Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum 2.0

Welcome to the forums. There’s no better time in history than to start today with what’s available. I’ve always wanted to visit Bali. I hear Indonesia has laws against witchcraft though?

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yes youcan came to bali, no there is not yet the shaman still operate

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Hello everyone. My name is Siren. I’m 19 years old and I have been studying the occult since I was 11 and officially started practiticing when I was 16. My main interest are Hoodoo and Demons. I am a Luciferian witch who grew up in the Bible belt and currently living in the Midwest. I have a deep appreciation for all of the arts as well as history. Happy to be apart of a community with like minded people.


My name is jay I I always dabbled back and forth with these kinds of stuff I honestly just want to learn more years ago I found this but didn’t know if I was just hoping this stuff was real or not I’m still learning to this day I’m mainly attracted to dantalion and Asmodeus I’m doing a lot of reading I’ve done some spell work but I’m not a pro at all lol

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Hi my name is darksoul666 and im new here and i just want to begin on my magickal journey to learn and grow as a student of magick. I always wanted to learn black magic and others its hard to choose lol but as always thank you for letting me get to know you all hope our friendships become a growing personal bonds of magick


Welcome @Demonsoul666

Do you have any practical experience in magick at all, or are you starting completely from scratch?

New to magic


Starting from scratch


I do not particularly like names, but unholyReverie will do. It has had a nice ring to it the last couple years. Suits me.

I like introductions even less.

I have roamed and dabbled over all sorts of things over the years, but have most taken a shine to shamanism, death magic, vampirism, and Taoism. Those I have the most affinity for, keep coming back to the most, though I draw influences from all over. Funny how things weave in and out together.

I am especially focusing on working with death in all manner of ways now.


Welcome @unholyReverie

How long have you been practicing?

Thank you. It has been about 20 years now.


Hello fine folks,

My god. What a forum! So many seemingly competent and wonderful people on here. It makes me feel ashamed in my slothful, melancholic and confused temperament

My name is Adi. I came about this forum researching ways to work with the invocation of Loki. Didn’t expect much due to the fickle nature of public forums and the general ammount of delusional crazy going about, but I took a great liking to Conner Kendall’s take on the subject matter – working with Mercury as a dark force of cunning and deception. Really appreciated the astrological nuances, read posts of other members, and thought to myself “Wow. Jesus fuck. There’s some seriously competent people on board” Call it a gut feeling, but on most other forums I seem to take a liking to a handfull of people after much research. On here, it is by the dozen – the fish swim across freely and dangerously potent

I’ve been practicing magic and the internal arts since I was 15. Wanted to become a priest as an early childhood dream. Used to taunt demons as a kid running up our Belarussian apartment complex. Near death experiences, prophetic dreams and so forth…

I’m mostly concerned about Neoplatonic Theurgy and Daoist Neidan. Some 3-4 years ago, after I got my first initiation in Neidan, I quit practicing altogether. The effects were very real. To be honest, I have an ingrained fear in me – not so much if magic is real or not, but more so what will happen to me if I touch that livewire of power that I’ve broushed up against so far… I want it, but I’m concerned of being too far gone

I’ve had personal issues in this regard. Daydreaming, isolation, depression, substance abuse…

There is something violently Dionysian in me that wants the soul to leave the body / devouring the macrocosmos to become a formidable microcosmos. Like Unas in the Pyramid Texts, Slayer of the Gods.

Ugh. I hope it doesn’t sound too corny

The deities I’ve been attracted to have always had this element in them. Shiva. Dionysus. Chinnamasta. Hathor. Anubis. Loki

But I’m not of such a temperament as to get my hands down and dirty. Shoot first, ask questions later. I envy this type of character much, but I have seen enough failed stories of people who tries to venture this path not having what it takes

I’ve flirted successfully, but never enough to loose myself in the chaos

I’m too cerebral in a sense. I want to cut off the head of Medusa and see the veil of the stony reality of the cosmos turned alive

That is an honest representation of myself, biographical details set aside. Glad to meet you all


Welcome @Steerpike

How long have you been pracitcing? You say “since fifteen,” but, since you haven’t told us how old you are, this doesn’t really tell us anything.

Do you have any experience in systems or traditions outside of these?

Hi there!

I am Azar and have recently started exploring the realm of black magic. I am completely intrigued by it! I am researching a lot about it and currently doing some courses. I spent most of my childhood in ‘another world’, detached from the material plane. My first day in the physical plane seemed to be at the age of 10 when I became conscious of my surrounding. It was shocking to me since everyone around me seemed to know and have experienced me for a long time, but I didn’t. I spent more and more time focusing on myself as I aged and explored various spiritual phenomena. Long story short, The drive to know the truth brought me in the path of magic and now black magic. Black magic now has completely changed my perception of life and spirit, destroying fear, shame, and guilt created by society. I have recently started practicing black magic and loving it!. I feel I am finally in my element! It has really set me free, no longer do I try to restrict my ‘desires’ and ‘bad intentions’ to create my own destiny and life happenings. I am now assertive, strong, and confident. I can’t say I have felt this way so early in a path. I have yet to find a path within black magic, particularly still freaked out about working with daemons due to my Abrahamic upbringing. However, I am excited at the same time to find the truth and decide what is and what isn’t by myself.


@Lady_Eva please lift my suspension. There are a few things I need to take care of. I hope making this account doesn’t get me banned. Im just trying to get my account back.

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Welcome @Sha_sha

How long have you been practicing?

I have been practicing ‘white magic’ for years now, but nothing much came out of it, too many restrictions and ethics and what is right and wrong restricted my work immensely. I have, however, out of desperation started exploring black magic for the last 3 months and already seeing changes in my life.


Define what you mean by “white magick.” And how many is that?

Do you have experience in any specific systems or traditions?



Have not created a magical name

I like all kinds of magick!

Current ambitions reaching countless recitations of incantations and mantra .
Achieving the 3 godlike power state! omniciese omnipotence omnipresence!

Training working trough the soul retrieval tome by Enoch!
Current struggles well dam last year i was living on the side of California 1 highway The Art of Shen ku purity much.


Welcome @GabrielJS0

Do you have any practical experience in magick? Your post is a bit jumbled and hard to understand.

If you do, what exactly do you practice and how long have you practiced it?

Do you have experience in any specific systems or traditions?