smile:

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Completely new no experience @anon69037110 is my real life friend not entirely know what I want to learn yet

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My name is DH Black.
I identify solely as a Magician that aligns with the belief in Nietzscheā€™s Ubermensch.
I have studied Magick for nearly 10 years now and i am currently writing a book. I am a self-identified sociologist but i will keep my political opinions to myself (they are pretty much identical to Timothyā€™s). I have long left an organisation such as the JoS as i could not tolerate a lot of what they preached. I am also a former member of the hacktivist group Anonymous - i worked hard to educate fellow Anons regarding occult practices used by the Catholic Church so we could work hard to expose them.

I am open to all forms of magick although i feel that magick used by religious groups such as the Wiccans is very limiting. I have watched and studied EAā€™s videos for years now since the age of 10 years old lol. Im a former catholic from an abusive environment. EAs videos were of course very appealing to me.

Hi my name is RYE im new to magic i have a good sense of humor and im ready to get started and learn from yall have been lurking for more then a year now and find it interesting to learn more about it


Welcome @Rye

What areas of magick are you interested in learning?


Well im new to this so im trying to learn by reading on all kinda fields

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