Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum 2.0

Hi im at peace, male. I Practice pacing the big dipper and esoteric arts from taoism, have been for 5 years now.
I belong to the maoshan and dragon gate systems and also taught by wang liping and jerry alan johnson books.

Hi. This is my 2nd introduction, as Iā€™ve deleted my 1st original one for personal reasons. Iā€™ve been using the forum for a few years now, and have shared some wild experiences. I have started my journey as a magickian roughly 3 years ago. I was leaning towards the LHP in my practices, which was inspired by a psychedelic DMT trip. I have used books by the GoM, worked with many demons, as well as angels, with mild-to-great success. My journey has vastly progressed recently, and I am currently seeking some help. I plan on making some more posts, so I figured itā€™s time to reintroduce myself. :v:

What, exactly, do you practice? In your previous intro, you said you had some mild success with the Gallery of Magick books and in this new one you need to provide similar information. Otherwise it is incomplete.

What are your areas of magical interest?


Understood. Edited.

Hello, I have been dabbling in magick since my early 20s. The magickal path usually gets ā€œactivatedā€ some times every year. Then I go back to the organized religion. I would say I am an opportunist. I have had some success with Magick over the year, but nothing significant. I am happy to be a learner. To me energy is energy and there is no right or wrong. Itā€™s the userā€™s actions that decide how the energy gets used.

Welcome @Asabove. Please tell us about yourself.

Where are you from?

Approximately how long is that?

What, exactly do you practice?

Do you follow any specific system or tradition?

What are your areas of magical interest?

My practice mainly involved deity work (mostly with Thoth and Sekhmet). I have been doing this for around 3 years.

My practice is eclectis, including elements from kemetic reconstructionism and ceremonial magick.

My main interests lie in spirit evocation, spirit possession.


I just stumbled across this forum for the first time, surprisingly. What a wealth of knowledge!
I came looking for help academically as I near the end of my degree, I have already found my answers, thankfully. Magick has been a relatively casual part of my life, though, looking back over the last few years I have felt the best times were when I was more aligned with magick. I particularly love/work with Lilith. I have worked with witches for evocations, which have been wonderful, but I would love to be more confident in my own magick.

Thank you for reading if you do, thank you for having me and I look forward to being apart of the community.

Welcome @littlemisswest666. Please tell us about yourself.

Where are you from?

What, exactly, do you practice and how long have you practiced?

Do you follow any specific system or tradition?

What are your areas of magical interest?

Iā€™m Dukesy, to be honest Iā€™m not 100% sure why Iā€™m here as I donā€™t have any experience with Satanism, or anything of that nature, I have had many experiences of which I canā€™t really explain though, throughout my whole life Iā€™ve felt like Iā€™m surrounded by ā€˜entities of a higher powerā€™, my parents even told me once that when I was a kid I used to speak to and ā€˜touchā€™ things that simply werenā€™t there, they were actually quite worried at one point because I was telling them about all the dead relatives Iā€™d seen and spoken to, and as I got older it would only get more frequent, my body felt like a hotel there were all sorts of things I used to see and feel in dreams, during the day, not all bad but very confusing, anyway I guess Iā€™m here because I want to see if there are any explanations to this, or if I have some sort of disorder or mental health issue, I have a lot of knowledge in psychology but I cant seem to pinpoint an exact cause for all this, the closest thing I can come up with is some sort of sensory overload the kind of thing autistic people have but instead brought on by trauma, I mean Iā€™ve seen my fair share of traumatic events as a child, nothing special but maybe my brain isnā€™t accustomed to dealing with such events as well as other peoples are, or maybe I cant explain it and this stuff is real, i I guess thats what Iā€™m here to find out.

Hello. Iā€™ve been here many years ago in another carnation but decided to come back to see what was what and it wasnā€™t even planned. I just sort of ended up here but chose to stay.

Donā€™t really have much to say about myself except that I would call myself a Diabolist who is into Demonomancy and Iā€™ve been at it for some years but there are times Iā€™m inactive as well. Thatā€™s enough about me. See you around.

Welcome @Vidal_Duartes Please tell us about yourself.

Where are you from?

So what, exactly, do you practice and approximately how long have you practiced?

Do you follow any particular system or tradition?

What are your areas of magical interest?

n/a, no and anything that works. How about you??

Sorry, but the questions I asked are a required part of a proper introduction. We need a bit of info on what you practice and how long you have practiced as it helps us gauge experience level for providing appropriate advice and direction.

Hello, I was on this forum several years ago under a different user profile that seems to have since been deleted. [Aethad Haldint]

Since then, I have primarily studied and trained kundalini, energy work, and chakras. I have some experience using the ajna chakra (third eye) to manifest.

Thank you

Welcome @Bradley_Greene

How long have you practiced?

Waht are your areas of magical interest?

It is I who am sorry because what I practice and for how long is private and should be respected as such. Not everybody is open to such things on the internet. But if thatā€™s a standard, then I can delete or deactivate my account so, there wonā€™t be any problems.

Hello all! After reading on the forum for about a month, Iā€™ve finally decided to join. I donā€™t typically join forums, pretty rare for me (itā€™s been about 10 years or so since Iā€™ve joined a forum, so go easy on my basic mistakes like formatting or embedding). Iā€™m usually quite private and reserved, but I can make an exception for my introduction. My username is from a Socrates quote. I consider myself an eternal student/researcher of whatever catches my interest and will ceaselessly learn about said subject until all or most information has been exhausted. So I know how to use search functions well :wink:

Iā€™m from the US west coast, have lived on the west coast my whole life. An additional bit; Iā€™m not religious by any means, never really have been because I feel thereā€™s not one right answer to all of this, Iā€™m more spiritual in general than anything. Though Iā€™ve had numerous spiritual and paranormal experiences throughout my entire life which has kind of led me to the occult/magick/here over time. Iā€™ve tried to rationalize a good chunk of it up until this point, in which I now accept it as reality.

As far as practicing magick of any sort I wouldnā€™t really say I have practiced or have practical experience much or at all, pretty new overall. Though I have ā€˜dabbledā€™ a few years ago with cartomancy or scrying with a mirror (The latter of which spooked me at the time and I kind of quit the scrying after the first attempt due to a sudden presence), which gave results to me and showed that I have at least some ability with divination and such. I have recently discovered that Iā€™ve been able to manipulate my energies since I was 11 - 12 (now ~29, better late than never I suppose), but didnā€™t know what it was, that it had a purpose or how to get better at it until recently. My senses suck, but since Iā€™ve learned about them, I feel Iā€™ve already gotten better at some senses like clairsentience and clairaudience.

I donā€™t have any strict adherence to any magick systems or traditions, I donā€™t believe the traditional western religious dogma/values; like demons/daemons/others are automatically evil or such as entities, and much like human individuals, are unique and will not be feared and be treated with respect until given a reason not to. I believe that if I can see others getting results and perhaps if I myself get results if Iā€™m interested enough, why limit myself to one system? I donā€™t seem to have a focus on a certain kind of magick at the moment, Iā€™ll probably make my rounds to most things in some respect eventually, as I feel I am on an unstoppable path now.

I honestly owe this ā€˜true and final awakeningā€™ if you will, to @anon97554939 and her servitor, Luna. I donā€™t remember exactly how I stumbled upon the website or the topic, but it changed everything for me within 5 minutes of summoning Luna for the first time about a month ago. It was like a gigantic weight was lifted up off of me and things have been going much much better for me ever since. I always thank Luna after each summoning (which I will now do weekly instead of daily since things have settled down) and tell them that thereā€™s never going to be a way I can repay them enough for what theyā€™ve done for me. Pretty sure I had a nasty neg attached to me or at least my house or something that I think had persisted for quite some time. Both of you have my eternal thanks :innocent:

Now Iā€™m not really an ambitious person, I do what I do, that is all. My only real struggle is time. Thereā€™s NEVER enough timeā€¦ I typically have several to a dozen or more tabs open as I read/learn about and investigate things, and it may take days for them all to be closed, they stay open usually until Iā€™ve learned all I can. Eternal student and all :wink:

I hope thatā€™s a good enough introduction. Sorry about the novel, I see most donā€™t post such long introductions, I just tend to pack detail into anything I write. Maybe youā€™ll see me around.


Welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

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This is just a forum, not the whole internet.

They have to filter and validate new accounts to make sure they arenā€™t fraudulent.

I am new here was kind of surprised by those questions also.

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